12/24/16  To-do List                                                                        

There is no special way to attack this action list. If it seems overwhelming, just do the first two items to make it easier.  If you have a little more time, do the third….and the fourth…. Or, choose items that speak to your heart.  Some people cut and paste the list, print it off and take it with them so they can check items off while they are out and about during the day and just waiting or driving.  Others click and do items as they work on their computer or phone.  There is no right way to do this.  Just do something!  Remember, too, that many of the suggestions made on earlier days are still doable.

As I will be busy with family on Christmas Day, there will be no “to-do list” tomorrow. If you want to keep working on issues, please feel free to scroll back through these lists, since plenty are still active and needed.  Happy Holidays to all!  You followers are among my gifts this year. 

  1. MoveOn is the largest independent, progressive, digitally-connected organizing group in the United StatesMoveOn is organizing Community Meetings to Resist Trump on Sunday, January 15—just days before the inauguration—to bring our communities together and talk about what resistance looks like for us at the local level. Will you join us? It could be in your living room, in a library or community center. We'll give you everything you need to pull together a successful meeting.  If you are interested in hosting such a meeting, click here:  https://act.moveon.org/event/cmty-mtgs-trump/create/?akid=175087.10220574.Eutxxf&rd=1&source=peoplesaction&t=2

  1. In light of Trump’s call for increasing our nuclear arsenal, please consider contacting all 3 of your congressmen to ask them to publicly support Ronald Reagan's legacy of de-escalation of nuclear arms and making the world a safer place for our children. Find your legislators here:  http://act.commoncause.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sunlight_advocacy_list_page

  1. This is what public pressure can do!  The Rockettes will not be forced to perform at the inauguration!  http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/24/rockettes-not-required-to-perform-at-trump-inauguration-union-says.html

  1. Here is an observation of Tom Price, Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services appointee, from the New England Journal of Medicine:  “Care for the Vulnerable vs. Cash for the Powerful — Trump’s Pick for HHS”   http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1615714#t=article

  1. If you are looking for another political action group to join, Radical Women’s Resistance is a Facebook group for posting resources that will assist people in sticking it to the Man. Time for Action! The group was started in order to protect rights and freedom and to have a central point of references for tangible action plans. While the future is still female, anyone can join the group. PLEASE INVITE YOUR FRIENDS and post any resources that you have. .  https://www.facebook.com/groups/RaWRRadicalWomensResistance/

  1. The Paris Agreement is a crucial part of a global push to curb the effects of climate change. Trump wants to “cancel” U.S. involvement when he takes office. Join the Natural Resources Defense Council in telling Trump not to cancel the Paris Agreement:   https://nrdc.fightforclimate.org/paris-agreement/?t=NRDCCT-P.C02-P.T02-P.D01-P.P01

  1. Scott Pruitt ran the Attorney General's office in Oklahoma like a crony capitalist law firm, suing the EPA for polluter campaign cash. Don't let him be put in charge of the EPA. Email your senator now.  Please join the Sierra Club in asking our senators not to approve Scott Pruitt for the EPA:  https://sierra.secure.force.com/actions/National?actionId=AR0062590&id=70131000001iOuIAAU

  1. Perhaps this, too, should become part of our playbook:  The Civil Conversations Project (CCP) is an open, ongoing conversation offering tools and resources for renewing civic discourse at every level and nourishing common life. It includes audio, video, writing, and guides to help ground and animate new conversation and relationship across the differences of our age.  http://www.civilconversationsproject.org/

  1. As part of the Obama’s Christmas message today (https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse/videos/10155071691889238/), it was suggested that we all go to JoinForces.gov and see what we can do to help our military families.   Here is the link:  https://www.whitehouse.gov/joiningforces/get-involved

  1. Join Sen. Kirstten Gillibrand in answering this question:  Should we defend Planned Parenthood from Donald Trump?  http://action.kirstengillibrand.com/p/dia/action3/common/public/index.sjs?action_KEY=1133

  1. The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC) needs our help in fighting back against right-wing gerrymandering:  http://www.dlcc.org/petition/join-advantage-2020-and-denounce-right-wing-gerrymandering

  1. The DLCC also needs our help with this petition to restrict punitive voter ID laws :  http://www.dlcc.org/petition/add-your-name-denounce-gops-voter-id-laws

  1. The racist words of this Trump frontman cannot be ignored!  Someone like this should not be sitting on any school board.   Drop a quick email to the president of the Buffalo, New York School Board, Dr. Beverly Seals Nevergold, to encourage her to rid the board of this extremely prejudiced member. Her email is: BANevergold@buffaloschools.org  If that does not work, try this:  http://www.buffaloschools.org/contact.cfm?school=0
  2. There is also an online petition calling for his expulsion from the board:  https://www.change.org/p/commissioner-of-education-of-the-state-of-new-york-maryellen-elia-remove-carl-paladino-from-the-buffalo-school-board
  3. There's probably not much that can happen to the guy employment-wise because he is chairman of a company he founded, but it doesn't hurt to send them an email saying their chair (no longer CEO) is making their company look very bag  across the country: contactus@ellicottdevelopment.com.  Here is an updated story:  http://time.com/4617689/donald-trump-carl-paladino-obama/

  1. **Required reading    The House Freedom Caucus, which is essentially the Tea Party arm of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives, has announced their plan for Trump’s first 100 days.  We will all be busy!  http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/12/16/13967888/freedom-caucus-regulations  You can go here and download the actual report:  https://meadows.house.gov/first-100-days

  1. The Holiday Hotline is back! For those who are spending time with family and friends over the winter holidays and get stuck when talking race in the time of Trump, just text SOS to 82623 for some tips on how to respond to some common sticking points. In order to end white supremacy, we must end white silence - so use this holiday season to have the hard conversations you might have been avoiding!

  1. Want to do some resistence postcard writing?  Here is document containing current  PCAs  (Postcarders Calls to Action) Listed by state:   https://www.docdroid.net/P2SYaAX/current-pcas-by-state.pdf.html  Remember, you can “like” the Facebook page Postcards for America to keep up on postcard-writing campaigns:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/postcardsforamerica/

  1. One Million Moms, a division of the American Family Foundation, a non-profit organization based in the United States that promotes fundamentalist Christian values, is calling out National Geographic for it's January 2017 cover and story featuring a transgender girl. Please take a few minutes to email National Geographic (ngsforum@nationalgeographic.com) and thank them for this amazing story. 

  1. Go to your Facebook search bar and type "(your county name) County Democratic Party" and LIKE the page. Sign up for updates if possible, too! Following your county's Democratic Party Facebook page is a great way to stay up to date with recent news and any upcoming events (townhalls, coffee meetings, etc.). Attending these events is also a good way to get intimate with your county's Democratic Party to make sure your voice is heard!

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