3/27/17 To-do List                                                            

Contact Government Officials

Search all members of Congress here:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/current
Fax your legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
If your senators and reps aren't saved in your phone yet, text your US postal address to (520) 200-2223 and get a text back with your
STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.

  1. From Postcards for AmericaSend postcards your OWN SENATORS in support of S338 – the Scientific Integrity Act that would ensure federal agencies that conduct and fund science, develop and implement scientific integrity policies. In addition, the legislation clarifies that federal scientist are allowed to communicate and discuss scientific findings, conclusions, and data with the public, the press, and Congress . http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/02/us-senate-bill-aims-make-sure-federal-scientists-aren-t-muzzled

  1. Let’s thank Rep. Lewis for always having all of our backs:  http://www.businessinsider.com/watch-john-lewis-fiery-speech-opposing-gop-health-care-bill-house-of-representatives-2017-3  Contact him here:  https://johnlewis.house.gov/contact-me

  1. Pretty sure this doc has it right:  “Patients and primary care physicians are getting the raw end of the deal for the sake of corporate profits.”  http://www.pressherald.com/2016/11/28/maine-voices-the-problem-isnt-obamacare-its-the-insurance-companies/   Time to ask our legislators to check into this part of the healthcare problem. 

  1. While we are at it, we need to ask them to watch as carefully so as other attempts to weaken the ACA are not railroaded through Congress:  http://www.consumerreports.org/healthcare-reform/what-is-next-for-aca-repeal-and-replace/ 

  1. Even if we don’t happen to live in Michigan, if we have a story to tell about the Great Lakes and why they need to continue to be protected, let’s let Sen. Stabenow know:  https://www.stabenow.senate.gov/greatlakes

  1. Trump has been away from the White House about a third of the time he has been in office. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/03/26/nearly-one-out-of-every-three-days-he-has-been-president-trump-has-visited-a-trump-property/?utm_term=.2d77253591be  While away from the WH, there is no requirement that a log be kept of his guests.  A bill was introduced Friday by Sen. Udall (N.M.) et al, called the Make Access Records Available to Lead American Government Openness Act — or MAR-A-LAGO Act (S 721).  The bill would require the Trump administration to release public visitor logs for both the White House“ or any other location where President Trump regularly conducts official business.”  A similar bill was introduced in the House.  Let’s let our legislators know we agree with this.

  1. While we were distracted last week, once again Trump has appointed someone to a position who opposes the agency’s mission by naming Roger Severino, who is openly anti-LGBT, to lead the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rightshttps://www.propublica.org/article/heritage-foundation-critical-transgender-rights-HHS-civil-rights-office   We need to let our legislators know that this is not acceptable and we are watching.  Let’s also contact the Dept. of Justice’s Civil Rights Division: to let them know that we and they need to keep careful watch of this situation:  Dept. of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC 2053

  1. The yellow “Energy Star” rating tag that we all look for when we shop for new appliances may be on the way out.  Despite the fact that it has saved us consumers hundreds of billions of dollars in appliances,the energy needed to run them, and  has benefited the environment as well, this program is part of the proposed budget cuts to the EPA.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/03/23/the-trump-administration-wants-to-kill-the-popular-energy-star-program-because-it-combats-climate-change/?utm_term=.b493dfeb6413  Let’s let our legislators know that we want to keep those little yellow tags….for us and for the environment.

Other Actions

  1. DefundDAPL.org is calling on us all to divest our funds in banks that fund the pipeline and to put pressure on banks still invested in DAPL to stop.  http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-boycott-dapl-banks-standing-rock-2017-3  Contact these banks:  http://www.defunddapl.org/contact-the-banks

  1. Sleeping Giants has an updated action item in their fight against Amazon's advertising with Breitbart. They are asking that we:  1)  Find an Amazon ad on Breitbart, featuring another company's product, 2) Tweet it to the company and @amazon mentioning that Amazon is putting their brand at risk by placing them next to inflammatory content, and 3) Tag @slpng_giants so that they can amplify.  Here’s the list of companies that have stopped advertising on Breitbart due to Sleeping Giant’s diligence:  http://bit.ly/2hbUgkX

  1. We can also make a difference with our wallets.  Boycotting works, and the Grab Your Wallet campaign has shown the effect boycotts can have on businesses. If you are interested in participating, checkout their list of companies and learn more about the movement: https://grabyourwallet.org/

Petitions to Sign

  1. Deadline is 8pm ET tonight so let’s join in the signing of this letter to the chairs of the Foreign Relations Committees in both houses of Congress asking for an independent, bipartisan commission to investigate the role foreign powers played in the 2016 U.S. presidential election:  https://indivisiblemontgomery.org/march-28-letter/

  1. Let’s join the Sierra Club and fight back against the Keystone XL pipeline:  https://sierra.secure.force.com/actions/National?actionId=AR0074452&id=70131000001iOuIAAU


  1. “100 Days of Trump Claims” – “Trump has been in office for 66 days. As of our latest update on day 63, we’ve counted 317 false or misleading claims.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims/?utm_term=.69c9f492974e

  1. Sen. Ted Kennedy’s take on healthcare reform in 2009 is still relevant: 

  1. This is the gerrymandering case to watch:  http://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/article/SF-political-scientist-crafts-tool-to-spot-rigged-11024527.php 

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
a federation of more than 70 #resistance sites located throughout the nation,
each with its own methods and approach.  Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance


  1. On every Twitter Amazon ad that comes across my feed, I ask them to not advertise on Breitbart. it is an easy action. Thank you for this. Having accurate info helps me compose my email call to actions

  2. I think I must be spoiled by the excellent issues of this newsletter. I was a little disappointed that today's installment was a little vague on the actions to be taken in contacting our government officials; it's so helpful when you supply the gist of what needs to be said to them.

    1. After the big push against the healthcare bill, these do seem a bit vague, but are issues that need to be addressed.

  3. The Kid Rock tee is being sold on Amazon, too. Linda P.

  4. I got this email in response to my Kid Rock complaint:

    I’m writing in response to your email to Kevin Tsujihara at Warner Bros. regarding an offensive T-shirt being sold through Kid Rock’s online store.

    Our parent company, Time Warner, sold its music operations—including Warner Bros. Records—in 2003. Therefore, Warner Bros. has no connection to Kid Rock nor Warner Bros. Records.

    If you’d like to contact Warner Bros. Records regarding this issue, their customer service email is wbrcustserv@emsi.echomail.com.

    Thank you,

    Steven Piorkowski
    Corporate Communications


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