
Contact Government Officials

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text your US postal address to (520) 200-2223 and get a text back with your
STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.

Reports say that call numbers are low – please call. 

  1. The House will be voting on 21 bills this week including a few that rolled over from last week. Let's review the bills on the schedule here https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/  

  1. Democrats seem undecided on what measures they're willing to take in response to the GOP's secret AHCA meetings http://cnn.it/2th4l5D The “No Hearing, No Vote Act” is a fine tactic for slowing down the Senate vote on Trumpcare, which Mitch McConnell plans to hold before July 4th. But there are other options available to the Democrats.  The Senate requires “unanimous consent” to proceed on a legislative vote; this generally means consenting to a variety of rules changes.  A single senator can withhold consent and bring Senate business to a crawl.  In addition, the trade-off for “reconciliation” (and a vote of only 51 instead of 60) is that there is no limit on the number of amendments that may be filed.  Democratic senators can and should prepare thousands of amendments and use them to hold up the vote until public hearings on the bill are held.  For those of us with Democratic Senators, let's give them a call and tell them what actions we support. The Indivisible Guide has call scripts for withholding consent to slow down Senate business, and for filibustering by amendment: http://bit.ly/2ttvKRf We can also continue calling our Senators and asking them to support and cosponsor the No Hearing, No Vote Act of 2017 http://bit.ly/2szjjGH

  1. Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) is outspoken in his support for climate action.  http://www.climatecentral.org/news/gop-congressman-bipartisan-climate-action-21536  Let's ask our own representatives to join him if they have not already.  We can send "thank you's" to: Carlos Curbelo, 1100 Simonton St #1-213, Key West FL 33040-3110. 

  1. California Senator Dianne Feinstein released a very clear statement on Friday about her concerns about Trump’s actions related to possible obstruction of justice: https://www.feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?id=A365B3BF-9922-47BB-9633-515F1F702736 Let’s thank her for this clarity and leadership: 331 Hart SOB, Washington, DC 20510

  1. On Friday, seven governors reached across the partisan aisle and wrote a letter together to Senators McConnell and Schumer to ask for their bipartisan efforts on something as important as health care.  http://www.wbur.org/commonhealth/2017/06/16/baker-governors-letter-ahca   Did your governor sign (OH, CO, MA, MT, NV, PA, LA)? Please take the time to thank him. Addresses can be found here:  http://www.theus50.com/fastfacts/governor.php

  1. Right now there is bipartisan legislation in both the House and Senate which would protect students from being shamed or punished for not paying their lunch balance http://bit.ly/2sfLWb8 Let's call our MoC and ask them to support the Anti-Lunch Shaming Act of 2017 (H.R. 2401/S. 1064). We can also sign Sierra Club's Add Up petition and use their sample tweet to contact our MoC: http://bit.ly/2rFdM1U

  1. The "Automatic Voter Registration Act of 2017" was introduced in the House on the 12th of June and in the Senate on the 14th. It's an important bill because it "could add 50 million eligible new voters to the rolls," efficiently and easily. How? "Under the plan, when a citizen interacts with a government agency — for example, to get a driver’s license, apply for public services, register for classes at a public university, or become a naturalized citizen — they are automatically signed up to vote, unless they decline. An individual’s information is electronically transferred to election officials, increasing convenience for voters and the accuracy of information in state databases."https://www.brennancenter.org/press-release/members-congress-introduce-legislation-modernize-voter-registration  We know that the key to a functioning democracy is an engaged electorate! Let's ask our MoCs in both houses to support this bill, which was led by led by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Representative Robert Brady (D-Pa.). 

  1. There is a link between domestic violence and mass shootings.  http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-link-between-domestic-violence-and-mass-shootings-james-hodgkinson-steve-scalise Let’s let our MoCs know that this is another reason that reasonable gun control is a real need. And then, let’s sign this card to the survivors in Alexandria and San Francisco:  http://act.everytown.org/sign/condolence-alexandria-san-francisco/

  1. “The United States Commission on Civil Rights, a bipartisan agency charged with advising the president and Congress on civil rights matters, unanimously approved a comprehensive two-year probe into the “degree to which current budgets and staffing levels allow civil rights offices to perform” their functions within the administration, said the agency in a statement.”  http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/civil-rights-commission-will-launch-two-year-probe-trump-administration-n773541  Let’s let the Commission know that we support civil rights and appreciate this work:  http://www.usccr.gov/contact/index.php
  2. Six members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS have angrily resigned, saying that President Trump doesn’t care about HIV.  “We hope the members of Congress who have the power to affect healthcare reform will engage with us and other advocates in a way that the Trump Administration apparently will not.”  http://thehill.com/news-by-subject/healthcare/338296-six-resign-from-presidential-hiv-aids-council-because-trump-doesnt Let’s contact our legislators to let them know that we think this is a big deal and needs to be addressed as part of the healthcare reform.  If we have HIV/AIDS stories close to us, it is time to share them.

Other Actions

  1. It's all coming down to this: Election Day in the Georgia Sixth and the South Carolina Fifth is TOMORROW! Georgia is looking like it'll be a photo finish, and every extra one of our supporters we get out to the polls could be a difference-maker. Let's get across the line first. Sign up to phone bank for Jon Ossoff​ here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZJxuQvh3CC3LQGltNZrH1P6Znv_775tSK5tpk8ZWdGFloag/viewform?c=0&w=1 You can also help Jon Ossoff get folks out to the polls by texting here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfkXxmvea6sFJx-WZweVxbsbpeqKZObTPkpG_rw-Xxv-s9TOg/viewform Sign up to make calls for Archie Parnell for Congress​ here: http://archieparnell.com/get-involved. Help text for Archie here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdlKSb9JUjAxLDD653BsKjqG9jdm43vPguLFe1iV4kMHhjLlA/viewform.

  1. URGENT:  A PAC calling itself principledpac.com has taken television spots out against Ossoff seemingly linking him to the baseball shooting in Alexandria last week:  http://politics.blog.ajc.com/2017/06/18/ossoff-handel-condemn-6th-district-attack-ad-tying-democrats-to-scalise-shooting/ Georgia friends, can you tell us what stations are airing this monstrous ad?  A friend posted that Ossoff asked for it to be removed.  His opponent condemned the ad but did not request its removal.  We can also report this PAC as a hate group to the Southern Poverty Law Center, and then we can ask that YouTube remove it as well.  
  1. “Many companies around the country oppose the recently issued executive order on immigration. Where do you stand? Where does your company stand?”  Let’s find out here and join in!  https://greatcompany.org/

  1. ​Just after Jeronimo Yanez was acquitted for killing Philando Castile, the City of St. Anthony fired him... and announced ​they will begin negotiating a "separation agreement" to help Yanez "transition into a new career." (http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/16/us/philando-castile-trial-verdict/index.html) Under the Trump Administration and with Jeff Sessions as attorney general, it's more important than ever that we apply pressure locally for police departments to do the right thing - and allowing Jeronimo Yanez to profit from this is wrong. Let's join Color of Change in sending a message to the City of St. Anthony to cease all severance negotiations with Jeronimo Yanez immediately: https://act.colorofchange.org/sign/no-severance-jeronimo-yanez/.

  1. Teacher of the Year Nikos Giannopoulos struck a pose in his photo with Trump to remind us all that we deserve to be our authentic selves everywhere: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/338203-rhode-island-teacher-of-the-years-photo-with-trump-goes-viral  Let’s thank Giannopoulos for sending this message to youth everywhere: Beacon Charter High School for the Arts, 320 Main Street, Woonsocket, RI 02895 or ngiannopoulos@beaconart.org

  1. Rebecca Solnit, an American writer, historian, and activist,  has written another excellent piece, this time in the Guardian:  https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jun/18/resistance-victories-trump-mounting-final-blow?CMP=fb_us  While there is no direct associated action with her words, please use her encouragement to push you to do one extra thing today that you were not planning on and to ask the same of one friend or neighbor or family member.  Let’s also follow her on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.solnit 

  1. Today marks Juneteenth, the 152nd anniversary of the announcement of abolition of slavery in Texas. National Bailout is observing this day with another round of efforts to get folks out of jail who are only there because they can't afford to make bail. (https://rewire.news/article/communities-bail-out-fathers-raise-awareness-unjust-bail-system/) Let's help them out by donating at nomoremoneybail.org.

  1. Thanks to My Civic Workout, here are some good cyber security steps to follow:  http://mailchi.mp/mycivicworkout/prying-eyes?e=ca08722e44

  1. From one of our own:  THIS IS A COMMUNITY SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. ... If you live in a town or city where your mail carrier delivers the mail in this LLV (long-life vehicle) during these extreme heat days of summer please consider meeting them at the door with some water...Gatorade...or a cold wet wash cloth to refresh their face and neck.  Especially if they appear to be over heated. These LLV'S DO NOT HAVE air conditioners. Their life may depend on it. This service announcement is brought to you by the wife of a city carrier.. Thank you.  (The same goes for Fed Ex deliverers, garbage workers, etc.)

  1. What’s a resistance without a little whimsy? Let’s ask the makers of the Elizabeth Warren action figure to add a Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) action figure to their repertoire. http://fortune.com/2017/06/07/elizabeth-warren-action-figure/ Write to FCTRY founders Jason Feinberg and Alyssa Zeller Feinberg at hello@fctry.com 

  1. From one of our own:  CNN is having a poll about whether or not Trump should be investigated. Trumpsters have gotten a hold of it and the NO's are way ahead. You know what to do!  http://www.cnn.com/partners/ios/pages/poll/6_15_survey.html


  1. Watch comedian, writer, actor David Cross back in Roswell, GA where he grew up, after canvassing for Jon Ossoffhttps://www.facebook.com/ThePeopleDefendDemocracy/videos/1148311245274101/

  1. “Escaping Poverty Requires Almost Twenty Years With Nearly Nothing Going Wrong”  https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/04/economic-inequality/524610/

  1. A brutal reminder why women voted for Trump:  https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/11/15/13571478/trump-president-sexual-assault-sexism-misogyny-won

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
         a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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