1/15/17  To-do List                                                             

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  1. To celebrate the day, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rep. John Lewis and their tireless commitment to civil rights, let’s all please contact our representatives and tell them that we want the Voting Rights Act fully restored.  https://www.brennancenter.org/analysis/restore-voting-rights-act  Contact your legislators here:  https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials

  1. Take some time today to find opportunities where you can serve your community on MLK Day (Monday January 16). While our nation is engaged in heated political fights, MLK Day reminds us that we all have opportunities every day to work with our neighbors to make our communities better places for all.  Find service opportunities for MLK Day and every day at the links here:  1) https://www.nationalservice.gov/mlkday and 2)  https://www.serve.gov/search-volunteer-opportunities and 3)  http://www.allforgood.org/volunteers

  1. To help us understand and promote, the organizers of the Women’s March on Washington have released a four-page document outlining the principles and goals of the protest:  https://static1.squarespace.com/static/584086c7be6594762f5ec56e/t/5877e24a29687f9613e546ff/1484251725855/WMW+Guiding+Vision+%26+Definition+of+Principles.pdf

  1. This well-written, straight-forward piece on why DeVos is not qualified to be our Secretary of Education will help you make those calls to the HELP Committee members and to your senators as well:  http://www.eclectablog.com/2017/01/no-betsy-devos-is-not-qualified-to-be-secretary-of-education.html#.WHrCTYHCEsM.facebook  HELP Members contact:  http://www.help.senate.gov/about/members  Find your senators here:  https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials

  1. IMPORTANT:  watch this recent video to hear Walter Shaub, the director of the U.S. Office of Government Office (the office the GOP tried to gut) explain the problem with Trump’s refusal to divest:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R58fJ7Eetbg&feature=share  then, if you’ve not already done so, add your voice in support of Elizabeth Warren’s Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act to force him to divest.  http://act.standupamerica.com/trump-corruption  and call Rep. Chaffetz's office in DC to lodge a compliant about the Oversight Committee's lack of oversight thus far.  The number is 202-225-7751.

  1. When Senator Warren's office was called to find to what could be done to speak up against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, Warren's staffers said what would help the most would be to call the five Republican senators who have broken away from the GOP to demand a slow down of the repeal. Tell them how much you appreciate their efforts to stop the train wreck and share your story.  They are:  Senator Bob Corker - (202) 224-3344; Senator Lisa Murkowski - (202) 224-6665; Senator Rob Portman - (202) 224-3353; Senator Susan Collins - (202) 224-2523; and Senator Bill Cassidy - (202) 224-5824.

  1. In 2010, the GOP gerrymandered congressional maps. Now, Democrats are fighting back to produce fairer maps. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/eric-holder-democrats-redistricting-233546  Join the National Democratic Redistricting Committee today:  https://signforgood.com/NDRCPac/   Like their Facebook page as well:  https://www.facebook.com/DemRedistricting/

  1. As the Trump Administration takes office, are you going to sit this one out, or will you step forward and pledge to fight for people in poverty?  Sign your name if you're ready to take action and join with Oxfam to vow to fight for an agenda that works with the most vulnerable people among us to secure their rights:  https://secure2.oxfamamerica.org/page/s/fight-poverty/

  1. As the country approaches the inauguration, CBS News wants to hear from you. This is your opportunity to share your hopes, concerns or what you’d like to see happen in the next four years. You can submit either a 20-second video or leave us a voicemail.  You can 1) Call us and leave a voice message at 646-926-1CBS (1227), or 2) Tweet using   #DearPresidentTrump, or 3) Post a video of yourself to Instagram using the hashtag #DearPresidentTrump.  (By leaving a message or participating in the project, you agree that CBS News can use your voice or video in perpetuity on all CBS News platforms, including broadcast, radio, and web.)

  1. When we are using sources to support our claims, we need to make sure that they are as credible and as unbiased as possible.  We do not want the credibility of our sources to distract from our real message.  Just as we discount publications and websites on the far right, others do the same with those on the far left.  While some of our favorites that may speak to us personally fall into this category, using this site can help us find and use sources that stay in the center-right/least biased/center left:  https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/

  1. We need to make it clear to everyone that the Women’s March on Saturday, January 21 is NOT associated with this group!  Please share.   http://www.disruptj20.org/

  1. Required reading:  While we may not be happy at all with Trump, here is the reminder about the danger of Pence:  http://www.eclectablog.com/2016/11/mike-pence-is-gaslighting-us-all.html

  1. Here is an equally enlightening piece on the trouble with replacing the ACA:  http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/letters/ct-this-is-why-republicans-can-t-find-a-replacement-for-obamacare-20170106-story.html

  1. Woman to Woman is a welcome-to-all Facebook group with the intent to promote equality and opportunity for all. We strive to protect our Constitutional rights and to fight onerous laws and unfavorable court decisions. Together we are strong and will not be overcome.  You can join here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/310219829370517/

  1. Let’s join Sen. Warren and not let Donald Trump and the Republican leadership tilt the playing field for the rich and powerful. Let's fight to protect America's working families.  http://my.elizabethwarren.com/page/s/ready-to-fight#.WHvpPhsrLIU

  1. Need some good resistance ideas for Inauguration Day?  http://johnpavlovitz.com/2017/01/14/10-acts-of-resistance-on-inauguration-day/

  1. Here is another opportunity for a postcard avalanche.  Let’s ask these news media personnel who have talked about Trump taxes to find them because we are NOT reporters and we want to know.  Details here:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hdpZwcJ83Qt2t1QuWSlQKERbbVYfwfaBlmMMJIU_uPs/mobilebasic

  1. Since Paul Ryan has blocked his office phones and fax numbers, and is turning away people who show up to deliver petitions, time to change tactics. Please mail postcards to his home address saying 1) NO to defunding Planned Parenthood, 2) NO to repealing the ACA, and 3) NO to privatizing Medicare!  PAUL RYAN, 700 ST. LAWRENCE AVE., JANESVILLE, WI 53545  Use postcards that feature your state to show just how wide-spread this effort is!

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