4/8/17 To-do List   

Contact Government Officials

Search all members of Congress here:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/current
Fax your legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
Find senators Twitter and Facebook Accounts here:
Find representatives on Twitter here:

If your senators and reps aren't saved in your phone yet, text your US postal address to (520) 200-2223 and get a text back with your
STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.

  1. Let’s not be distracted.  The majority of Americans want an independent investigation into Russia’s involvement in our election and with Trump.  http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-russia-poll-20170401-story.html  We need to be the broken record making our legislators know that no matter what else is going on that this is a priority. Let’s again ask our senators to support S.27, which calls for that, and ask the House Intelligence Committee members to recommend the same.

  1. CAP Action just put out a recess toolkit - RecessToolkit.com - made for mobile for anyone anywhere to plug into the resistance over the next two weeks - whether at a town hall or on the couch.  https://resistanceinyourpocket.com/

  1. Russia appears to want our Syrian airstrike to illustrate that the US is independent of Russia.  Why, then, did Trump tell Putin about the impending military strike before telling Congress or the State Dept.?   Why did it appear that the Syrians anticipated the strike?  http://abcnews.go.com/International/eyewitness-syrian-military-anticipated-us-raid/story?id=46641107   We need to let our legislators know that this is not acceptable or appropriate.  We want them involved in such decisions.

  1. If Trump was so concerned about the beautiful children who were killed in the chemical attack in Syria, one would think that he would be as concerned for those who are still alive and seeking refuge.  http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/attytood/One-way-Trump-could-help-the-beautiful-little-babies-of-Syria.html  Let’s tell Trump that we support letting these war-ravaged refugees into our country.  Call the White House comment line:  202-456-1111 or snail mail him: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 or tweet him:  @realDonaldTrump

  1. Gorsuch was confirmed as a Supreme Court justice yesterday in a vote of 54-45.  Without the nuclear option being invoked, this could not have happened.  Here is how the votes went down: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/04/07/us/politics/gorsuch-confirmation-vote.html Let’s thank those who voted against him and then, reach out to those who voted for him telling them that we have our eyes on their seat at the next election.

  1. Maryland just became the first state to protect Planned Parenthood from federal cuts to the organization. http://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/327653-maryland-becomes-first-state-to-mitigate-planned-parenthood-funding-cuts Let's call our state legislators and ask that they follow Maryland's lead to ensure access to the healthcare available at our local Planned Parenthoods.

  1. In another attempt to change rules, this time about science research, the mis-named Honest bill has passed in the house and is on its way to the Senate.  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-04/research-that-saved-the-bald-eagle-at-risk-as-new-epa-settles-in   There are a few things we can do:  1) we can thank those Republican representatives who voted "no" along with the Democratic representatives: Ryan Costello (PA), Carlos Curbelo (FL), John Faso (NY), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL), Mark Sanford (SC), and Elise Stefanik (NY), 2) we can also call members of the Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, where the bill  currently resides: https://www.epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/members, and 3) let's let our senators know that we oppose the HONEST Act. Information and call script: https://5calls.org/issue/rec1xzyWmbiGgyxNK

  1. Senators Tom Carper (D-DE), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works, and Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources, have sent an oversight letter to the Army Corps of Engineers demanding documentation about its rushed DAPL approval, including all communications and contact with the Trump transition team and administration.  Using this form, let’s join them in asking:  http://lakotalaw.org/ACE-oversight

  1. From one of our own:  I am part of an indivisible group that focuses on group tweeting at one time and throughout the day.  We have tweetsheets which provide users with easy click to tweet links with a message and a graphic embedded in it. Here is a sample:  https://resistancetweetsheets.wordpress.com/ To ask to be added to the M-F distribution list here:  aprileperry042@hotmail.com 

Other Actions

  1. Let’s all join in with Alt National Park Service’s resistance against Trump:  https://www.altnps.org/ 

  1. In an interview, Ivanka Trump said she did not know what complicit meant.  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ivanka-trump-interview-full-transcript/ Let’s help teach her what it means.  Let’s send her a dictionary definition.  Tweet her: @IvankaTrump or or call the White House comment line:  202-456-1111 or snail mail her a postcard:  The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

  1. Help flip the seat!  James Thompson is the Democratic nominee in the special election for the Fourth Congressional District in Kansas next Tuesday.  The Thompson campaign has made it very easy to help! We can make phone calls and can help turn out Kansas voters any time, anywhere. Find the link to the virtual phone bank here - and spread the word by sharing this event!:  https://www.facebook.com/events/1823011711358014.  And if we don't like making phone calls, the campaign has set up a service where wecan help reach voters by text! Sign up here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepeUmVvSTKhaE99iO9aq0A9CCz6omiDIehAxWD373ZKoz2Sg/viewform?c=0&w=1. 

  1. Reminder: The Tax March is one week away! We've seen how the momentum for political change can build after a well-executed march. Let's make it happen again next Saturday! If you can't make it to Washington D.C., check and see if there's a Tax March in your area: http://taxmarch.org/  We can also ask our representatives to support H.R. 305, the Presidential Tax Transparency Act. Information and call scipt  https://5calls.org/issue/rec0mNTKRTjt7DfOo

  1. Aerospace scientist and former army ranger Joseph Kopser is currently running against climate change denier Lamar Smith in one of Texas' 21st Congressional District. : https://www.crowdpac.com/campaigns/193261/joseph-kopser-new-leadership-for-tx-21  Let’s read more about Kopser and let's consider pledging our support.

  1. Congressional Management Foundation works directly with citizen groups to educate them on how Congress works, giving constituents a stronger voice in policy outcomes. They also work with members of Congress and staff to enhance their operations and interactions with constituents.  On Tuesday, May 9, they will be holding a webinar, “Proven Methods of Influencing Elected Officials” from 8-9pm EDT to teach us more.  Register here:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9109199131253499393

Petitions to Sign


  1. Common Defense,  an organization of Vets united against hate, asks us to join in their petition asking Congress to demand accountability for Trumps unconstitutional rush to war:  http://go.commondefensepac.com/page/s/denounce-trump-for-attacking-syria

  1. Equality PAC, an organization that helps elect candidates who support a broader equality agenda - one that includes LGBT rights, better pathways to citizenship, reproductive freedom, equal pay, and reducing income inequality, agrees with Bernie Sanders who believes that ALL Americans should have access to affordable healthcare.  Let’s show we do, too!  http://go.fightforequality.org/page/s/bernie-medicare



  1. Thanks to Peace is Loud, here is our weekly dose of Small Victorieshttps://www.peaceisloud.org/blog/small-victories-issue-14

  1. Part five in a series on the President in the LA Timeshttp://www.latimes.com/projects/la-ed-conspiracy-theorist-in-chief/

  1. A deeper look into the growth of alt-right media:  https://shorensteincenter.org/benkler/

  1. This week’s edition of RISE’s United States of Resistancehttps://www.risestronger.org/newsroom/republicans-toss-the-rulebook 

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
a federation of more than 70 #resistance sites located throughout the nation,
each with its own methods and approach.  Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance


  1. Could someone explain how to use the list of representatives' Twitter accounts that is provided by CSPAN, and listed at the top of each post? It seems to be arranged in random order, and not searchable or sortable by the usual means.

    1. I am able to use the search function in my browser to find my rep. by name. Try it. You may need to scroll down and let all the reps load, but it is doable!

  2. I find it highly ironic that Trump bombs Syria because of Bashar al-Assad's use of Sarin gas on his own people, while EPA director Scott Pruitt ignores the scientific findings of the EPA and allows continued gassing of Americans with the dangerous pesticide chlorpyrifos. According to the Pesticide Action Network, "Short-term symptoms of low-dose exposure may include headaches, agitation, inability to concentrate, weakness, tiredness, nausea, diarrhea and blurred vision. Higher doses can lead to respiratory paralysis and death. Pregnant women may also be more sensitive to chlorpyrifos toxicity according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. In addition to the immediate effects of exposure, chlorpyrifos is linked to a number of serious longer term health impacts." (http://www.panna.org/resources/chlorpyrifos-0). Chlorpyrifos is known to cause brain damage in children exposed to it. I think we need to address this situation with our legislators and the EPA and ask them just what the difference is between Bashar al-Assad and Scott Pruitt.

    1. Amen, sister! This particular pesticide has been in Rogan's List already, but this is a good approach for another hit. May I use/edit your words?

  3. Absolutely! Please do. I actually filed an EPA violation report against Scott Pruitt here: https://www.epa.gov/enforcement/report-environmental-violations. I don't expect any action as a result, but it was an opportunity to let EPA know what I think about the continuing approval of chlorpyrifos.


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