12/22/16  To-do List                                                    

There is no special way to attack this action list. If it seems overwhelming, just do the first two items to make it easier.  If you have a little more time, do the third….and the fourth…. Or, choose items that speak to your heart.  Some people cut and paste the list, print it off and take it with them so they can check items off while they are out and about during the day and just waiting or driving.  Others click and do items as they work on their computer or phone.  There is no right way to do this.  Just do something!  Remember, too, that many of the suggestions made on earlier days are still doable.

I will be taking a few days off from list-making over the Christmas holiday so that I can spend time with my loved ones.  If you are so motivated, please feel free to go back through these lists and work on items you've not done yet. Many of them are still active and need your help.  Thank you for understanding.

  1. Please consider joining the new Facebook group Dems Reunited For Action if you are interested in re-creating the Pantsuit Nation concept, but specifically for action. The group administrators believe that we can build a group twice the size of PSN that can mobilize in a major way to stop Trump. The group jumped up to 800 members in under 36 hours and is at 1300.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1697184557260308/

  1. Thanks in part to our petition signing, “MoveOn.org delivered over 341,000 signatures to the White House, collected by MoveOn.org and allied organizations, including DRUM (Desis Rising Up and Moving), CREDO Action, MomsRising, Bend the Arc Jewish Action, and the ACLU. This coalition of groups is representative of the larger, diverse, vocal, and committed constellation of organizations who will not stand silently by as anti-Muslim attacks accelerate and discriminatory policies are enacted.  Last week, hundreds of MoveOn members and allies, led by Muslims who would be affected by Donald Trump's registry, marched to the White House as part of a big campaign to demand that President Obama do his part to prevent the registry from being builtPresident Obama and the Department of Homeland Security are officially shutting down NSEERS once and for all.1 There's much more to do, but today's victory puts one more critical hurdle in Trump's way to prevent him from targeting Muslim communities and starting a Muslim registry”.  http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/22/politics/obama-nseers-arab-muslim-registry/

  1. A good read for now, “How to Convince Someone When Facts Fail”:  https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-convince-someone-when-facts-fail/

  1. This is a repeat, but it is a good one:  Text the word DAILY to 228466 to receive daily positive action items via text, that you can undertake to further Democratic and progressive political agenda. Then, sign up three friends!

  1. If you want an email sent to you each day with an action item, then sign up for the Every Day Project here:  https://www.everydayproject.org/

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