2/2/17  To-do List                                                            

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  1. Former Sec. of Labor Robert Reich said, “Look, this is not just another conservative administration. This is not a normal president. By and large, Democrats have to be tougher and louder and make an unprecedented ruckus. Now. They have to fight as if our lives and the well being of our communities depend on it. Because they do.”  Watch his short video explaining why:  https://www.facebook.com/RBReich/videos/1457055690973689/  You may want to follow him on Facebook, too:  https://www.facebook.com/RBReich/  and on Twitter:  @RBReich

  1. The National Parks Conservation Association wants us to know about the continued push by Congress to repeal rules and regulations that serve to protect our national parks and us.  “If Congress repeals these rules, drilling could occur in national parks with little more than bare-minimum state regulations. The Park Service will have essentially no authority over oil and gas development proposed inside national parks. Leaks and spills could go unpunished without NPS authority to enforce safety standards. Companies would be able to build roads through national parks to begin drilling, such as the 11-mile road through the heart of Big Cypress National Preserve built to reach an oil and gas lease. Drilling companies would not be required to inform parks or park visitors about when or how drilling operations would occur.”  https://www.npca.org/articles/1462-house-moves-to-encourage-drilling-in-national-parks#sm.001uuoosd10tjdqctfj2r675o3is5 Let your legislators know that you expect them to save and preserve our national parks.   http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. You can also become part of the alt-National Park Service movement that wants to protect and preserve the environment:  https://www.altnps.org

  1. Do you feel strongly about environmental concerns? Check out Sierra Club’s action page for specific measures you can take to support the environment:  https://sierra.secure.force.com/actions/

  1. Even the American Library Association is speaking out against  new administration policies that contradict our core values. http://www.ala.org/news/press-releases/2017/01/ala-opposes-new-administration-policies-contradict-core-values   Let’s thank them for standing with us:mmorales@ala.org

  1. Want to send or receive a fax, but don’t have a fax line?  Try this service:  https://www.myfax.com/free   After the 30-day free trial, the cost is $10/month.

  1. Another free fax service set up to contact your legislators, for when their voice mail boxes are full, is this one: Senators:   https://faxzero.com/fax_senate.php  Representatives:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

  1. DAPL is moving forward, but there are measures we can take to divest funding. Send Citibank, TD Bank, and Wells Fargo a message, telling them they need to withdraw funding of the pipeline. Are you divesting your own money away from the banks that are funding the pipeline? Make sure to include that in the message!  https://other98action.org/defund-the-dakota-access-pipeline/

  1. Trump has nominated Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court seat. Gorsuch has proven that he will undermine women’s rights. Call your senators and tell them to oppose this nomination.  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page
  2. You can also send them a message: http://actnow.prochoiceamerica.org/letter/170131_trumpscotus/

  1. Stay strong in your opposition to the Muslim ban. MomsRising makes it easy to send a message to your members of congress: http://action.momsrising.org/sign/rescind_muslim_ban/?t=4&akid=8712.2326843.m2yVfH

  1. Don't watch the White House livestream of the Supreme Court pick. Instead, follow the SCOTUSBlog liveblog. Give clicks to quality reporting, not reality show politics.  http://www.scotusblog.com/2017/01/live-blog-nomination/

  1. Postcards for America is calling for another postcard avalanche for us all to write our OWN SENATORS about possibly removing POTUS under Article 4 of the 25th Amendment.  Details here :  http://docdro.id/0YDuKUH

  1. Rep. Whitman is doing a survey on the Trump EO on immigrants and refugees: https://wittman.house.gov/forms/form/?ID=12

  1. The Supreme Court will review partisan gerrymandering in 2017. "Gerrymandering has helped give the Republican Party a significant advantage in Congress."   https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/01/31/the-supreme-court-will-examine-partisan-gerrymandering-in-2017-that-could-change-the-voting-map/?utm_term=.7ffee4533267    We need to band together to create fair maps for Democrats in 2021! Sign up here: http://bit.ly/2kmXIwQ

  1. Even civil workers inside DC are pushing back.  We are not alone:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/resistance-from-within-federal-workers-push-back-against-trump/2017/01/31/c65b110e-e7cb-11e6-b82f-687d6e6a3e7c_story.html?utm_term=.e8affaa860e0

  1. In the absence of any Democrats, and “by unanimous consent, the Republicans gathered in the hearing room agreed to change the committee’s standing rules, which normally require at least one member of each party to be in attendance for committee work to proceed.”  http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/317302-gop-changes-rules-to-push-through-nominees-after-dem-boycott  Contact your senators to let them know that is an unacceptable way to change rules and any confirmations made under that new rule should be negated.  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. Remember, if you are using index cards as postcards thatt to qualify for mailing at the First-Class Mail postcard price, it must be: Rectangular. At least 3-1/2 inches high x 5 inches long x 0.007 inch thick. No more than 4-1/4 inches high x 6 inches long x 0.016 inches thick.  http://pe.usps.com/BusinessMail101?ViewName=Cards   Best to purchase 4 x 6 index cards.

  1. From one of our own:   There is a new iPhone app called Donald Trump Countdown Timer. In addition to a function that allows you to count down days, minutes, hours, and seconds until Trump’s term is done, it aggregates resources for donating to useful causes, protesting, volunteering, resisting, coping, surviving. The app is available on the app store:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/donald-trump-countdown-timer/id1196564570  You can also get the app via its Facebook page:
  2. https://www.facebook.com/dtcdtimer/?fref=ts&pnref=story

  1. The March for Science will take place on April 22, 2017. We hope to see you in D.C. and around the world!

  1. We all now realize that we are in this for the long haul.  Take care of yourselves.  Take breaks, Breathe. When you are ready, get back in the game.  While you are taking a break others are working hard.  When you work hard, others can take a break.  We’ve got each other’s backs on this.  Read this to help you from becoming too overwhelmed:  http://mashable.com/2017/01/30/trump-presidency-overwhelmed/#mve_DA2ttOqA

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