1/23/17  To-do List                                                      
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  1. There is a meme going around saying that the organizers of the Women’s March want to get an accurate count.  If you took part in the March in any way, please text “Count Me” to 89800.  Counting open until 1/24. It seems that the group doing this is not actually the march people (look at the small print at the bottom of the meme), but an organization that wants to help others get involved.  This is the group:  http://www.itstimenetwork.org/

  1. Here is a link to the crowd estimate of Woman’s March.  Make you’re your city is represented here:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xa0iLqYKz8x9Yc_rfhtmSOJQ2EGgeUVjvV4A8LsIaxY/htmlview?sle=true#gid=0

  1. An aide to Sen. Van Hollen (D-MD) has contacted Rogan’s List with an update on the Senator’s position on the DeVos nomination.  It was reported here on 1/19 that he was waffling, but he has issued a statement saying that he is against her nomination. https://www.vanhollen.senate.gov/content/van-hollen-statement-opposition-confirmation-secretary-education-nominee-betsy-devos  Please contact the senator and thank him.  202-224-4654 or https://www.vanhollen.senate.gov/content/contact-senator

  1. If you want to continue the work of the Women’s March, consider checking joining in on their “10 Actions in 100 Days”:  https://www.womensmarch.com/100/

  1. On February 11, there is a call for protests at Planned Parenthood centers around the country seeking to lend support to defunding the organization.  Call your local Planned Parenthood  to see what help they need and rally your friends to counter these protesters (peacefully, please).  To see if there is a protest planned against your local Planned Parenthood check this website and know that more may be added:   http://protestpp.com/locations/  Wear pussy hats so they know who we are!

  1. Democracy for America, a grassroots political organization founded by Howard Dean, wants us to take a short survey following this historic weekend to help them prioritize next steps:  http://act.democracyforamerica.com/survey/survey-january/

  1. Here’s another new group to look into, The Resurgent Left.  Watch this short humorous video to see what they are about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgWVzsjc2H4&feature=youtu.be, then sign up here: http://www.theresurgentleft.org/

  1. This is the final appeal before MoveOn.org delivers our signatures to Jason Chaffetz. Please sign and share the petition to investigate Trump's business conflicts and entanglements at this link:  http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/rep-jason-chaffetz-probe?mailing_id=36562&source=s.icn.em.cr&r_by=15875449

  1. Required reading:  The press will be under even greater scrutiny, but we need to support them in telling the facts.  Trump and his administration seem enamored by their own versions and even call them “alternative facts”.  https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/01/the-pointless-needless-lies-of-the-trump-administration/514061/  Let’s tell the national media that we want them to find and share the real facts:  http://fair.org/take-action-now/media-activism-kit/media-contact-list/

  1. On Tuesday, January 24th, MoveOn,org members are joining with Working Families Party, People's Action, and other allies across the country to rally Democratic and Republican senators with a clear message: "Stop the #SwampCabinet."  For more info and to find an event near youhttps://act.moveon.org/event/stop_trumps_swamp_cabinet/search/  If there are no scheduled events in your area, go anyway!  Get to know the staff.  You’ll be seeing them often in the next few years.

  1. Sign here to demand that the federal government stop funding the police at Standing Rock:  https://actionsprout.io/F7A776/initial

  1. It’s already come to this: a bill to withdraw the US from the United Nations:   https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/193   While it probably won’t get far (at least let’s hope so), but still the very idea is outrageous.  Teen Vogue is doing some fine reporting on many issues this election season, including this one:  http://www.teenvogue.com/story/heres-what-trump-gets-wrong-about-the-united-nations   Please contact your representative to tell them how you feel about this issue:  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page


  1. THANK YOU immensely for your research. Your blog is my go-to everyday. I have learned so much thanks to your time and energy. Keep it up, sister.

    1. Thank you!! This is exactly WHY I do it! You keep it up as well!

  2. I made it through all 12, and personal messages to my representatives. :) did get an SMS bounce back from #1 saying service was unavailable, to try again later, though.


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