
Contact Federal Government Officials

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  1. In their desperation to rid themselves of the ACA, late in the night the Senate GOP hastily crafted their 8-page skinny bill, The Freedom Health Care Act and the vote commenced.  Sen. Collins (R-MA), Sen. Murkowski (R-AK), and Sen. McCain (R-AZ) voted against it to bring it to defeat. Both the bill itself and the process were to blame. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/7/28/16054700/senate-obamacare-repeal-john-mccain-susan-collins-lisa-murkowski Let's take the day to congratulate ourselves and rest, then, let’s thank all the senators who voted against this harmful bill.  Most importantly, let's remind ALL our MoCs that we are pro-healthcare voters and we will use our votes in upcoming elections and that we now expect some healthy bipartisan work from them.

  1. On the same day that Trump dismissed transgendered persons from serving in the military, his Dept. of Justice filed an amicus brief in a federal court case arguing that civil rights protections for LGBT citizens is not covered by federal law by saying that Title VII doesn't cover employment discrimination based on sexual orientation.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/07/27/trump-administration-intervening-in-major-lgbt-case-says-job-bias-law-does-not-cover-sexual-orientation/?utm_term=.3ad77c6142c9  Time to contact all our legislators to tell them that the definition of “sex” needs to be updated in the federal law to include language to protect ALL our brothers and sisters. 

  1. Trump’s proposed 2018 budget is a vicious attack on critical programs in almost every corner of the federal budget… and yet he found $23 billion of our tax dollars to put into the boots, walls, and detention facilities that make up his out-of-control deportation machine, and so far Congressional Republicans are giving him most of what he wants. (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-07-11/house-republicans-1-6-billion-border-wall-plan-sets-up-fight) Let’s join Indivisible in calling our members of Congress and telling them to oppose funding for Trump’s deportation agenda. We can get more information here.

  1. Donald Trump is proposing deep cuts to federal aid for affordable housing… except, of course, for a program that would benefit him personally. (http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/338701-trump-budget-calls-for-cuts-to-housing-aid-except-for-subsidy-that) Affordable housing advocates are fighting back as part of a week of action, and we can help. Let’s join CarsonWatch and the No Cuts Coalition in writing to our members of Congress and asking them to fully fund housing aid. We can find a sample letter here.

  1. Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is taking threats from Trump via Twitter and Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke via phone because of her health care “no” votes in the Senate and she has encouraged Trump to focus on governing :http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/343904-murkowski-after-trump-attack-were-here-to-govern?amp Let’s thank Murkowski and ask her to stand strong under all this pressure: https://twitter.com/lisamurkowski and https://www.murkowski.senate.gov/contact

  1. In addition, "Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) on Wednesday defended President Trump's criticism of Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) as fair, saying someone needs to go to the Senate and “snatch a knot in their ass.” http://thehill.com/homenews/house/343970-gop-rep-responds-to-female-senators-vote-against-repeal-snatch-a-knot-in-their  Since when is it ok for a president to bully Senators or for a representative to support the president's behavior with such a crude comment because you don't like the way they (she) voted. Let’s contact Sen. Murkowski and let her know we support her. Contact:  https://www.murkowski.senate.gov/contact.  Then, let's tell Rep. Carter that we think his crude comments are disgusting and inappropriate.  Contact:  https://buddycarter.house.gov/contact/ (scroll down for local offices)

  1. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke picked up the phone to call Alaska Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski to threaten financial retribution to their state because of Murkowski’s health care votes: https://www.adn.com/politics/2017/07/26/trump-administration-signals-that-murkowskis-health-care-vote-could-have-energy-repercussions-for-alaska/?outputType=amp-type Let’s let Zinke know that this is not a Banana Republic and that his actions are out of bounds: https://www.doi.gov/contact-usa and https://twitter.com/SecretaryZinke

  1. From Grandmothers in ActionThe so-called Election Integrity Commission is a disgrace.  Its first act was to request of all Secretaries of State not only their voter rolls, but each voter's party registration, voting history and the last four numbers of the Social Security number.   Luckily, most Secretaries have refused. The Commission's purpose is perfectly clear: to restrict as much as possible the votes of minorities and the poor.  Let's make sure it gets disbanded before it can do more harm.  A number of House and Senate Democrats have introduced the Anti-Voter Suppression Act, S. 1547, to eliminate the Commission.   The bill has been referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration, chaired by Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama and where Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota is the Democratic ranking member. We urge you to contact your Congressional delegation about the importance of this bill and urge them to pass the bill out of committee before the Commission further destroys our voting system.   And we hope you will urge your friends and relatives to make these calls too.

  1. Ten governors (5 Republicans and 5 Democrats) have written a letter together to Congressional leaders to cry foul on the folly on “skinny repeal”: http://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/10-governors-including-republicans-against-obamacare-skinny-repeal-health-care/  These are the governors of Nevada, Massachusetts, Ohio, Maryland, Vermont, Colorado, Louisiana, Montana, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. And, let’s add in the Independent of Alaksa, too. If your governor is on this list, please say thanks: https://www.usa.gov/state-governor

  1. Need more motivation to speak up to your MoC about Trump’s planned trans military ban? Here’s some perspective:http://amp.usatoday.com/story/515058001/ and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) has spoken out against it. Yes, THAT Orrin Hatch:http://amp.usatoday.com/story/512333001/  Let’s thank him, too:  https://www.hatch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/email-orrin

  1. The House Appropriations Committee passed the House budget plan along with the Andy Harris Amendment, which prohibits the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from collecting data related to employees' wages and hours worked http://bit.ly/2vbFkNI http://bit.ly/2w3Iyz2 With this amendment in place, funding is removed from a program which would have expanded wage transparency; something which is sorely needed as equal pay is still a huge issue in our country. Let's be sure to call our reps, to let them know that we do not support this amendment. We can also be vocal on Twitter on Monday, July 31st for #BlackWomensEqualPay Day; via MomsRising: " Black women have to work ALL of 2016 + an extra 212 days in 2017 to earn what White men earned in 2016 alone. This is because Black women are typically paid just 63¢ for each $1 paid to White men." http://bit.ly/2vMMB3z We can find more actionable ideas at the Equal Pay Today website: http://www.equalpaytoday.org/black-womens-equal-pay-day/

  1. Tom Udall (D-NM) has introduced a bill, S1624, to protect us from the toxic chloropyrifos pesticides that were recently ok'd by the Trump regime.  http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-environment-pesticide-bill-idUSKBN1AA1QD  Let's ask our Senators to support S1624.  We can thank Senator Udall at: Tom Udall, 400 Gold Ave SW Ste 300, Albuquerque NM 87102-3253.

  2. On Monday, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) introduced two (2) amendments to the Make America Safe Appropriations Act (H.R. 3219) that would help protect state secrets and limit funds going from the Defense budget to Trump-owned properties http://thehill.com/homenews/house/343468-dem-amendments-target-kushner-trump-businesses Let's tell our Senators that we support Lieu's amendments.  

  1. Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) who supported, and perhaps even encouraged Trump’s tweets banning transgendered persons from the military, cited the costs involved as a major reason.  http://www.sacbee.com/latest-news/article163906153.html Let’s let her know that we are concerned about costs as well and are waiting for her to introduce legislation that will eliminate the military’s use of Viagra as it costs at least fives times more than the costs determined by the Rand Corp. for transgender medical costs.  http://www.businessinsider.com/pentagon-transgender-medical-comparison-2017-7  Contact:  https://hartzler.house.gov/contact/offices

State Actions

Other Actions

  1. From one of our own:  I know that the last few months have contained too much political drama for many of us and we are feeling somewhat dispirited.  So I have a plan! How about this:  on August 10th send out at least 5 postcards to people you know and admire that have been sources of encouragement these last dismal months.  Send out more if you wish.  Let’s spread some good cheer and give folks something to smile about.  Thanks. 

  1. Swing Left has launched "District Funds," a new tool to help fundraising efforts for Democratic candidates in swing districts https://swingleft.org/fundraise They also offer a fundraising guide to help make our fundraising events as successful as possible http://bit.ly/2tGlLsx Let's check it out and help out our candidates in nearby swing districts.

  1. We've been hearing a lot about gerrymandering.  There are two types: racial gerrymandering and partisan gerrymandering.  We can read this Vox article about the two types and watch the included short video to increase our understanding:  https://www.vox.com/videos/2017/7/24/16012440/racial-partisan-gerrymandering-redistricting-supreme-court-video  Since the Republican regime seems determined to gerrymander large areas of Republican voters (partisan gerrymandering), we can help them out by registering as Republicans.  If we are currently non-partisan or independent, let's consider changing our registration to "Republican."  Our registration does not effect who we choose to vote for or give money to. In closed-primary states, it will also open up our ability to vote in Republican primaries.  If enough of us join in, we will be able to change the direction of the Republican party from the inside.  (For those of us familiar with the children's Dr. Seuss story "The Sneetches", registering as Republicans can be our "star-on" machine.) 

  1. The U.S. has one of the worst maternal and infant mortality rates of any wealthy nation. Infants in the U.S. are less likely to make it to their first birthdays than babies in other wealthy nations and our maternal death rates have increased steadily over the past 20 years.  Join MomsRising this Monday, July 31, 8-9pm ET for a Twitter Storm at #MaternalJustice with March of Dimes, Black Mamas Matter Alliance and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine as we share info and stats on infant and maternal health. Also please share YOUR birth story or the birth story of someone you love to make a difference!  Click here to share your birth story: http://moms.ly/2uxRejs

  1. Marc Ryan, Eagle Scout, father, scout executive, posted what most thought should have come from the national Boy Scouts of America office when he wrote this apology on the Facebook page of the Lake Erie Council of the BSA: https://www.facebook.com/LakeErieBSA/posts/1597850970261230 Let’s take the time to thank him for taking a stand on Trump’s presentation at the Jamboree.  Marc Ryan, Greater Cleveland Council, 2241 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44115. 

  1. Want yet another way to contact federal legislators?  Electronic Frontier Foundation, the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world, has developed Democracy.io, a website where we can enter our address, find our MoCs, and write them messages.  Let’s check it out here:  https://democracy.io


  1. Let’s join in this Credo petition to "Oppose the Orphan Product Extensions Now (OPEN) Act, which would grant drug manufacturers six additional months of exclusivity, the monopoly power that allows the companies to charge as much as they like." https://act.credoaction.com/sign/no_pharma_monopolies

Marches/events to attend/organize

  1. Saturday, July 29, all over the country, there are “Our Lives are on the Line” rallies being planned in opposition to the health care bill.  Let’s see if there is one near us and attend, or if not, let’s plan one:  http://ourlivesontheline.org/


  1. Dan Rather said today on Facebook, “Vox's Ezra Klein is one of the most astute political and policy analysts writing today, and his treatment of what is taking place is spot on.’  Here is the article to which Rather was referring:  https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/7/27/16035644/republicans-obamacare-repeal-lying

  1. In the midst of the health care debate in Congress yesterday, the House GOP tweeted this:  What has the House done over the last 7 months? Find out :  https://www.didyouknow.gop/

  1. And, as if Washington was not chaotic enough, Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director, is starting off in a very questionable manner, yet supposedly condoned by Trump:  http://www.newyorker.com/news/ryan-lizza/anthony-scaramucci-called-me-to-unload-about-white-house-leakers-reince-priebus-and-steve-bannon

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
         a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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