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  1. News broke last night that Donald Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador last week, jeopardizing a critical source of information on the so-called "Islamic State”  http://www.npr.org/2017/05/15/528511980/report-trump-gave-classified-information-to-russians-during-white-house-visit  This is outrageous and unacceptable, and we need a REAL response from Congress. As if we need a reminder, the 2016 election was reversed due to the notion that Clinton might have mishandled unmarked low-level classified material.  Let's call our reps and tell them Tweets and statements aren't enough - we need a congressional investigation of this irresponsible action, and concrete steps to ensure Trump does not additional damage to U.S. national security in his dealings with Russia, as requested by Senator Markey. https://www.facebook.com/EdJMarkey/posts/10154761462471379

  1. Our chaos is seen as good news in Russia:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/political-chaos-in-washington-is-a-return-on-investment-for-moscow/2017/05/14/2b4aa842-3653-11e7-b412-62beef8121f7_story.html?utm_term=.0b6984bbdeaf  Now more than ever we need our representatives to come together about the attacks against our democracy from outside the US but also possibly within the US. Please stay in touch with your MoC about the fallout from Trump’s actions last week and insist that an unbiased investigation get to the bottom of the question of whether there was collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.

  1. Sen. Lindsey Graham is sure that Russia was involved in the US election. "Graham said he does not need additional proof to confirm that Moscow attempted to hack the election. I'm 1,000 percent certain that the Russians interfered in our election," he said." "Right now, the investigation into the Russian meddling is a "counter-intelligence investigation, not a criminal investigation," he said. "So you don't need a special prosecutor," he said, adding that he trusts the deputy attorney general."  http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/333325-graham-we-cant-go-forward-as-a-nation-until-we-punish-russia  Americans would like to see that proof; let's encourage Senator Graham to pursue an independent investigation into the election and trump's Russian connections. We won't know the whole truth until trump is also investigated for criminal connections. Let's tell senator Graham that we deserve to know what he knows and to pursue any possible criminal connections between trump and Russia. This is only the tip of the iceberg. We must look deeper. Contact Sen. Graham here:  https://www.lgraham.senate.gov/public/

  1. From one of our own:  Net Neutrality is up for a vote on May 18. If net neutrality is repealed, we will lose our Internet freedom and access to many things on the internet. Make your story personal on why the Internet is important to you. Call the FCC at 1-888-225-5322 or Fax at 1-866-418-0232  Or email Chair Ajit Pai at Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov

  1. Last Thursday, an ICE agent showed up at an elementary school in Queens, NY, seeking information about one of the students:  http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2017/05/14/immigration-agent-queens-school/ The school turned the agent away, thanks to Mayor Bill de Blasio's pro-immigration policy advising schools not to allow in agents who do not have warrants. Let's contact our own mayors and make sure that we have similar protections in place for our local schools!

  1. We cannot allow our MoCs to remain passive; we need a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's ties with Russia. Let's keep calling our Reps, demanding that use all means within their power to push for a special prosecutor and/or independent commission, including stopping basic business in Congress. 5Calls has phone numbers and a script available: https://5calls.org/issue/rec4PQRCiwkAMpFvg

  1. Blue collar and other non-executive workers are increasingly required to sign non-compete agreements—and are seeing their ability to find new jobs at higher wages destroyed. Our elected officials tell us all the time that they want to increase jobs.  https://www.inc.com/suzanne-lucas/your-non-competes-arent-saving-your-business-they-are-destroying-lives.html   Let’s tell them that doing something about this trend would be a step in the right direction. Let’s tell Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta the same: 200 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20210.

  1. The House may vote this week on legislation that will tear up the Obama administration's efforts to crack down on Wall Street abuses. (https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2017-05-04/jeb-hensarlings-financial-choice-act-looms-over-dodd-franks-future) Let's join our friends with the Indivisible Guide and call our reps to demand they protect Dodd-Frank and side with us and not the big bankers and predatory lenders. (https://www.indivisibleguide.com/resource/oppose-choice-act/)

  1. The attack on science is increasingly being felt in our schools, and with the current administration in charge, it will only get worse. A PBS Frontline report from last week shows that conservative lawmakers are having more success with bills that give teachers and schools more freedom to introduce pseudoscience into classrooms (they often masquerade under the label of "academic freedom"). http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/a-new-wave-of-bills-takes-aim-at-science-in-the-classroom/  If we are in one of the states where such bills have been introduced or passed (SD, IA, IN, TX, OK, AL, TN, LA, MS, among others), let's call our state congress reps and let them know that we value fact-based education, i.e. REAL science.

  1. US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, was interviewed on ABC by George Stephanopoulos and she stated that Trump is the CEO of this country and can hire and fire anyone he wants:  http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/nikki-haley-trump-ceo-country-fire/story?id=47395247  Please take a moment to let Ambassador Haley that we have a republic, not a corporation: https://usun.state.gov/contact or United States Mission to the United Nations, 799 United Nations Plaza, NY, NY 10017

  1. Utah Senator Mike Lee insists that in spite of firing Comey, Trump is “fully cooperating” in the Russia investigation.  http://www.sltrib.com/home/5289571-155/trump-is-fully-cooperating-in-russia Let’s let Senator Lee that it is more than evident that from what we can tell Trump is not “fully cooperating” – where’s the evidence?  Contact him here:  361A Russell SOB, Washington, DC 20510 or https://www.lee.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contact

Other Actions

  1. From our friends at #theresistancetweetsheets: Ready-to-go tweets for Trump discussing classified intel with the Russisans:  https://resistancetweetsheets.wordpress.com/2017/05/15/emergency-tweetsheets-for-potus-discussing-classified-intel-wrussians/

  1. We all know by now that Trump's first foreign trips will be to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Belgium and Italy. But what you might not know about are the hundreds resisting overseas, who are working together to protest these visits in Israel (22 May), Italy (23 May), and Belgium (24 May). If you are in these three countries join the marches! If not, click here: https://americansresistingoverseas.com/2017/05/15/act-now-join-italy-israel-and-belgium-in-shouting-trump-not-welcome/ to find out ways you can support them from afar!   

  1. From UltraViolet:  After UltraViolet members helped force out sexual predators Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and their accomplice Bill Shine, Fox is now being questioned for promoting Shine's deputy, Suzanne Scott, to replace him. Scott was named in at least two lawsuits for systematically helping dismiss women's complaints about Ailes and enforcing his mini-skirt dress code.  http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/newly-promoted-suzanne-scott-named-fox-harassment-suits-article-1.3124797  Let’s click here and help rid Fox of another enabler of their sexist culture:  https://act.weareultraviolet.org/call/fox_scott_hannity_calls

  1. Rep Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), chair of the House Appropriations Committee engaged in an act of constituent intimidation when he informed her employer that she was a “ringleader” of “highly organized” protesters working against the Republican agenda. As a result, the employee resigned from her job -- all because she wanted a town hall.  http://www.wnyc.org/story/frelinghuysen-targets-activsts-letter-boss/  Let’s tell Frelinghusyen what we think of this shocking abuse of power: 30 Schuyler Place, Second Floor, Morristown, NJ 07960, 973-984-0711. Let’s also tell the bank that we’re not happy how this turned out. https://www.lakelandbank.com/about/contact/

  1. Free training for every Democratic candidate.  Everywhere.  We know you’ve been thinking about running for something.  Why not now?  Check out details here:  http://www.traindemocrats.org

  1. Help is still needed to try to flip some seats in Congress during special and run-off elections.  This way is taking off all over the country:  text TAKE BACK CONGRESS to (803) 630-0295 or send an email with that as a subject line to Postcards@TonyTheDemocrat.org We can write 5 postcards and mail them to voters in SC-05 to help us #Turn32Blue and send another strong voice to fight against Trump's harmful agenda and dangerous behavior.

Petitions to Sign


  1. Let’s pressure the banks to stop financing the Dakota Access Pipeline and four new proposed tar sands pipelines, including the Keystone XL: https://petitions.signforgood.com/DefundPipelines/

  1. Neo-Nazis led by Trump champion Richard Spencer marched over the weekend to defend the Confederacy and its legacy in Charlottesville - but the community is fighting back. Let's show them some support by sharing some of the local coverage of their counter-protest (http://www.nbc29.com/story/35426536/group-holds-take-back-lee-park-rally-in-response-to-torchlight-protest) and signing these petitions to change the name of Lee Park and #RemoveTheStatute of Robert E. Lee (https://www.change.org/p/charlottesville-city-council-change-the-name-of-lee-park-and-remove-the-statue-in-charlottesville-va) and to further acknowledge the poisonous history of white supremacy the Confederacy represents with a monument to a local lynching victim (https://www.change.org/p/charlottesville-city-council-lynching-marker-to-confront-charlottesville-s-stonewall-jackson-monument).



  1. Excellent op-ed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara, one of all remaining 46 US Attorneys appointed during President Obama's administration who were fired by Trump administration earlier this year, calling for courage among our public servants: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/preet-bharara-are-there-still-public-servants-who-will-say-no-to-the-president/2017/05/14/8df915de-38d6-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html?utm_term=.f4b6f03d8de0

  1. “Activists demand corporate changes with targeted social media appeals to board members.  Facebook was chosen for its ability to target messages precisely by interest”  http://www.cio.com/article/3196665/social-networking/designing-a-facebook-campaign-to-advocate-for-better-opioid-care.html

  1. While many favor the idea of tax cuts, Kansas has been living through the type of tax cuts that are being put forth nationally and the results are not good:  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/15/kansas-trump-style-tax-cuts-economic-disaster

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
         a loosely-federated group of organizations that, in the wake of the
2016 election, are sharing daily or weekly calls to action.
Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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