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  1. If we live in Montana, the most important thing we can do today is get out and vote and help others get out and vote.  If we need to know where, we can check here: https://iwillvote.com/locate

  1. The Hill is reporting that sixty-six programs would be completely eliminated under Trump's budget proposal:  http://thehill.com/policy/finance/334768-here-are-the-66-programs-eliminated-in-trumps-budget Let's check out the list, then contact our MoC about some of the programs that mean the most to us. We can also use 5Calls' call script to speak about the budget as a whole: https://5calls.org/issue/rec9e4NT0KiKdx9Pb

  1. Trump’s budget plan has been released and it is not only disastrous for vulnerable populations but also relies on a $2 trillion math error and some unrealistic assumptions. http://thehill.com/policy/finance/334721-summers-budget-plan-has-egregious-accounting-error Let’s write to Trump and to Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney to let them know what we think of their math: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20500

  1. While we would all prefer a Democratic majority in Congress, the Democratic Party persists in turning to the past in its effort to win back a majority in 2018: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/22/democrats-midterm-elections-238659  Apparently neither Bernie Sanders’ popularity nor the clear message from the “resisters” that minimizing the importance of women’s health and abortion rights, income inequality. criminal justice reform, racism, or immigrant justice won’t satisfy voters has shifted the Democratic strategy.  Why don’t we tell the Democratic Party (877-336-7200) and its leaders—Nancy Pelosi in the House (202-225-4965) and Chuck Schumer (202-224-6524/fax 202-228-3027) in the Senate—that we want candidates with clear commitments on these important issues?

  1. On Monday, the Texas House of Representatives passed S.B. 2078, which bars transgender students from using bathrooms consistent with their gender identity. This bill is North Carolina’s HB 2 all over again – except this time, the bill directly targets transgender kids. (https://www.texastribune.org/2017/05/21/amid-special-session-threat-house-eyes-bathroom-restrictions-schools/)  We need to fight back. We can sign up to make calls from home to push back against this dangerous legislation with the National Equality Action Team at http://www.theneat.org/tx.html.

  1. Our efforts worked, and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly agreed to extend temporary protected status (TPS) to make sure more than 50,000 Haitians immigrants did not face immediate deportation to a country they barely know (and some have never seen). But he only agreed to extend TPS for six months, rather than the 18 requested by the immigrants, advocates, and the Haitian government – and indicated he might not do so again. (http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/haiti/article151930167.html) Let’s call Secretary Kelly at 202-282-8495 and tell him we appreciate what he has done, but it’s not enough and we want him to keep the TPS in place when it expires in January.

  1. The release of Trump’s budget has been met with derision on both sides of the aisle. For example, Sen. Lindsey Graham spoke out about the proposed deep cuts to the State Department by saying, “If we implemented this budget, we'd have to retreat from the world or put a lot of people at risk — a lot of Benghazi's in the making…
  2. http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/lawmakers-declare-president-trump-s-budget-proposal-dead-arrival-n763306  In addition to contacting our own MoC to speak up for vulnerable populations, health research, the environment, etc., let’s thank Senator Graham for standing up for the vital power of diplomacy: 290 Russell SOB, Washington, DC 20510

  1. n response to Jeff Sessions' memo in favor of mandatory minimum sentences, bipartisan legislation has been introduced in both the House and the Senate:  http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/senate-moves-forward-with-bill-to-rein-in-jeff-sessions-w482927   The Justice Safety Valve Act of 2017 (H.R. 2435 and S. 1127) would allow judges and prosecutors to use their discretion, rather than having to adhere to minimum sentences. Let's be sure our MoC cosponsor and support this important legislation. We can also contact the House Judiciary Committee, letting them know that we support the Justice Safety Valve Act: https://5calls.org/issue/recILZMLtc4Dtu157

  1. Representative Tom Cole (R-OK) is a fierce defender of medical research and the budget for the National Institute of Health (NIH). http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/333827-lawmakers-shoot-down-trumps-proposed-cuts-to-medical-research  Let's tell our own MoC's to support funding for the NIH in their new budget.  Let's encourage Tom Cole to keep up the good work by sending thank you's to: Tom Cole, 2424 Springer Dr Ste 201, Norman OK 73069-3966.

  1. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is talking about posing legislation to block Trumps $110 billions arms deal to Saudi Arabia or rather “ "target munitions used" in the ongoing violence in Yemen. Humanitarian groups have warned that the new Trump-backed sales are likely to be used against rebel factions in Yemen that the Saudi government sees as aligned with Iran.” http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/23/rand-paul-saudi-arabia-arms-sales-238730 Let’s ask our senators to sign on and make this stop.

  1. Yesterday, Trumpcare backer, white nationalist bankroller and Republican House candidate Greg Gianforte physically assaulted a reporter asking him about Trump's health care bill. (http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/montana-congressional-candidate-allegedly-assaults-newspaper-reporter-n764421?cid=eml_nbn_20170525)  Let’s contact Sheriff Brian Gootkin   http://gallatincomt.virtualtownhall.net/Public_Documents/gallatincomt_sheriff/sheriffdeptP ) to tell him to do his job and arrest this man andthen,  let's call our representatives and tell them that if Gianforte wins anyways (2/3 of the votes may have already been cast) that they should immediately begin the procedure to expel him from Congress.

Other Actions

  1. Got kids? Teach kids? Talk to kids? They want to know what's going on, too, especially when they hear us talk. Here's a good Canadian-based site that offers current news, including the political stuff going on in the U.S. and other parts of the world. Targeted toward grades 2-8, it speaks in terms kids can understand. It's important for kids to learn to think critically about the news, and this excellent free website promotes that. Give them a donation if you can, too. http://teachingkidsnews.com 

  1. Despite public pushback, Google continues to serve ads on Breitbart, thereby profiting off of hate speech. Sleeping Giants are therefore focusing their efforts on one of Google's three largest investors: Vanguard. In order to effect change, and get Google to listen, Sleeping Giants is asking that we contact Vanguard's Investment Stewardship Officer through e-mail and on his LinkedIn interview. There are sample e-mails and talking points, as well as a link to the e-mail address and LinkedIn page here: http://bit.ly/2rUa8wK

  1. Many of us helped with the Black Mama's Bailout for Mother's Day, which allowed over 100 women to spend the holiday with their kids instead of in jail just because they couldn't afford bail and drew nationwide attention to the need to end money bail. (http://www.myajc.com/news/local/bailed-out-jail-extraordinary-mother-day-present/0GmcpqjsterVW88IITIdxI/) Since there clearly won't be help on this issue with Trump and Sessions, we need to keep stepping up! Let's join the Movement for Black Lives for a webinar tonight at 7pm on the next steps towards eliminate the money bail system. We can RSVP here:   https://zoom.us/webinar/register/0a5c4ea4c6fe399ecde7dc3c8da9331e.

  1. Another Amazon/Breitbart tactic:  "Sleeping Giants is now raising funds to erect a billboard in Seattle urging Amazon to “stop funding bigotry” and sever links to Breitbart. “To date we have convinced more than 2,100 brands and organizations to remove ads from this extremist site,” the group’s fundraising page says.“Unfortunately, AMAZON remains one of Breitbart’s biggest advertisers, despite our repeated emails, tweets, calls and letters,” it adds.” The group said it has raised $7,251 of its $8,000 goal. Even employees of Amazon have asked Bezos to stop this advertising.http://thehill.com/policy/technology/334806-protests-over-breitbart-ads-strike-amazon-report. Let's keep pushing Amazon to pull their ads from Breitbart. You can donate to the billboard project here https://www.youcaring.com/abillboardcompanyinseattle-827716  or you can contact Amazon and tell Bezos to pull their ads from Breitbart.  Amazon customer service Seattle 888-280-4331 or (888) 280-4331 or email at cis@amazon.com 

  1. Sean Hannity's recent conspiracy theories and hate speech have rallied a call for a boycott of his advertisers.  Here's a complete list of advertisers: http://ir.net/news/politics/124909/hannity-advertisers-list/ We can help the movement by contacting 10 of Hannity's primary advertisers via email and postcards. 1) Alfa Romeo at 1000 Alfa Romeo Dr, Auburn Hills MI 48326-2766,  2) Allstate at 2775 Sanders Rd, Northbrook IL 60062,  3) Bayer at Bayer AG, 51375 Leverkusen, Germany ($1.15 postage), 4) Booking.com, Division of Priceline, 800 Connecticut Ave, Norwalk CT 06954, 5) Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), 3000 Hanover St, Palo Alto CA 94304-1112,  6) Hyundai USA, 10550 Talbert Ave, Fountain Valley CA 92708,  7) Liberty Mutual, 100 Liberty Way, Dover NH 03820., 8) ProFlowers/Shari's Berries, 4840 Eastgate Mall, San Diego CA 92121, 9) Sandals  c/o Unique Vacation Inc, 4950 SW 72nd Ave, Miami FL 33155, and 10) Vanda Pharmaceuticals, 2200 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 300E, Washington DC 20037.

  1. Any Refugee was founded in 2014 by a ten year-old Alaskan boy as a way to help, love, and comfort refugee children.  In 10/15 Any Refuge became part of the international work of Jesuit Refugee Service/USA. Let’s click here  to learn more and to see how we, and the children in our lives can help, too:  http://anyrefugee.org/

  1. The folks at Resistance Manual are looking for volunteer team leads (or co leads) for Russian Interference, Environment/Climate, Women's Rights & Voting Rights! If this is the kind of work we want to do in the #Resistance, direct message them on Twitter @resistmanual

Petitions to Sign

  1. Corporate Accountability International is campaigning in support of Al Franken and Jan Schakowsky’s bill, the Improving Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs Act , intended to rein in Big Pharma:   https://www.warren.senate.gov/files/documents/2017_3_29_Improving_Access_to_Affordable_Prescription_Drugs_Act_Summary.pdf   Their petition is here-- https://www.signherenow.org/petition/rx-drugs/o/cai/ --but we can do more!  Both the House (H1776) and Senate (S771) versions of this bill are in committee; we need to tell our MoC that we support this effort to bring down exorbitant drug prices—and we expect them to support it, too.

  1. MoveOn has created a petition to Sean Hannity’s advertisers telling them that we boycotting them until they stop supporting him and his fake news: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/boycott-sean-hannity


  1. Excellent op-ed in Washington Post by Catherine Rampell about Trump’s cruel budget proposal:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/rampage/wp/2017/05/23/trumponomics-the-philosophy-that-it-doesnt-suck-enough-to-be-poor/?utm_term=.41f9ef557ea8

  1. “Why Pretending You Don’t See Race or Gender Is an Obstacle to Equality” http://www.slate.com/blogs/better_life_lab/2017/05/23/you_re_not_blind_to_race_and_gender_but_your_hiring_process_can_be.html

  1. The one phrase that Trump has yet to say is, "I intend to cooperate fully." Those are words of someone who does not feel there is anything to hide. Hiring an outside lawyer says the opposite. "Russia is accused, as Brennan said, of not only trying to influence the election by hacking and releasing emails, but engaging in a full-fledged influence campaign through propaganda to get Donald Trump elected. That's the assessment of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies. Not only that, but the FBI is investigating potential collusion between Trump associates and Russia to help in that effort — in Russia's interest." http://www.npr.org/2017/05/24/529781094/why-the-russia-investigation-matters-and-why-you-should-care

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
         a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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