3/22/17 To-do List                                                            

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Contact Government Officials

Search all members of Congress here:  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/current
Fax your legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
If your senators and reps aren't saved in your phone yet, text your US postal address to (520) 200-2223 and get a text back with your
STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.

  1. Monday evening the GOP made some alterations to the healthcare bill that is scheduled for a vote in the House on Thursday.  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/03/21/upshot/the-7-big-revisions-republicans-made-to-their-health-care-bill.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=0   Let’s let our representatives know that it is still not good enough to replace the ACA.

  1. Sen. Schumer has called for a delay in the Gorsuch confirmation given the possible Russia/Trump collusion until investigation is completed.  http://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/chuck-schumer-delay-neil-gorsuch-vote-236315   Let’s call our senators and tell them we agree. 

  1. Should the confirmation process for Gorsuch continue, we need to remember that while his answers may sound polished and diplomatic, his background is not necessarily what we need in a Supreme Court judge.  http://billmoyers.com/story/supreme-court-nominee-neil-gorsuch-praised-voter-suppression-efforts/  Let’s help our legislators know we oppose him.

  1. Join CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) in calling on the White House to cancel its meeting with Brigitte Gabriel. Gabriel is the leader of the anti-Muslim hate group ACT for America.  A meeting with the White House will only further normalize the rampant Islamophobia in the U.S. Read SPLC's report on ACT for America:  https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/act-america More on Brigitte Gabriel: http://www.islamophobia.org/islamophobic-individuals/brigitte-gabriel/65-brigitte-gabriel-aka-hanah-kahwagi-tudor.html From the Washington Post: http://wapo.st/2lSrSte

  1. Throughout the House Intelligence Committee hearing, it was clear through the line of questioning on *who* leaked the information, rather than *what* was leaked, that partisan politics continue to be an issue. We cannot depend solely on biased committees; we need to continue to call our representative and demand an independent, special prosecutor to investigate collusion between Trump and Russia. 

  1. In looking at voter disenfranchisement, it is interesting to note how varied state felon voting laws are.  This is an important subgroup of citizens caught up in degrees of voter suppression.  http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/felon-voting-rights.aspx and  http://felonvoting.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000286  Let’ check up on what the laws are in our states and see if there is some action to be done there.

  1. Now that she is moving into a White House office, “Ivanka's elevated position has historians and ethics experts questioning the appropriateness of having one of the president's adult children serving directly in the administration, especially while continuing to own a business.”  http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/21/520965076/ivanka-trumps-move-to-the-white-house-raises-questions-about-ethics Let’s let our legislators know that this does not sit well with us either.  Imagine if Clinton had won, and Chelsea were the daughter doing this. 

  1. “The United States has pulled its participation from hearings planned for today by a regional human rights body that has enjoyed the support of every U.S. administration since its founding. This sets a dangerous precedent that mirrors the behavior of authoritarian regimes and will only serve to embolden them.”  https://www.aclu.org/blog/speak-freely/unprecedented-no-show-us-pulls-out-planned-human-rights-hearing Is this really what we stand for now?  Our legislators need to know that we find this totally unacceptable. 

  1. Illinois has a creative way to reach their representatives regarding the healthcare proposal.  https://www.facebook.com/events/848468781968796/ Let’s join in if we are in Illinois and if not, let’s try something like this for an upcoming vote!

Other Actions

  1. From one of our own:  how about an apology to South Korea for Rex Tillerson’s extremely undiplomatic accusation that they lied about his “fatigue.” As an Asia specialist, Tillerson clearly has had no briefing on the etiquette—first that one is expected to dine with hosts after a business meeting and second that they were saving face for him and themselves by citing fatigue. Here’s the address of the embassy:  Ambassador Ahn, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, 2320 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, D.C. 20008

  1. Earth Hour is coming up on March 25th, at 8:30pm local time. Pledge to turn out your lights to stand up for our planet. Learn more about the movement: https://www.earthhour.org/what-is-earth-hour

  1. Sleeping Giants is asking us to participate in a Tweet storm, focusing on Taboola. Sample tweets are available on the Sleeping Giants Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/slpnggiants/posts/1851761165066524

  1. Knight Foundation, Democracy Fund, and the Rita Allen Foundation believe informed communities are indispensable to a healthy American democracy. We are launching an open call for ideas to address concerns about the spread of misinformation and build trust in quality journalism.  They are planning to award up to $1 million and for the average grant size to be $50,000 for these ideas.  Let those creative types among us check this out!  http://www.knightfoundation.org/challenges/knight-prototype-fund/

Petitions to Sign

  1. From one of our own:  National Low Income Housing Coalition is seeking help from organizations and advocates concerned about critical transportation, housing, community development, and homelessness programs to circulate a letter urging Congress to protect these programs from cuts, to lift the harmful caps on federal spending, and to provide the highest level of funding possible for these programs in FY18.   http://nlihc.org/article/sign-letter-telling-congress-protect-critical-affordable-housing-and-transportation-1

  1. Let’s Join MoveOn.org in demanding that Congress pause all Trump-related legislation and appointments—starting with a halt to Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch's confirmation process—until the American people learn the full truth about Trump and Russia.  http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/shut-down-and-investigate 


  1. From 5 Calls:  Hey everyone! Many of you have probably seen the latest tech tool craze Resistbot. Super cool gadget, but one concern that we've had at 5 Calls is that faxes (like emails and letters) can take weeks to get read and tallied, potentially nullifying the effect of the demand. So………it's not the most effective communication method for time-sensitive matters. Especially the Trumpcare vote!! We don't want to see the power of the resistance get diluted down by poorly timed correspondence.

  1. We all knew it was a long shot and we thank those who tried, but the Supreme Court denied the Revote 2017 lawsuit.   http://revote2017.org/our-writ-was-denied/ 

  1. A sign of the times and in direct opposition to Trump’s ideas, two coal plants are shutting down in Ohio:  http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/324857-two-ohio-coal-plants-to-close

  1. Leaks have always been part of politics. Sometimes they are intentional; sometimes they are not.  This guy knows a lot  about leaks:  http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/324805-watergate-reporter-gop-lawmakers-decrying-leaks-have-knowingly-leaked

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
a federation of more than 70 #resistance sites located throughout the nation,
each with its own methods and approach.  Other member sites are listed here: https://www.actionalliance.co/  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance


  1. Hi Rogan! Love, love, love your lists! Just a thought, that would make it a bit easier for me and maybe others, is instead of Issue #1 - call your Rep, Issue #2 - call your Senator, Issue #3 - call your Senator, issue #4 - call your Legislator, maybe list them as #1 - Call your Rep about a,b,c. #2 - Call your Senator about a,b,c #3 - Call both your Rep and Senator about d,e,f. That way, I can make one phone call and cover several issues. I also appreciate scripts with 1-3 key points, because I have the time to make the calls, but not enough to read other sources to know what the key points are. Just some thoughts! I'll do the best I can with what you provide!

    1. Thank you, Lainey for your kind words and suggestions. You may want to take a look at some other call-to-action resources that may better meet your needs. There are some fabulous ones out there! Check here: https://www.actionalliance.co/

  2. Felon voting rights by state: http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/felon-voting-rights.aspx


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