12/13/16  To-do List                                                

There is no special way to attack this action list. If it seems overwhelming, just do the first two items to make it easier.  If you have a little more time, do the third….and the fourth…. Or, choose items that speak to your heart.  Some people cut and paste the list, print it off and take it with them so they can check items off while they are out and about during the day and just waiting or driving.  Others click and do items as they work on their computer or phone.  There is no right way to do this.  Just do something!  Remember, too, that many of the suggestions made on earlier days are still doable! 

  1. On this fourth anniversary of the Sandy Hook tragedy, please consider becoming part of the Sandy Hook Promise. Take the pledge, donate, and/or work for reasonable gun control that could help save lives.  http://www.sandyhookpromise.org/

  1. CALL YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS TO URGE THEM TO SPEAK OUT FOR AN IMMEDIATE INDEPENDENT/BIPARTISAN INVESTIGATION Talking Points:  1)  I am calling because I believe the American people deserve information about the Russian intervention into our election. 2)  Dozens of leaders on both sides of the aisle have clearly identified this as a bipartisan issue that is a threat against all of us, regardless of party. 3)  I ask you to work to create an independent, bipartisan investigation to reflect the seriousness of this threat and the need for a process that is seen as rigorous and credible to all Americans. If it is not an independent commission, the process will be seen as partisan and will only further divide our nation instead of bring it together to safeguard our democracy.  Find your Senator/Representative phone numbers here:  https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials

  1. Petition to Urge Attorney General to bring a case to the US Supreme Court for a Clinton victory:  https://www.change.org/p/new-york-attorney-general-eric-schneiderman-urge-ny-attorney-general-to-bring-a-case-to-the-us-supreme-court-for-a-clinton-victory?recruiter=57712148&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=share_twitter_responsive

4.      Sign this petition asking President Obama to declassify all evidence of Russian interference and host intelligence briefing for electors before Electoral College votes on December 19:  http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/direct-the-cia-to-declassify?akid=174635.34223440.FwOrCm&rd=1&source=mo&t=2

5.      If you are an attorney, you may want to sign your name to this growing list of concerned lawyers:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6x-UlGD3UPrwoXOtHiISAZGDObRNDUn089JQavnyNlcCBHQ/viewform?embedded=true

6.      Please sign this letter to Congress re: investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election:   https://www.change.org/p/letter-to-congress-re-investigation-of-russian-interference-in-2016-presidential-election

7.      Join Sen. Tom Udall in the fight to save Medicare:  http://www.tomudall.com/landing/w1611med/?subsource=WL-TU-MED-A01-FB-FBLP.D-CPC-MED-US-T01-H01-I01

  1. U.S. Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA), Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has announced he does not want any further investigations to be opened into Russia's hacking and interference in the U.S. election. Rep. Nunes happens to sit on the Trump Transition team's executive committee.  Let’s let him know that we feel it IS important to do it and do it now!  http://nunes.house.gov/contact/  Let’s contact some of the other majority members of that committee, too!  http://intelligence.house.gov/about/hpsci-majority-members.htm

  1. For good measure, let’s also contact the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence members:  http://www.intelligence.senate.gov/

  1. Join the Environmental Defense Fund in thanking President Obama for all we have accomplished—and pledging to defend his impressive environmental legacy.  http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/613/064/806/

  1. There is a new group out there called Pantsuit Action Network.  It is not affiliated with Pantsuit Nation. Please do not confuse them.  There is concern that the group does not have the same goals as we do.

  1. Contact your representatives and governors to ask that they demand that the electors be debriefed on the CIA information on Russian interference prior to Dec. 19, and to delay the electoral vote if that's not possible, given the time-frame

  1. Contact the U.S. Attorney General and ask that the Electoral College vote be postponed until a full investigation of Russian interference and the Trump campaign's potential coordination with Russia is complete.  You can reach the Attorney General's office at 202-514-2000 (Comment line...press 4)

  1. For college/university current/retired teachers, consider adding your name to the Professor Watchlist https://actionnetwork.org/forms/add-my-name-to-the-professor-watchlist?source=direct_link&

  1. Please join Friends of the Earth in telling the Senate to block the appointment of the Exxon CEO, with ties to Russa, as Secretary of State!  http://action.foe.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=20791

  1. How to Communicate with Congress written by a former Senate staffer and now a federal science policy wonk:   https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/congress-workshop-1pager.pdf?token=AWx1xInKey_aHV9lnjs0PbLSyAqiHfb8gyFAFJYGv7E8kGVu2NLWY9upVQm16MguqitDXIchQm5rHP0g71N0c9q_Re3gfc3KxdPZS0L7ztRTNaq4Gbm_it8KJhjxEy5g-FNjz0z3Og5Ss0O2QPt8vO4r

  1. Should you wish to mail him, this appears to be Mike Pence’s temporary address.  Be kind. Send him a holiday card with your wishes:  3333 Tennyson St. NW, Washington, DC 20015

  1. Gov. Kasich of Ohio vetoed the 6-week abortion bill on his desk today, and instead signed into law a 20-week abortion ban.   http://www.reuters.com/article/us-ohio-abortion-idUSKBN1422PT


  1. The Michigan Senate plans to adjourn for the year Thursday without taking up the strict voter identification proposal!  They got so many calls that they realized that this was not going to happen!  http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2016/12/13/tame-duck-strict-voter-bills-stall-senate/95379382/

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