4/25/17 To-do List   

Contact Government Officials

Search all members of Congress here:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/current
Fax your legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
Find senators Twitter and Facebook Accounts here:
Find representatives on Twitter here:

If your senators and reps aren't saved in your phone yet, text your US postal address
to (520) 200-2223 and get a text back with your
STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.

  1. The EPA is calling for public comment on its regulations—the ones affecting the quality of our air and water, and efforts to mitigate climate change. The public comment period ends May 15.  Along with marching next Saturday, we need to attend or call in to one of the public comment sessions that the EPA is holding and offer our comments.  All the information is here: https://www.risestronger.org/newsroom/pledge-to-support-the-epa-today

  1. Trump is shutting down Opendata.epa.gov, one of the government's most important data services on Friday.  “If the site does go offline, it will mean that citizens will no longer be able to access information on their environment and climate, keeping them from researching potentially fatal changes to their area.”  http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/donald-trump-epa-website-turn-off-environmental-protection-agency-government-administration-a7698736.html  Time to tell our legislators to keep this information public and accessible. 

  1. From Tell All Your Friends:  Call your 2 Senators and your House Rep  (Find their numbers HERE) and  Say " My name is _____ and I am calling to urge Sen/Rep ____ to demand that the Attorney General appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the president and Russian interference in our election "   When you call your Senators add:  " AND to support S27 " which a bill that calls for an independent commission to investigate Russian influence in our election and more.

  1. It has been three years since the Flint Water Crisis was uncovered.  The people of Flint still do not have clean water to use for bathing, drinking, and cooking.  http://www.aclumich.org/tunnel-vision-flint-water-crisis   It has also been discovered that many other cities across the country face lead-related problems with their water supplies.  We need our infrastructure nationwide to be repaired and maintained.  This is the price we are paying for tax cuts during the past decades.  Time to call our federal and state legislators to tell them, we want our quality infrastructure back, but fix Flint first. 

  1. From one of our own:  There is an ad running featuring Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) that asks us to call and thank him for his work to repeal the ACA.  http://floridapolitics.com/archives/236214-pro-trump-group-airing-ads-backing-brian-mast-advocating-repeal-replace-obamacare   I think it's high time we call with the opposite message! Call and tell him you SUPPORT the ACA and will remember his actions when it's time to vote, no matter where we live!  Call:  202-225- 3026

  1. From one of our own:  GEO has been awarded a 110-million dollar federal contract to build a 1000-bed detention center in Texas as part of Trump’s promise of expansion of immigrant detention.  GEO also has 21,000 currently available beds for the same purpose.  However, GEO has a troubling past and has been at the center of many class-action lawsuits by prisoners and the subject of some State and local corruption charges against officials where it does business in the US. The company is part of why Obama phased out private prison companies. Follow the money. Its website also boasts a spiritual component in treating addiction amongst inmates...probably in violation of the US Constitution if GEO is accepting government funds. http://www.hesperiastar.com/opinion/20170423/our-view-adelanto-detention-center-deaths-deserve-investigating  Let’s let our MoCs know that this does not portend well. The safety of these people, whether they have the correct papers or not, is a matter of human rights.

  1. In March 17 Republicans in the House introduced a climate resolution going against Trump’s ideas.  http://citizensclimatelobby.org/climate-resolution/  If our rep is not one of the 17, Citizens Climate Lobby has a way for us to ask our rep to sign:  https://citizensclimatelobby.org/ask-your-representative-sign-republican-climate-resolution/#/37/

  1. From RISE Stronger:  Congress is back in session which means it is budget showdown week. What this week will most likely look like: Chaos, because Trump and Republicans are demanding $33 billion in new defense and border spending (just for the next FIVE months!) and $18 billion worth of spending cuts elsewhere. The outcome - a continuing resolution does not get passed, federal funding halts, and the government shuts down on April 29.  Call, call, call and ask for a "clean continuing resolution" meaning FY17 spending is maintained for the next 5 months. Then we turn our focus to FY18 budget.  https://risestronger.org/newsroom/call-to-action-urge-congress-to-keep-the-government-open-without-draconian-budget-cuts

Other Actions

  1. In the documentary Before the Flood, Actor Leonardo DiCaprio meets with scientists, activists and world leaders to discuss the dangers of climate change and possible solutions. We can watch the trailer for free and/or buy the film as well.  We can also join in the cause here:  https://www.beforetheflood.com/act/

  1. From The Resistance Manual:  Many reporters have a "beat," or an issue/institution/etc. they cover consistently. On the following web page put together by the Washington Post, we can find out which of their reporters are covering the agencies we most care about, and reach out with comments or tips. They are generally on social media, too, so by following them we can keep up to date with what's going on. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/washington-post-reporters-federal-beat/?utm_term=.99ef6ec2a3e5

  1. CNN’s Alisyn Camerota has spoken out about her sexual harassment by Roger Ailes: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/23/business/alisyn-camerota-accuses-roger-ailes-of-harassment-at-fox-news.html  Please take a moment to thank her for speaking up: CNN, One CNN Center, 13 North, Atlanta, GA 30303

  1. The City of New Orleans is taking down four Confederate statues: https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2017/04/24/us/ap-us-confederate-statues-new-orleans.html?_r=0   Let’s write to New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu to say thanks: 1300 Perdido St, 2nd Fl, New Orleans, LA, 70112

  1. The San Diego Unified School District is facing backlash for trying to tackle anti-Muslim bullying: http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/education/sd-me-islamophobe-folow-20170421-story.html  Let’s drop them a note to thank them for their efforts: SD Unified, 4100 Normal St, San Diego, CA 92103

  1. For the housing advocates among us, carsonwatch.org, a website formed in collaboration with the Poverty & Race Research Action Council, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and PolicyLink, “is committed to stopping HUD Secretary Ben Carson and Congressional allies from any attempts to roll back fair housing protections and undermine the housing security of millions of Americans.”

  1. According to this reformed white supremacist, racism is learned — and it can be unlearned. https://www.facebook.com/Upworthy/videos/1743866865654164/ If we’ve not yet read Jodi Picoult’s book Small Great Things on the same topic, this is a good time. It will us help understand better the white nationalists in the White House and around the country.

  1. Since the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee is a former Trump campaign advisor, it hardly seems that he could orchestrate an unbiased Trump/Russia investigation. http://www.businessinsider.com/senate-investigation-trump-russia-richard-burr-2017-4 Let’s call Sen. Burr (R-NC) and ask him to recuse himself immediately.  Call:  (202) 224-3154

  1. It will be a busy week in Congress this week.  Here are the bills coming up for a vote in Congress this week: Bills and Resolutions -- GovTrack.us

  1. Here is another phone app (for both Android and iOS), for the #resistance. Fourteen61 will provide you daily actions with a gentle notice to both educate and empower you to bridge the distance between you and current events. Check it out here: http://fourteen61app.com/

  1. Rounding up gay men and putting them in detention centers and torturing them is abominable.  This article shows us some ways we can help:  http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2017/04/20/gay_and_bi_men_in_chechnya_need_your_help_here_are_some_options.html

Petitions to Sign

  1. Let’s join the Sierra Club in telling Trump and Pruitt not to destroy climate change progress:  http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/801/828/076/

  1. Sen. Harris (D-CA) thinks that Trump’s border wall is just a stupid use of money. She’ll fight any funding for it in the upcoming budget battle.  If we agree, sign here to show your support;  http://go.kamalaharris.org/page/s/border-wall


  1. This applies to those of in the #resistance, too.  https://www.facebook.com/brenebrown/videos/1638723569476079/

  1. Looking back and looking ahead: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/apr/24/100-days-of-trump-resistance-wins-so-far-battles-to-come

  1. As we approach the hundredth day of Trump’s presidency, we can take heart from recent progress reports on the resistance from those who are watching closely, John Cassidy of the New Yorker (http://www.newyorker.com/news/john-cassidy/the-trump-resistance-a-progress-report) and Charles Blow of the NY Times  (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/24/opinion/resilience-of-the-resistance-donald-trump.html?ref=opinion).

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
a federation of more than 70 #resistance sites located throughout the nation,
each with its own methods and approach.  Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance


  1. I am not sure if you take action resources outside of your alliance but Indivisible Washington Environmental Network Blog is posting a Daily Docket for suggested topics for the EPA comments on Evaluation of Existing Regulations. Today's can be found at https://indivisiblewaenvironment.wordpress.com/2017/04/25/your-daily-docket-tuesday-april-25-2017/. You can also share in your daily "To-do" List if you would like.

    1. Some of our CTAs (calls-to-action) are original and others we find various places and share to get the word out. This one you are providing is wonderful and will be in tomorrow's edition. Thank you!


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