3/31/17 To-do List                                                            

Contact Government Officials

Search all members of Congress here:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/current
Fax your legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
If your senators and reps aren't saved in your phone yet, text your US postal address to (520) 200-2223 and get a text back with your
STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.

  1. Flynn has offered to testify as long as he is granted immunity from prosecution.  There is only one reason people consider this as an option.  http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/326639-flynn-offers-to-testify-on-russia-ties-in-exchange-for-immunity We’ve got to keep after all our legislators that for an independent investigation.  They may think we are a broken record (a good analogy for folks of a certain age), but we have to continue voicing this need.  Something is not right.

  1. It has come to light that Russia hired people to create anti-Clinton fake news prior to the election.  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/russian-trolls-hilary-clinton-fake-news-election-democrat-mark-warner-intelligence-committee-a7657641.html If none of the other red flags were significant enough to warrant an independent investigation, this should!  We need to keep asking for one!

  1. Despite studies that showed that the insecticide was harmful (https://www.mailman.columbia.edu/public-health-now/news/prenatal-exposure-insecticide-chlorpyrifos-linked-alterations-brain-structure )  Pruitt decided to ignore the science and the recommendation of his own agency and chose not to ban it :  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/29/us/politics/epa-insecticide-chlorpyrifos.html?_r=0  Let’s let him know that we are more about saving lives when we know we can.  Call him at:  202-564-4700  or make a comment on their FB page:  https://www.facebook.com/EPA or Tweet him at:  @EPAScottPruitt 

  1. On Wednesday, the House passed the HONEST Act (HR 1430). http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/326380-house-votes-to-restrict-epas-use-of-science Let's call our Senators and demand that they oppose this legislation. Let's also remember to hold our representatives accountable; check out how they voted on GovTrack and give them a call to let them know we're paying attention:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2017/h206 

  1. Breitbart -- and other conservative sites -- have targeted Kamala for leading the charge to prevent the Republicans from defunding and defaming Planned Parenthood.  We know that defunding Planned Parenthood is nothing more than an attack on women. And since Kamala is a threat to that agenda, they’re targeting her.  Let’s tweet (@SenKamalaHarris) and/or send her postcards (112 Hart Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510 )thanking her for all her work on our behalf to let her know she has our support. 

  1. The GOP didn’t think it was a good idea to confirm a Supreme Court justice in a President’s last year.  We don’t think it is a good idea to confirm one while the FBI is investigating a President.  http://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/chuck-schumer-delay-neil-gorsuch-vote-236315 While there are many reasons to oppose Gorsuch, we need to make sure that his was a legitimate nomination before a vote can be taken.  Call your senators. 

Other Actions

  1. Postcardsfromthepeople.com teamed up with 500womenscientists.org for their #OurEPA campaign.  There are  SIX new free templates we can use to write postcards of support to scientists at the EPA who have dedicated their careers to saving the environment!

  1. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders will be hosted on a livestream event this Friday evening via OurRevolution. RSVP:  https://go.ourrevolution.com/page/s/our-revolution-livestream-with-bernie-sanders-and-elizabeth-warren-rsvp 

  1. #CripTheVote is a nonpartisan online movement activating and engaging disabled people on policies and practices important to the disability community. The co-partners of #CripTheVote invite you to share your Medicaid Stories. Your stories will be featured in blog posts and other social media content as part of our our activism to save and defend Medicaid:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclFuk-88hXtbYaHO3e1lylu9FCLQyoBNn9xH91H-hlQEC6mg/viewform 

  1. Several companies have come out against Trump’s views on climate change and his efforts to backstep on progress that has been made.  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/mar/29/climate-change-companies-challenge-trump-mars-staples-gap 

  1. There is still time to help flip some Congressional seats! No matter where we live we can help with these upcoming special elections:

    1. April 11:  James Thompson is seeking election to the 4th  Congressional District of Kansas,  Sign up here to help:  http://www.votejamesthompson.com/volunteer

    1. April 18:  Jon Ossoff is seeking election to the 6th Congressional District of Georgia.  Sign up here to help:  https://electjon.com/volunteer/

    1. May 25: Rob Quist is seeking election to the sole Congressional District of Montana.  Sign up here to help:  https://quist.bsd.net/page/s/homepage-volunteer 

Petitions to Sign


  1. It's already been established that Bill O'Reilly is racist and does not respect women. However, that does not mean that he should not be held accountable for his actions. His treatment of Rep. Maxine Waters on Fox was abhorrent, and Rep. Waters deserves an apology. Let's sign Color of Change's petition demanding that he do so:  https://act.colorofchange.org/sign/fox-friends-maxine-waters

  1. Sen. Harris and Rep. Jayapal have introduced the Access to Legal Counsel Act, which would give immigrants detained by federal agents at U.S. borders and in detention centers the right to access legal counsel and prohibit immigration officials from denying them food and water. Congress must protect people from Trump’s cruel anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim policies, and passing the Access to Legal Counsel Act is a good first step.  Let’s sign here if we agree:  https://act.credoaction.com/sign/legal_counsel


  1. “When the President is Ignorant of his Own Ignorance”:  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/30/opinion/when-the-president-is-ignorant-of-his-own-ignorance.html

  1. And while we were distracted this week, Trump signed an executive order that repealed an Obama executive order prohibiting the federal government from contracting with firms that discriminated based on sexual orientation and gender identity. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/features/trump-quietly-went-after-lgbt-workers-this-week-w474245  Another step backwards for this administration that sides with business over individuals.

  1. Several companies have come out against Trump’s views on climate change and his backstepping on progress that has been made.  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/mar/29/climate-change-companies-challenge-trump-mars-staples-gap 

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
a federation of more than 70 #resistance sites located throughout the nation,
each with its own methods and approach.  Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance


  1. Once more, I implore you to write your action items ("Contact Government Officials") in such a way that it is EASY for your readers to take action. Include a short description of what a proposed bill would do, and why it is good (or bad), so that readers can EASILY compose a short message to relay, email, or tweet. Case in point: What does the HONEST bill do and why should we oppose it? I know this was explained yesterday, and I probably acted on it, but now I don't remember what it was about. Most of us, including me, aren't going to take the time to look this up in the Archives.

  2. Thanks, Georgia. I generally do post a link to explain the situation. Since the other vote was was so recent, I thought my followers would already know. I've updated the blog with this link: http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/326380-house-votes-to-restrict-epas-use-of-science


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