1/25/17  To-do List                                                            

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  1. Want to learn about our Government fast... PBS made something just for us in these times --and it is super fun to watch with the family... we're all watching it together.  This help nine-minute video helps us understand our Congress and a little about how it works:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9defOwVWS8&index=2&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtOfse2ncvffeelTrqvhrz8H

  1. Kellyanne Conway “does not see the point” of the women’s marches.  She says that women should write a letter and request a dialogue.  So, let’s get over three million letters written to Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC  20500. doing just that. 

  1. This is a Change.org petition asking that a Revolutionary War site, on the National Register of Historic Places, be preserved and maintained and not sold to developers who plan to construct retail outlets.  https://www.change.org/p/don-t-turn-a-famous-revolutionary-war-site-into-an-ihop-restaurant

  1. The White House has officially shut down the citizen phone comment line, instead directing Americans to a non-existent Facebook messenger account. Another signal this administration doesn't care about citizenry opinion and openly lies. I suggest we all write a letter. Imagine 25,000 or more snail mail letters arriving at their door about such actions? Please note: I think sharing for the group is turned off. Please feel free to copy entirely. http://variety.com/2017/digital/news/white-house-switchboard-facebook-messenger-1201967138/

  1. Call Senator Lamar Alexander's office to complain about his decision NOT to give more time for a second round off questions on Betsy Devos. One of our did and a REAL PERSON took the call. She did have to wait on hold for a couple of minutes, but the office assistant was kind, gracious and thanked her for reaching out. She told her that she’d never done this before, and she laughed lightly, a kind laugh. Call today. 202-224-4944.  Remember, the Secretary of Education position affects all our children!

  1. Because it really is never too late for good, downloadable Resistance art:  http://theamplifierfoundation.org/wtp_wmw_highresart/

  1. Let’s thank the New York Times for finally calling a lie, a lie, and in a headline, no less!  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/23/us/politics/donald-trump-congress-democrats.html  https://myaccount.nytimes.com/membercenter/feedback.html

  1. Trump has just named Ajit Pai as FCC chairman. Pai has a history of siding against net neutrality. Tell the FCC and your senators that you are in support of net neutrality- visit this page for phone numbers and sample scripts:
  2. http://www.shakesville.com/2017/01/take-action-now-to-save-net-neutrality.html?m=1  Find your senators here:  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page and find FCC leadership here:  http://www.connectwithglobal.com/leadership.html

  1. White supremacists started attacking Linda Sarsour, one of the leaders of the Women's March. If they want to come for one of us, they're going to have to come through all of us. If this is one of the first tests of our collective will under this new White (Power) House, let's make sure our message is clear.   http://www.elle.com/culture/career-politics/news/a42375/womens-march-organizer-linda-sarsour-is-under-attack/  Use the hashtag  #ImarchWithLinda  on your Facebook and  on Twitter to demonstrate your appreciation for Linda's leadership.   

  1. President Trump will address Congress on February 28. RISE Stronger urges citizens and organizations around this country to engage in actions and rallies leading up February 28. We created this event page so we can coordinate and share. Please Share! On February 28, we #risestronger  https://www.facebook.com/events/1285217031535229/

  1. Trump signed an executive order advancing controversial Dakota Access and Keystone Pipelines:  http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/politics/Trump-Keystone-DAPL-Pipeline-Executive-Orders-411646595.html  The willingness to overlook all the public concerns, the potential for damaging water supplies, the audacity of desecrating Native burial grounds indicates that once again someone is more concerned with profits instead of the good of the people.  Background reading:  http://billmoyers.com/story/standing-firm-standing-rock-pipeline-protesters-will-not-moved/  Let’s keep checking in here:  http://standwithstandingrock.net/

  1. An ACLU delegation is in Standing Rock today, facilitating meetings between U.N. officials and members of the International Indian Treaty Council. “Trump’s decision to give the go-ahead for the Dakota Access Pipeline is a slap in the face to Native Americans and a blatant disregard for the rights to their land. By law, they are entitled to water rights and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, not sacrificed for political expediency and profit making. The Trump administration should allow careful environmental impact analysis to be completed with full and meaningful participation of affected tribes.” More information about the ACLU’s work at Standing Rock is available here: https://www.aclu.org/feature/stand-standing-rock

  1. While you are at it, sign this petition by the DNC to pledge to fight back:               http://my.democrats.org/page/s/Fight-Climate-Change

  1. If you are on Twitter, the League of Conservation Voters asks that you tweet this message:  .@RealDonaldTrump @POTUS: You want to give power to the people? Here we are -- and we say #NoKXL and #NODAPL! via @LCVoters

  1. The Sierra Club is also against this move.  Join in their effort to fight here:  https://sierra.secure.force.com/actions/National?actionId=AR0066424&id=70131000001iOuIAAU

  1. Trump has promised a Supreme Court nominee within two weeks, for the stolen Supreme Court seat, from a group hand-picked by conservative extremists. He’s set to select someone who will turn back the clock to the 19th century. #WeSayNo to a lifetime appointment of an anti-choice, anti-LGBT equality, anti-gun control, anti-racial justice, pro-corporate power reactionary. We’re telling our senators that if they don’t oppose dangerous nominees, we will hold them accountable at the ballot box.  Tell your senators here:  http://www.weekly-resistance.online/

  1. If you are ever at the point where you want to do more than what is on this List, here’s the place to go:  http://whatdoidoabouttrump.com/action-hub/

  1. 31% of the federal workforce is made up of veterans. Trump's hiring and pay freeze hits veterans harder than almost any other group. Trump's order also hurts unemployed veterans who would have had a great shot at getting new Federal jobs, thanks to President Obama's Veterans Employment Initiative. This does not help veterans, as Trump promised he would.  Sign this by VoteVets.org asking the new president to reverse his federal hiring and pay freeze or outline his new plan to help veterans:  http://action.votevets.org/page/s/federal-employees

  1. Let’s ask our senators to get behind this bill that will help from being forced to pay taxes on forgiven mortgage loans.  https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/122/cosponsors?overview=closed  Find your senators here;  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. Not only are there big cuts planned at EPA:  http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/315607-trump-team-plans-big-cuts-at-epa, the important grant and contract work done by the EPA has been frozen by Trump:  https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-administration-imposes-freeze-on-epa-grants-and-contracts  and a gag order/media blackout about what is happening has been imposed as well:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/environmental-protection-grants-staff_us_5886825be4b0e3a7356b575f?ncid=engmodushpmg00000003  No reports on work done due to our tax dollars?  Time to let our legislators know we do not agree with this, nor the cuts that are coming:  Find your legislators here:  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. In another Trump media blocking move,  “Starting immediately and until further notice” the department’s main research division “will not release any public-facing documents,” according to an internal memo at the USDA.  They are no longer permitted to put out press releases or other documents.    https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/01/24/usda-science-researchers-ordered-to-stop-publishing-news-releases-other-documents/?utm_term=.c720082a61cb  These are our tax dollars being used. Again, we need to let all our legislators know that this is unacceptable.  :  Find your legislators here:  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. You know who DOES care about your zip code? Your legislators.  Harness that power. Look at the bills they’re currently (co)sponsoring and see if it raises any red flags for you:
a)      Click on your MoC in this list to see the bills they’ve (co)sponsored:   https://www.congress.gov/search?q={%22source%22:%22members%22,%22congress%22:%22115%22
b)     If there’s a TON of bills listed and you're short on time: first look at bills that have lots (>10) of co-sponsors, as these bills have a larger chance of moving forward
c)      Sign up for alerts for any particular bills that you want to keep a close eye on (it takes SECONDS to create a user account with congress.gov)
d)     If you see any bills that you strongly support/object to, let your Legislators know by showing up to their in-state offices (phone calls also work).
e)      Let your friends, neighbors, and local activist groups know what you found so they can benefit from your research.
 Spread the word. Make some noise. Demand to be heard. Make sure that your legislators are working to enact legislation that you support.


  1. Susan, thank you so much for this! It was shared with me on Facebook :-) I'm definitely subscribing. I am a project manager and business consultant by trade in the Richmond, VA area, and my partner (fiancé) is a web developer. If you ever have any issues or want to add any customizations or improvements to your process, please don't hesitate to reach out!

    hello@secondgear.co (that's me, Britt)

    hello@antimatter.co (that's Chris, the fiancé)

  2. Thank you so much for helping us all find a way to work toward a better future! I'm wondering whether there is a way to pass along an urgent petition (scheduled for action TODAY). Our daughter-in-law is a Washington DC psychiatrist working with refugees and victims of PTSD. She shared the post below on her FB page this afternoon, and time is of the essence. Thanks for any help! Mary

    From my daughter-in-law:
    The White House is expected to order a temporary ban on refugee resettlement TODAY. This affects those children who are subjected (by no fault of their own) to wars and armed conflict, as well as hard working, intelligent families, who have much to offer this country. Please sign this petition TODAY, as 100 signatures are needed for a white house I have been honored to work intimately with the struggles and accomplishments of immigrant, refugees, and survivors of torture both in the US and abroad for the past 10 years. Today as I saw a pro-bono case of a non-political physician who was targeted and forced to flee overnight due to political violence. He is extremely skilled in one of the most difficult procedures in the world. He reminds me that "immigrant" "refugee" are just words. They are titles. He is a person - a kind, intelligent person: "I just wanted to study. I knew there was something more in the world to give,and I do not blame my environment - being poor in the rural area. I read. I studied. I worked hard and earned scholarships. All I want to do is save lives as a doctor. I do not care about the other things - I don't have time.' So many of the people I work with were skilled in their home country. They have a thoughtfulness, humility, and concern for the well-being of others that many of us in America do not have. I am honored to be able to bear witness to their lives and to be influenced by them - they make me a better person, and would make our country a better one. Here is the link:

    1. Mary, this petition, along with another on the same topic, will be in tomorrow's Rogan's List. It is wonderful work your daughter is doing. Please give her my best.


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