2/10/17  To-do List                                                            

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Contact Legislators

Contact your legislators here: https://www.callmycongress.com 
or via free online fax here:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

  1. Beginning February 17, Congress will be home in their respective districts for a week-long recess. Call your legislators’ local offices to make appointments.  Make back-to-back appointments with your friends! 

  1. We now have a Secretary of Education who has demonstrated that she knows nothing about special education law. To make matters worse, we now have an Attorney General who once said that special needs children “are a big factor in accelerating the decline in civility and discipline in classrooms”, not to mention that he is racist enough for Coretta Scott King to have written a letter opposing him for a federal judgeship, for which he was not confirmed. So, if you have not already done it contact your legislators and start talking about protecting the well being of all our children by maintaining the integrity of IDEA - including but not limited to FAPE, LRE, and evidence based practices.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/01/28/the-telling-letter-betsy-devos-wrote-to-clarify-her-position-on-u-s-disabilities-law/?utm_term=.bdcc83c572f6

  1. Call your senators to support the Russian interference investigations.  We all know that something is going on between Russia and #45. Time to find out what it is.  http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/russia-hacking-senate-investigation-234456

  1. As a Representative in Congress, Price has led Republican efforts to repeal the ACA.  Price wants to undo anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ communities.  Rep. Price has consistently supported anti-choice and anti-women’s health during his time in Congress.  Rep. Price supports deep cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.  Make sure both of your senators know that you oppose Price for Secretary of Health and Human Services.  

  1. The director of the National Economic Council said that he wants to get rid of the Fiduciary Rule; a rule which requires financial advisers to make decisions based on the best interest of their clients. Call your senator and ask them to support the Fiduciary Rule. Call script here: https://www.indivisibleguide.com/resources-2/2017/2/7/fiduciary-rule

  1. A top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee has filed a "resolution of inquiry" into President Donald J. Trump. It can be considered a first step in the process of attempting to impeach a federal official.  Contact member of the Committee voicing your support:  https://judiciary.house.gov/subcommittee/full-committee/

Other Contacts to Make

  1. Call the Army Corps of Engineers and tell them you oppose DAPL and demand that they complete the Environment Impact Statement, as was previously planned: 1-888-201-9377  You can also send them a message through the Sierra Club:

  1. From one of our own:  Are you a member at REI who supports Standing Rock?  REI member services is taking feedback on their contract renewal with US Bank in light of US Bank's decision to invest in DAPL. They are "taking feedback seriously" as a cooperative and "socially responsible" company.  Email them at Member@REI.com and/or call 1-800-426-4840

  1. It is unethical for a White House employee to use their position to promote a private business such as Kellyanne Conway did on national television when she told viewers to “go buy Ivanka’s stuff”.  http://www.businessinsider.com/kellyanne-conway-go-buy-ivankas-stuff-2017-2   A complaint can be made using this link: https://www.oge.gov/web/oge.nsf/Organization/Contact%20Us?opendocument Make sure to mention the violation of FEDERAL Code 5 CFR 2635.702 - The use of public office for private gain. 

Other Actions

  1. From on of our own:  I just wrote to Nordstrom and TJ Maxx on their Facebook pages thanking them for having the courage to drop Ivanka's clothing line.  They are getting a lot of pushback from Trump supporters.  But I assured them that those who are threatening to cut up their credit cards and boycott the stores do not compare to the customer base represented by the hundreds of thousands who marched across this country on Jan. 21.  So if you have a minute could you send them a thank you too. I would love to see their Facebook flooded with supportive posts to drown out the others!  And please spread the word.  Nordstrom’s FB page:  https://www.facebook.com/Nordstrom/  and TJ Maxx’s FB page:  https://www.facebook.com/tjmaxx/   Please refrain from joining in the nastiness of some of the comments.

  1. From one of our own (on the same topic):  Write a thank you letter to Nordstrom corporate, indicating your appreciation for their courage! Email address is: contact@nordstrom.com. In the subject line, write: ERIK NORDSTROM, President. OR do this: Send a snail mail letter to him at this mailing address: Nordstrom Direct Inquiries, 1600 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2600, Seattle, WA 98101.
  1. Rep. Issa (R-CA) is running a survey to get an idea what people think about #45’s immigration ban.  You can weigh in here:  https://issa.house.gov/news-room/in-the-news/trump-travel-ban-what-do-you-think

  1. Interested in learning more about being a grassroots organizer and advocate?  You may be interested in the Organizing for Action (OFA) Fellowship Program.  For more information and application details, check here:  https://www.ofa.us/ofa-fellowship .

  1. Almost 80 literary agents put out an open call for Muslim authors, to help make their voices heard. If you, or someone you know, fit this bill, it is your time to shine!  https://cleliagore.com/open-call/

Petitions to Sign

  1. While #45 backed off on his anti-LGBT executive order, Conservative extremists in Congress will likely once again try to pass the so-called “First Amendment Defense Act” -- a legislative initiative that would effectively legalize anti-LGBT discrimination across the country. Please join Equality PAC in stopping this:      http://go.fightforequality.org/page/s/Stop-LGBT-Discrimination


  1. “The Simple Psychological Trick to Political Persuasion”, how to morally reframe issues:       https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/02/the-simple-psychological-trick-to-political-persuasion/515181/

  1. A musical lesson to sustain us:  http://docdro.id/Y7OehfX

  1. Read up on the Muslim Brotherhood for some background on legislation that has been introduced in the House and Senate: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/02/08/calling-the-muslim-brotherhood-a-terrorist-group-would-hurt-all-american-muslims/?utm_term=.7d682659f957


  1. I sent the REI action to my mother (an REI member) and got the following text back: "Thx for that REI note but it's not true (lol fake news our side). I called and spoke to a very friendly informed rep who said that they are in the middle of a multi-year contract with US Bank, have not solicited member feedback about this, but are logging all calls because of this social media rumor."

    1. :) So, they might not have planned it, but they are logging calls anyway? Win-win!! Thanks for letting me know!

  2. Thank you so much for the daily action list! I read through it every morning and take action on what I can. I also really appreciate the additional resources and reading materials you provide.

  3. Thank you, Susan and Jen, for the wonderful action list you're preparing every day. I live in a blue state, so sometimes I have to be a little creative when coming up with opportunities to help out. I have recommended Rogan's List on my own site, http://HowCanWeResist.com, and I use your site every day. It helps me be more effective and reduces my stress level.


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