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1/20/17  To-do List                                                            

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  1. Take a moment to scan your state legislature's agenda for Friday, January 20th. Double check nothing shady is up for a vote while we're all preoccupied (as is happening in North Dakota: See HB1203…/bill-text/house-bill.html) Everything look legit? Go one step further and do the same in the states where your friends and loved ones live. Let them know if you find anything fishy, and urge them to call their Members of Congress IMMEDIATELY.

  1. Just in case you still need signs for Saturday:

  1. As an alternative to watching the inauguration on Friday, Jan. 20, tune into the Love-A-Thon on Facebook Live from 12:30pm to 3:30pm EST, More info: and here:  Join here:

  1. “For people who might not have the physical ability or stamina to join Saturday's massive public protest, disability activists created the Disability March — an online movement that allows people with disabilities and chronic illnesses to participate virtually in the event.” (  Check it out here

  1. President Obama made his last FB post as president on Thursday, Jan. 19:  It ends this way:  And if you'd like to stay connected, you can sign up here to keeping getting updates from me:   Sign up, and let’s stay connected!  We have work to do!

  1. From RISE:  CALL TO ACTION AGAINST TREASURY AND ENERGY NOMINEES: Today's Senate hearings will showcase a creature of Wall Street who made a future off of foreclosing on distressed Americans. Mnuchin's company even kicked out a 90 year old woman who owed 27 cents. Another hearing today is Rick Perry, someone who questions whether humans are affecting climate change, someone who sat on the board of the energy company that was building the pipeline through Standing Rock, and someone who received a 1.91 GPA for a Bachelor's in Animal Science who is now nominated to run on of the largest research operations in the world coordinating the most complex of scientific research of a range of topics including the DOE’s most important job: managing America’s nuclear arsenal. These two are neither prepared nor qualified for these critically important jobs.  Background: Dial 1-202-224-3121 enter your zip-code and be connected automatically or find number here:

  1. From Together We Will USA:  "Demand public meeting between Walter Shaub from the Office of Government Ethics and Rep. Jason Chaffetz”  -- Call House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Majority Office - (202) 225-5074 and Minority Office - (202) 225-5051  Say that you agree with Rep. Cummings that the American people deserve an open meeting in which Mr Shaub can lay out the shortcomings of Mr Trump's plans regarding control of his business interests. Citizens have the right to transparent and ethical government.  Backstory:

  1. From RISE (  On the eve of a Trump Presidency, people all over America are mobilizing for the first major battle -- the fight to save our health care. The RISE collaborators are former White House officials, medical and policy professionals, and concerned citizens who want to share our thoughts and strategy for how every American can get involved in the fight to save the Affordable Care Act. Please share and we would love your feedback and ideas!  The RISE Citizen Guide:  TEN STEPS THAT EVERY AMERICAN CAN TAKE TO SAVE OUR HEALTH CARE:

  1. Talking points about what could be changed in the ACA:

  1. There are two things that Donald Trump can do to regain the trust of the American people.  The first would be to sell all his assets and put them in a blind trust that would yield a fair return, while he was taking a hiatus from his business life, to serve the public in the highest office in the land. The second action, short of the first, would be to release his tax returns, that could allay the public's rational fears that he is deeply beholden and entangled to foreign or domestic financial interests such that he would be exposed to significant corrupting influences.  Please sign this petition asking president-elect Donald Trump to release his tax returns:

  1. From Do a ThingThere is now a Resistance Manual online, a Wikipedia of sorts for social justice issues. There are entries on Obamacare, immigration, a running list of essential reading, an index of local and state issues, and a Tools of Resistance page with links on everything from contacting your representative to running for office. But wikis are only as good as the people who take the time to edit them. Today, take 5 minutes to contribute to this site. Your local page is a good place to start: many states don't yet have info about local lawmakers, and have incomplete summaries of local issues. Find the page that you want to contribute to, and click the "edit" tab in the upper right. Any links that you want to include go in brackets. (And don't worry too much about doing it wrong -- all edits are reviewed before they go live).   Here’s the link:

  1.  “The America Donald Trump is Inheriting:  By the Numbers” is an NPR piece that will be helpful in looking at the state of affairs at the time of the transfer of power.

  1. There is a new call to action site newly available that pulls together action items from 30+ sites.  Check it out:

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