
Contact Federal Government Officials

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text your US postal address to (520) 200-2223 and get a text back with your
STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.

Some reports are stating that the call volume on the Senate health care bill is nowhere near the volume of calls during the House version.
Let’s change that!  CALL!!

  1. THE CBO score on the Senate healthcare bill is out, and it confirms our worst fears.  The Senate’s version of Trumpcare would raid $772 billion from Medicaid by 2026 ― BEFORE the largest cuts kick in; 15 million Americans would lose their coverage next year, and that number would climb to 22 million by 2026.  As Sen. Warren tweeted yesterday, “A bill that kicks 22 million people off insurance to deliver $569 billion in tax giveaways to rich people is not a "health care" bill.”  Four Republican senators have voiced their doubts about the Trumpcare bill: Shelley Moore Capito (WV) 202-224-6472, Bill Cassidy (LA) 202-224-5824, Lisa Murkowski (AK) 202-224-6665, and Rob Portman (OH) 202-224-3353. Let’s push them to vote their objections!

  1. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) has announced that after learning the CBO score that she will vote no on the healthcare plan.  https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/politics/2017/06/26/susan-collins-maine-says-she-will-vote-senate-health-bill/yNDUaqbNWbX55MfOliFyTK/story.html Let’s call/write to thank her for that decision:  https://www.collins.senate.gov/contact

  1. So many of us are calling our senators and reps right now that we're having trouble getting through. Those of us who can't take the time to sit on hold can record a voicemail to be delivered directly to their members of Congress' phones with the Stance app. We can find the app here: http://www.takeastance.us/. And we can find other ways to help fight Trumpcare here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19kqrh5SFq3N_L1b9-8ddeid8ddKxPGSETRIhwTqWQAw/edit?usp=sharing.

  1. It is really go time on health care and all our voices matter. Kellyanne Conway took to the airwaves over the weekend to say that there are no Medicaid cuts in spite of $800 billion in projected cuts. We cannot let ourselves get confused by this “down is up, up is down” world: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/kellyanne-conway-senate-health-bill-cuts-medicaid/story?id=48255191  Please let’s reach out to our own Senators to make sure they have heard from us. Here is some specific news information for us if we live in Wisconsin, Iowa, Maine, and Texas: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0k1qCMVpKZpdjczUGlSSVBGd0E

  1. Here are the 14 bills coming up this week for a vote in the House:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/  Let's be aware of what's coming up.

  1. The last three administrations have held an annual iftar dinner during the month of Ramadan with members of the Muslim-American community. While the WH released a statement to commemorate Eid on Saturday evening, we should be aware that they are choosing not to continue the tradition. This is unfortunate, especially since the event could have acted "as a symbol of unity after a spike in hate crimes against the community, the highest level since 2001."   http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/eid-al-fitr-donald-trump-white-house-stops-tradition-muslim-american-ramadan-fast-religious-freedom-a7806836.html Let's let the White House know that their failure to hold the event speaks volumes about their lack of support of the Muslim-American community -- and true religious freedom. WH comment line: 202-456-1111.

  1. The Senate's Russian sanctions bill (S.722) has stalled due to a procedural snafu  http://time.com/4831779/house-russia-iran-sanctions-bill/ The Senate can now either tweak its bill, introduce a new one, or the House can introduce identical legislation to ensure there is no further delay. Let's call our MoC to let them know that we support sanctions against Russia. We can also call the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, the committee which would help forward the legislation, and tell them that we support legislation which would impose sanctions against Russia  https://5calls.org/issue/recgJ9hzeJ68f1unI

  1. While the Russia investigation has been appointed a special counsel, we still do not have an independent commission. While the special counsel is beneficial in seeking criminal charges, the independent commission does not have to answer to the DOJ, and would be able to make public even non-criminal actions. Let's call our MoC and let them know that we have not forgotten about the need for an independent commission. Let's also make sure that our Representatives have signed the discharge petition for the Protecting Our Democracy Act (H.R. 356) https://5calls.org/issue/recywt9vEUNwAsZOo

9.      U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley tweeted that she and her family were booed at following the Pride Parade and she noted that “our country is better than this” and #hateneverwins: https://twitter.com/nikkihaley/status/879120425162338304  Please take a moment to ask Ambassador Haley to take a moment to think about how her association with Trump is standing on the side of hate: https://usun.state.gov/contact or United States Mission to the United Nations, 799 United Nations Plaza, NY, NY 10017

State-level actions

  1. Although chief justices of the Supreme Courts of California, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island (so far) have publicly condemned it, ICE continues to stalk and arrest immigrants in courthouses across the country—most recently in a NY Human Trafficking Intervention Court meant to protect the victims of human trafficking.  Though ICE insists that they pursue only those who threaten the public safety, the presence of their plainclothes agents have deterred immigrants, documented and undocumented, from appearing in court for fear of deportation: http://www.thedailybeast.com/legal-immigrants-fear-getting-arrested-in-court-by-ice  There are two things we can do: press the chief justices of our states to voice their opposition to ICE’s tactics and urge our state legislators to insist that courthouses, like schools and hospitals, be made off-limits to ICE.

Other Actions

  1. We’ve got a lot of work to do between now and next November to make sure we get enough of our voters out to beat Republican candidates AND Republican gerrymandering. (http://politics.blog.ajc.com/2017/04/15/warring-republicans-try-to-unite-against-ossoff-in-georgias-sixth/) If you want to help encourage folks to vote by text, you can get updates on future chances to do so by signing up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdIcMYKBRPxYJrip-kUfonwN0j8jTm4WH5cDiqO8x4oNupnlw/viewform.

  1. If we are somewhat reluctant to make calls, but still want to let our legislators know how we feel, we need to check into ResistBot that turns our texts into faxes.  http://lifehacker.com/text-your-members-of-congress-with-resistbot-1794604660  The more we use ResistBot, the more features are made available to us.  Let’s see how our phones (and now Facebook) can help us with these resistance efforts:  https://resistbot.io/

  1. Thanks to hyper-partisan gerrymandering, over the past year, Republicans won as many as 22 additional US House seats over what would have been expected, according to an analysis by the Associated Press. https://www.apnews.com/fa6478e10cda4e9cbd75380e705bd380 Let’s sign up with the National Democratic Redistricting Committee https://democraticredistricting.com/ and with Flippable https://www.flippable.org/ so we can keep tabs on how we can help put an end to Republican-rigged elections.


  1. Let’s join MomsRising in telling Congress not to deregulate gun silencers:  http://action.momsrising.org/sign/NODeregSilencers3/?akid=

  1. Sen. Harris would like us to join her in adding our names to help stop Trumpcare:  http://kamala.cp.bsd.net/page/signup/stop-trumpcare

Marches/events to attend/organize

  1. Today, June 27th: UltraViolet and allies are organizing vigils for those who will suffer if the ACA is repealed in Anchorage, Little Rock, Denver, Cleveland, Portland (ME), Morgantown, Reno, and Phoenix. See full events details here:  https://www.facebook.com/pg/weareultraviolet/

  1. Donald Trump has sworn to tear up the Johnson Amendment, a critical safeguard of the separation of church and state that keeps tax-exempt organizations out of politics. (http://www.npr.org/2017/02/03/513187940/the-johnson-amendment-in-five-questions-and-answers) Americans United for Separation of Church and State is organizing to stop him, and will be holding a grassroots phone conference for those interested in helping today at 4PM. Those of us who are interested can sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDaOkIsqz7FsOROmRiQEAnBbMBVcbADMSpN2px6I9ThPOFvA/viewform.

  1. Do you live in the Washington D.C. area? Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 28th at 5pm there will be a human chain at the U.S. Capitol in protest of the health care bill in the Senate: https://twitter.com/TopherSpiro/status/879025113953439744 You can follow Mr. Spiro on Twitter for more information: @TopherSpiro

  1. On Saturday, July 22nd, there will be a March for Public Education in Washington D.C., and throughout the U.S.to promote public education and advance policy. We can learn more and find out how to get involved here: https://www.marchforpubliced.org



  1. For inspiration, we can read this transcript of Jennifer's Hofmann's "Dream Bigger" speech. https://jenniferhofmann.com/dream-bigger-inspiration-encouragement-activists-adventurers/  We can sign up for Jen's weekly action list if we have not already. (link in article.)

  1. Nancy MacLean, author of an intellectual biography of James McGill Buchanan, explains how this little-known libertarian’s work is influencing modern-day politics. http://www.slate.com/articles/life/history/2017/06/james_mcgill_buchanan_s_terrifying_vision_of_society_is_the_intellectual.html

  1. “Why Police Officers Aren’t Held Accountable When They Kill People” http://www.teenvogue.com/story/why-police-officers-arent-held-accountable-when-they-kill-people 

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
         a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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