1/27/17  To-do List                                                            

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As Rogan’s List becomes more and more widely distributed and used, I strongly encourage others to create similar blogs that can concentrate on individual state issues as well.  Think what a force that could be!  Step up!  We only need 50 of you to start with!  How about YOU?

  1. Tell North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum to remove the road blockade and keep water protectors safe from police violence.  Use this link to help make the call: https://www.aclu.org/feature/tell-gov-burgum-keep-standing-rock-water-protectors-safe  

  1. With the White House public comment line down (which actually went down near the end of the Obama administration) people are looking for alternative ways to get messages to the President.  Aside from calling the switchboard (202-456-1414), you can also go the White House web page, hover on the tab "Participate" and choose "Contact the White House".  It will take you to this link:   https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact

  1. Another option for leaving messages and comments is to call the Winter White House at Mar-A-Lago: 561-832-2600, or as described in this piece, there is a new website that will connect you to a Trump businesses where you can pass along your concerns.  http://www.teenvogue.com/story/how-to-call-white-house-comment-line-closed  Since he has not divested, these businesses are quasi-extensions of the White House.  Click this link to make a call:  https://whitehouseinc.org/  Enter your phone number and email and you will be connected to one of the many White House satellite offices.  They might ask if you'd like to make a reservation, but you just get busy talking about the important matters like women's rights, immigration, the Wall, the Affordable Care Act, etc.  Politely ask them to take a message and pass it to Trump.

  1. From MomsRisingNow is a critical time to make our voices heard to protect healthcare coverage. The coverage of nearly 30 million people is at risk. Send a Letter to the Editor of your local newspaper to speak out for quality, affordable healthcare via this easy link! (It’s truly easy. Sample language and direct links to papers are on the link when you click it).  * Click to help protect healthcare:  http://action.momsrising.org/lte/Healthcare?t=2&akid=8675.2464717.UOMRie

  1. Here is a new way to engage with your federal legislators.   Once 5 Calls knows your location, it will show you the calls to be made, a bit of background on the issue, the number to call, and a script to use:  https://5calls.org/

  1. Please join the Council on Exceptional Children which is requesting  Congress to delay the confirmation vote until it is clear that Mrs. DeVos will enforce all provisions of IDEA and not divert the use of public IDEA dollars to support private schoolshttp://cqrcengage.com/cek/app/onestep-write-a-letter?4&engagementId=277673

  1. Trump’s financial holdings in the companies that are responsible for the Dakota Access oil pipeline (DAPL) are even more concerning now that he has signed the executive order to continue its construction.  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trumps-stock-in-dakota-access-oil-pipeline-raises-concerns/  If you’ve not already done so, add your voice in support of Elizabeth Warren’s Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act to force him to divest.  http://act.standupamerica.com/trump-corruption and call Rep. Chaffetz's office in DC to lodge a compliant about the Oversight Committee's lack of oversight thus far.  The number is 202-225-7751.

  1. Please join Organizing for Action (OFA) in standing up for American values.  Walls, bans, and divisive politics do not represent us.  https://www.ofa.us/stand-up-for-american-values/

  1. The employees were notified by EPA officials on Tuesday that the administration had instructed EPA's communications team to remove the website's climate change page, which contains links to scientific global warming research, as well as detailed data on emissions.the sources said.”  http://www.reuters.com/article/usa-trump-epa-climatechange-idUSL1N1FF0IZ  Contact your legislators to voice your opposition against this dangerous move and what it  portends for the future:  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. Become an OFA (Organizing for Action) Fellow.  This is an introductory-level course designed for people with little to no organizing experience, but who are looking to make an impact. Take the first step—join the next class of fellows who are ready to make change a reality.  https://www.ofa.us/community-engagement-fellowship/

  1. Another postcard avalanche -- Write and mail one postcard to: Donald J. Trump
    C/O The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500.  Message:  “I will NOT pay for YOUR wall. PERIOD” Then call your legislators and leave a message with staff stating you will not be paying for Trump’s wall. 

  1. Indigenous Environmental Network is asking for people to submit public comments to the Dept of Army for the DAPL Environmental Impact Statement regarding Standing Rock! There is a pre-filled form you can sign. The deadline for comments is Feb 20.  https://actionnetwork.org/letters/submit-a-public-comment-on-dapl-eis

  1. We should let Rep. Smith know that we don't want to do away with a free press and get all our info from the White House. The number for the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology is 202-225-6371. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2017/01/25/house-science-committee-chairman-americans-should-get-news-from-trump-not-media/?postshare=6441485385357127&tid=ss_fb-bottom&utm_term=.78ec45306762

  1. For an inside view of what Republican activists are doing now, this is very insightful.  While we are working hard, so are they:  http://docdro.id/JBgo1Ph

  1. The March for Life is happening this weekend.  Since we support ALL life, this would be a good time to donate to Planned Parenthood, perhaps in Kellyanne Conway’s name.  Conway, Trump’s senior counselor, will speak at the march, the highest-ranking White House official to ever attend the event, according to march organizers.  Donate here:  https://secure.ppaction.org/site/Donation2?idb=1960237759&df_id=17835&mfc_pref=T&17835.donation=form1

  1. If you currently have banking services with a bank that is involved in DAPL, this might be a great time to change to a local credit union.  http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/how-to-contact-the-17-banks-funding-the-dakota-access-pipeline-20160929  if that link does not work, try this one:  http://inhabitat.com/heres-every-bank-funding-the-dakota-access-pipeline-and-how-to-switch/

  1. Pruitt’s confirmation vote in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is scheduled for Monday Jan 30.  Please make a call now to urge key members of the committee to oppose Pruitt’s confirmation: https://act.credoaction.com/call/block_pruitt_calls/  Talking points: 1) Pruitt sued the EPA to block environmental rules, 2) Pruitt sent letters to the EPA on behalf of big polluters, 3) Pruitt’s campaigns were funded by the fossil fuel industry, and 4) Pruitt falsely claimed climate science is “far from settled”

  1. Stand with refugees and immigrants and make it clear that you welcome them. MoveOn.org has printable signs available here:  https://act.moveon.org/survey/immigrants-and-refugees-are-welcome/?t=1&akid=176976.32012904.57jExc

  1. Resistance behavior abounds:  Someone bought alternativefacts.com and redirected it. Go ahead, click on it.  J  Make sure to read it, too!

  1. For a growing list of alternative Twitter accounts for the federal government entities that have had gag rules imposed on them, check here:  http://www.wearetraversecity.com/node/56

  1. More than 1.4 million CREDO activists from all over the country have signed a petition demanding that the Senate block Betsy DeVos’ confirmation as secretary of education. Senator Jeff Merkley will be joining with CREDO to host a rally in Portland Friday, January 27th which will be broadcast live on CREDO’s Facebook page. Check it out here at 1:30pm ESThttps://www.facebook.com/CREDO

  1. To fight back against the removal of federal funding from sanctuary cities, Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) has created a toolkit for moving resolutions through local government: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fT9-uzUROnGz5UykItIGzIsbyMVozIw1FNTtNEiuvxw/edit

  1. The ALCU is demanding a second confirmation hearing on Sessions because he was deeply involved in some of Trump’s executive orders without the knowledge of the nominating committee.  This is highly irregular. “It is our belief that the Senate cannot meaningfully carry out its constitutional obligation without Sen. Sessions testifying to his views on President Trump’s actions, which threaten civil rights, civil liberties, and executive authority.”  https://www.aclu.org/blog/washington-markup/one-wasnt-enough-heres-why-aclu-demanding-second-confirmation-hearing  Call Senate Judiciary Committee chair Sen. Grassley, as well as other members of the committee, and demand a second confirmation hearing for Attorney General-nominee Jeff Sessions.  Find them here:  https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/about/members

  1. Join the Greenpeace resistance today by putting your members of Congress on notice that you expect them to protect the commitments made under the Paris Agreement to fight climate change and that you’ll be holding them accountable. https://secure3.convio.net/gpeace/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2061  

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