9/25/17                                                            http://roganslist.blogspot.com/

Contact Federal Government Officials

Search all members of Congress here:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/current
Fax your legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
Find senators Twitter and Facebook Accounts here:
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text your US postal address to (520) 200-2223 and get a text back with your
STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.


Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      This week in Congress: Let's check out the House majority leader schedule for the eleven (11) bills coming up on the House floor this week. Let's look for bills that our on our own agendas and let our representatives know how we feel about them.  Let's remember that we can find out more information about these bills during the week on Countable.us  Countable posts the weekly schedule on Mondays with links to information on the bills and gives us a handy tool to send emails to our representatives. 

2.      News that Sen. McCain does not support the Graham-Cassidy bill was a cause for joy on Friday but this is not over as arm-twisting continues of Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Sen. Rand Paul, and others. The GOP feels backed into a corner and will do anything they can to avoid a humiliating defeat. Over the weekend, a group of prominent physician, hospital, and insurance organizations wrote a letter together calling on the Senate to reject Graham-Cassidy:   http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/352097-medical-groups-urge-lawmakers-to-reject-graham-cassidy-bill  We can also read statements by many of these organizations here: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/9/21/16340066/health-group-statements-graham-cassidy-bill  So, until the September 30th deadline is truly behind us, we must go once more to the breach. Please keep calling, faxing, and tweeting our Senators (particularly the GOP ones). Let them know that the AMA, AAFP, AHA, FAH, AHIP, and BCBS all know how dangerous this bill is for the people of our nation and 1/6th of our economy.

3.      “The Trump administration has come under attack from critics who say that it is intentionally undermining the Affordable Care Act, through regulatory actions. It shortened the enrollment period, withdrew money for advertising and cut the budget for navigator groups, which help people shop for plans.  And now HHS is closing the site for a substantial portion of each weekend — for maintenance, officials said. That is the same time that many working patients — the prime target group for ACA insurance — could be shopping for their insurance, critics noted.”  http://khn.org/news/hhs-to-close-insurance-exchange-for-12-hours-on-sundays-during-enrollment/  Let’s  make sure to spread the news to our family, friends and on our FB pages so people know about the enrollment period and maintenance. Then, let’s register our dislike with the Dept. of Health and Human Services:  https://www.hhs.gov/about/contact-us

4.      Residents of Puerto Rico are American citizens.  It is not a foreign country.  It is an unincorporated territory of the United States.  After the devastation of Hurricane Maria, our fellow citizen in Puerto Rico are in crisis.  http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41377185 and http://thehill.com/latino/351986-puerto-rico-braces-for-clean-up-hopes-for-funds  Let’s all tell our MoCs that Puerto Rico needs our help NOW!

5.      Although we can hope that somehow two madmen will cancel each other out, it is hard not to be daunted by Trump’s increased threats against North Korea which seem to close the door on diplomatic solutions and disarmament: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-trump-un/trump-cranks-up-north-korea-threats-as-pyongyang-holds-anti-u-s-rally-idUSKCN1BZ02M The North Korea situation has long been dangerous enough without POTUS flaming the fires. Please be in touch with our MoCs to remind them that millions of lives are on the line and that our president’s actions are a dereliction of duty.

6.      The Saudi military campaign in Yemen has led to thousands of civilian deaths directly and helped spark a famine that is putting countless lives at risk. Yet the United States continues to sell arms to Saudi Arabia and even helps refuel their jets (http://www.newsweek.com/us-made-bomb-killed-children-yemen-so-trump-might-be-complicit-war-crimes-669240). Let’s contact our reps and ask them to co-sponsor of the Khanna-Jones-Pocan resolution to stop refueling the Saudis in Yemen. We cannot allow ourselves to remain complicit in these war crimes.

7.      Trump and the Republicans have put so much time and effort into taking away our health care that they have neglected to do their job and extend a program that provides millions of children with coverage (http://knau.org/post/arizona-reps-urge-action-children-s-health-insurance-program-set-expire#stream/0). Funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program expires September 30th, and Congress still hasn’t acted to preserve it. We must contact our reps and tell them to stop focusing on the new Trumpcare and put their efforts towards guaranteeing that this extremely successful program continues to help our kids.

8.      “The Trump presidency is opening up a new battlefront in the intense and controversial war over American voting rights. After a decade of wrangling between Democrats who have sought to expand voting opportunities and Republicans who have invoked the specter of voter fraud to restrict them, the focus is now on purging registration lists – even at the risk of kicking large numbers of eligible voters off the rolls. The justice department (DoJ) has also begun issuing legal opinions to support states that have passed restrictive new voting rules, even when they appear to contradict existing federal law. Voting rights activists say these efforts are kicking voter suppression into a higher gear at a time when federal courts are ruling that a flurry of strict new voter ID laws in several Republican-run states discriminate against minority voters and college students. Many observers point out that past presidential commissions on voting have been scrupulously bipartisan and recruited universally recognized experts in their fields. This one, by contrast, appears to be driven largely by one man on a mission to make what Rosenberg, the voting rights specialist, called “fallacious recommendations”. There is no need for this commission to be looking into voter fraud,” said Rosenberg, whose group is suing the presidential commission over its work and its lack of transparency. "It should be trying to come up with ways to make it easier for people to vote, not harder for people to vote.”  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/17/trump-election-integrity-commission-voting-rights-kris-kobach and  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/17  Lets tell Trump this commission needs to be disbanded. Let's tell Kobach to stop his partisan games to restrict voting rights.  Contact Kobach:  tweet @KrisKobach1787,  write to Kansas Secretary of State, Memorial Hall, 1st Floor, 120 SW 10th Avenue, Topeka, KS 66612-1594 or call(785) 296-4561  Contact Trump :   https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact

9.      In May 2017 "Congressmen Anthony G. Brown (MD-04) introduced the Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act (H.R. 2670). The bill would close three potentially fatal loopholes in the federal law that allow convicted stalkers and those under temporary restraining orders to buy firearms, while also expanding the definition of “intimate partner” to provide protections to those subjected to physical abuse by current or former dating partners. his bill was recently introduced and is co-sponsored by 48 other Representatives."  https://anthonybrown.house.gov/media/press-releases/congressman-brown-introduces-bill-close-loopholes-domestic-violence-and   Let's tell our reps that we support to this bill to protect women.

10.  On Monday at 4pm, the Senate will convene and proceed to executive session to resume consideration of the nomination of William J. Emanuel to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board. They are expected to vote. Emanuel would give the board, the nation's top labor law enforcement agency, its first Republican majority since President George W. Bush's administration, as noted in the Washington Examiner. Democrats filibustered Emanuel's nomination, but the Senate voted 49-44 to move forward.  It's probably too late to make a difference but let's make a few last-minute calls to tell our Republican senators to vote "no" on Emanuel so they know we are paying attention. 

11.  Bipartisan bills HR 2267HR 3394S 1301, and S 1754 all are crucial legislation that would maintain or add to the existing number of residency spots for medical graduate students in the U.S. Last year, more than 15,000 qualified medical school graduates were unable to secure residency spots. By 2030, the U.S. is predicted to be short 100,000 physicians; if we are not able to maintain funding for the residencies that already exist (S 1301/HR 2267) and create new ones to supplement them (S 1754/HR 3394), millions in our country will be unable to access medical care when they need it due to a widespread physician shortage, particularly in rural and traditionally underserved areas. https://news.aamc.org/medical-education/article/new-aamc-research-reaffirms-looming-physician-shor/  The deadline for these bills to pass Congress is September 30th.  Let’s make sure our MoCs know that this important issue needs their attention fast.

12.  Jared Kushner and others have been using private email accounts for government business.  http://www.politico.com/story/2017/09/24/jared-kushner-private-email-white-house-243071?cmpid=sf   Knowing how insistent  he was that it was wrong when Hillary doing the same, let’s ask Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) when he will be convening an investigation of wrong-doing for the current White House staff, or let’s ask him if maybe it really wasn’t about her emails after all.  Contact:  https://gowdy.house.gov/contact

13.  From Indivisible Ventura:   The EPA is filling up vacancies on the EPA Charter Science Advisory Board. 11 of the nominees are climate change deniers!   
https://indivisibleventura.org/2017/09/21/nominee-watch-epa-science-advisors-edition-written-comment-deadline-928/  https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/climate-skeptics-could-snag-epa-science-adviser-slots/ and Public comments should be submitted by email to Mr. Thomas Carpenter, Designated Federal Officer no later than September 28, 2017, at  carpenter.thomas@epa.gov. There’s no fancy docket page like other regulatory issues. Just be advised that public comments are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act. 

State Actions

1.      MA: Activists are working to get two worker-friendly referendum questions on the 2018 state ballot. One would raise the Massachusetts minimum wage from $11/hour to $15/hour. http://raiseupma.org/campaigns/the-fight-for-15/ The other would create Paid Family and Medical Leave insurance for most Massachusetts workers. http://raiseupma.org/campaigns/paid-leave/ If we’re in Massachusetts, let’s sign up here to help:  http://action.raiseupma.org/page/s/join-raise-up-ma

2.      FL: Democrat Gabriela Mayaudon is running against Republican Daniel Perez in a race for Florida House District 116. 
http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article173385101.html If we’re in this district, let’s be sure to vote for Mayaudon in the September 26 special election. http://elections.flippable.org/elections?id=SFLH116

3.      SC: Spartanburg County (State House of Representatives District 31) is holding a special election on September 26. Democrat Rosalyn Henderson Myers faces Republican Mike Fowler. http://wspa.com/2017/08/08/myers-wins-democratic-runoff-for-sc-house-district-31-seat/ If we’re in Spartanburg County, let’s vote for Myers. https://www.facebook.com/HendersonMyersforSCHouse31/

4.      FL: Soutwest Miami-Dade County Senate District 40 is holding a special election on September 26. Democrat Annette Taddeo is running against Republican Jose Felix Dias and Independent Christian Schlaerth. If we’re in this district, let’s be sure to vote for Taddeo.  http://elections.flippable.org/elections?id=SFLS040

5.      MA: The City of Boston is holding a preliminary municipal election on September 26. Polls open at 7AM. The election will narrow down the number of candidates who will run in the general election on November 7—including candidates for mayor. If we’re in Boston, let’s be sure to vote! More info here: https://www.boston.gov/calendar/city-boston-preliminary-municipal-election

6.      NH: Rockingham County District No. 4 is holding a special election on September 26. Democrat Kari Lerner is running against Republican James F. Headd and Libertarian James Jarvis for State Representative. If we live in Chester, Sandown, or Auburn, let’s be sure to elect Democrat Kari Lerner. For more info and polling hours, see http://karilernerfornh.com/ .

Other Actions

1.      Trump had a busy weekend inflaming racial tensions and reasserting that he is a white supremacist by jumping into the fray with professional athletes like Colin Kaepernick and Stephen Curry. Here is a recap: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-sports/trump-clashes-with-sports-world-over-player-protests-invitation-idUSKCN1BY0SX and a powerful op-ed in The New Yorker about his racial demagoguery: https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-racial-demagoguery-of-trumps-assaults-on-colin-kaepernick-and-steph-curry/amp If we are a football fan, please be in touch with our favorite team to let them know that we are “taking a knee” with Kaepernick. And then let’s send postcards to Trump to let him know that he cannot fire us and that we will not quit: The White House:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact

2.      After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico has been completely devastated; there is no power for the entire island, neighborhoods are experiencing severe flooding , and there is extensive structural damage http://bbc.in/2fJQb8h There is also now a concern that there will be additional flooding due to the imminent failure of the Guajataca Dam. Centro, the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at City University of New York, has compiled a list of local Puerto Rican organizations we can consider donating to http://bit.ly/2wKrrCo For those of us with the means, we may also think about donating to the Hurricane Maria Community Relief and Recovery Fund http://bit.ly/2yrQ7

3.      From Postcards for Voters:  There is a new and easier way to keep up with the various campaigns around the country that need postcards written to voters.  “Amplify will make it even easier for you to stay plugged in to which candidate needs postcards on any given day. You can also cheer on other volunteer writers, be reminded of ways to help Postcards to Voters grow, and keep track of your weekly streaks of activism with us.  From your phone, visit https://getamplify.org/install to install the free Amplify app on your phone. When asked, use the Postcards to Voters invitation code: 051-716-000”

4.      Many of us are wondering how we can help the people of Mexico who are recovering from the earthquake.  Oxfam is a reputable organization and “100% of funds designated for the earthquake in Mexico will be used for support services and relief and recovery efforts for affected areas.”  Let’s donate here:  https://secure2.oxfamamerica.org/page/content/emergency_mexico/

5.      Resistors who are employed at a traditional workplace: Gather together with your fellow co-workers and ask your CEO/President to publicly commit to diversity and inclusion at your company/institution of learning/non-profit/ by signing on to the CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion collaborative. https://www.ceoaction.com  Alternatively, create grassroots employee-driven change by pushing for one of the many actions in their inclusivity database.  https://www.ceoaction.com/actions/

6.      In response to reports of there being planned ICE raids in Northern Virginia, Indivisible Guide has posted a collection of resources: "Alert for Northern Virginia: ICE is planning a sweep of 120+ ppl in Fairfax, Arlington, and Alexandria this Sunday [9/24/17].  First, know your rights: American Immigration Lawyers Association has all the info you need for ICE preparedness here: http://bit.ly/2fqekDL  Also, our friends at United We Dream have a hotline where families can call in to report raids/enforcement actions: 1-844-363-1423 In case of a raid, this tool can help find out the locations of detainees: https://locator.ice.gov/odls/ And no matter where you are in the U.S., you can push Congress to stop Trump's deportation machine. Learn more here:  http://standup.indivisibleguide.com " Let's pass this information along, and make sure that we are also checking out the action items at the Stand Up Indivisible link.

7.      Many of us are looking for ways to bridge differences and bring people together.  The People’s Supper is a unique way of bringing people together over food.  Here’s what they say, “This isn’t about a political party, or what is or isn’t happening in Washington. It’s about us, and our relationship to one another. Too often, we exist in echo chambers and see each other as monoliths: one-sided stereotypes who can be reduced to a single word or phrase”.  Let’s use this link to learn more about this and find out if there is a supper we can join or how we can host one:  https://thepeoplessupper.org/

8.      Democrats have enjoyed significant success in state legislative special selections as voters across the country look to send a message to Republicans about their support of Trump (https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2017-09-14/democrats-making-startling-gains-in-state-legislative-elections). If we put in the work, we can make real gains in Virginia this November. We can help out by taking part in the Sister District Project’s weekly phonebanks for progressive candidates like John Bell and Jennifer Carroll Foy. Let’s sign up for this week’s at this link: https://actionnetwork.org/events/sister-district-weekly-phonebank-2017-09-27

9.      Participant Media, Open Road Films, and First Look Media helped bring the Academy Award-winning investigative journalism drama “Spotlight” to cinemas. They also created the Spotlight Investigative Journalism Fellowship, whose first fellows completed their work this year and second fellowships are underway.  https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2017/09/23/out-spotlight-movie-comes-spotlight-fellowship/MRHvYglajXOLNZL6SPrzvI/story.html In this time when quality journalism is under attack at the highest levels of our government, let’s thank them for their support of long-term, in-depth investigative journalism.  1) Participant Media: 
https://www.participantmedia.com/contact, 2) Open Road Films: Media Contact Liz Biber:  lbiber@openroadfilms.com, and 3) First Look Media: 

10.  After Trump, there was an uprising among women in rural Washington: http://features.crosscut.com/trump-women-rural-washington-state-political-uprising-klickitat-county  Let’s make sure that there are uprisings like this one wherever we live


1.      “The Myanmar military and militia groups are deliberately and systematically targeting the Rohingya Muslim population -- attempting to kill, injure, and remove an entire population.  This is ethnic cleansing”  Let’s sign the petition by SumOfUs calling for other governments to stop providing arms to Myanmar while this continues:   https://actions.sumofus.org/a/stop-ethnic-cleansing-rohingya-muslims-in-myanmar

2.      Sinclair Broadcasting Group is “the most dangerous company most Americans haven’t heard of,” in the words of former FCC Commissioner Michael Copps. “No one company should have such power over the news and information that citizens must have.” But that’s exactly what will happen if Sinclair’s bid to purchase Tribune Media is allowed to go through. Sinclair already owns 173 local TV stations – more than any other company in the United States. If allowed to buy Tribune Media, Sinclair will have access to 72% of the American local TV news market – a veritable monopoly. Here’s what Bill Moyer’s team thinks about the merger:  http://billmoyers.com/story/sinclair-tribune-merger-rotten-deal/ Let’s join Demand Progress in asking the Dept. of Justice to stop this merger:  http://act.demandprogress.org/sign/tell-department-justice-block-sinclair-tribune-merger

Marches/events/teleconferences to attend/organize

1.      On Sunday, October 1st, ACLU's People Power will be launching their Let People Vote campaign. This campaign is a tactic to move to the offensive rather than defensive, focusing on local communities in the effort to support voting rights http://bit.ly/2xvoaLi We can check to see if there is an event near us, or sign up to be a host here: http://bit.ly/2xoYLD9

2.      Tonight, CNN will host a town hall with Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy, who will be debating healthcare with Democratic Sens. Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar, on Monday, Sept. 25 at 9 pm ET.  CNN anchor Jake Tapper and chief political correspondent Dana Bash will moderate the 90-minute live event from Washington.

3.      Many, many women have indicated an interest in running for office since the November 2016 election.  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/04/democrats-inspired-by-trump-to-run-for-office-hillary-clinton  Emily’s List is running a series of trainings for women who may be interested in running for an office.  If we or someone we know might be interested, let’s get more info here:  http://emilyslist.org/run-to-win/trainings

4.      Last week the U.S. House passed an appropriations omnibus bill full of disastrous riders, including one that will block enforcement of the Johnson amendment… giving a free pass to folks who want to turn churches into tax-deductible, dark money super PACs (https://www.bna.com/fate-uncertain-house-n57982088194/). Public Citizen is working to make this rider too controversial to leave in the final bill, and that starts with raising awareness on social media. They are holding a social media Thunderclap TODAY to draw attention to this issue. Those of us on Twitter and Facebook can sign up to help at this link:  https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/62090-missionmonday


1.      Activist Charles Clymer wrote this piece for Dame a month ago titled Who Owns American Patriotism? It is even more timely after Trump’s campaign speech in Alabama: https://www.damemagazine.com/2017/08/23/who-owns-american-patriotism

2.      We’ve been part of the Sleeping Giants work on getting advertisers to stop promoting their goods on Breitbart.  Here’s an interesting backstory:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/the-mysterious-group-thats-picking-breitbart-apart-one-tweet-at-a-time/2017/09/22/df1ee0c0-9d5c-11e7-9083-fbfddf6804c2_story.html?utm_term=.8439fd0472bf

3.      Experts in authoritarianism advise us to keep a list of things subtly changing around us, so we’ll remember.  Amy Siskind is keeping that list for us. Amy writes, "Week 45 is the week of Paul Manafort — who now in retrospect, seems an even more odd choice by Trump for campaign manager. " This week's list starts off with Trump calling Kim Jong Un "Rocket Man." Let's review Amy Siskind's list week 45.

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic part ner of the Action Alliance,
a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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