12/10/16  To-do List                                                 

There is no special way to attack this action list. If it seems overwhelming, just do the first two items to make it easier.  If you have a little more time, do the third….and the fourth…. Or, choose items that speak to your heart.  Some people cut and paste the list, print it off and take it with them so they can check items off while they are out and about during the day and just waiting or driving.  Others click and do items as they work on their computer or phone.  There is no right way to do this.  Just do something!  Remember, too, that many of the suggestions made on earlier days are still doable! 

  1. With the new information about Russia interfering with our election, it is a good time, for either the first or a repeated time, to contact the electors and urge them to do the right thing and not certify Donald Trump.  http://www.asktheelectors.org/

  1. While our legislators in Washington have ended their current session, let us not let up on our senators and representatives over this break by letting them know loudly and often that this issue with Russian interference needs to be addressed by EVERYONE!  http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/chuck-schumer-russia-senate-election-inquiry-232464

  1. Sign the solidarity card to stand with working people at Carrier:  https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-the-solidarity-card-to-stand-with-working-people-at-carrier?sp_ref=252252041.48.177436.f.0.2&source=fb

  1. If you purchased dairy products since 2003 and live in one of the shaded states on this map, you are eligible for a cash payout as part of an antitrust price-fixing class action settlement.  https://www.boughtmilk.com/  The back story is here:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dairy-industry-cows-settlement_us_57d1a4ade4b03d2d459926e4

  1. Human Rights Watch is now matching gifts to their organization.   https://donate.hrw.org/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1908&ea.campaign.id=58496&ea.tracking.id=ED2016YEPSFdon

  1. Want to let NBC know what you think about Trump maintaining his role of producer while being president?  Click here:  http://www.nbc.com/contact-us

  1. Sign the Sandy Hook Promise remembrance card in honor of all children lost to gun violence:  http://action.sandyhookpromise.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=19704&track=a_fb_fouryears2016_la&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=ocpm&utm_campaign=fouryears

  1. Since Twitter is the social media of choice of our PEOTUS, perhaps getting on board with that would be a good move for all of us.  It is a very good way to keep up on news by following a variety of people and organizations.  If you are not currently a Twitter user, here is an introduction to get you started!  It really is easy, but you need to learn to be concise in your limit of 140 characters.  http://www.steamfeed.com/how-to-twitter-guide-for-twitter/  By the way, DT Twitter name is @realDonaldTrump

  1. If you are not yet part of Emily’s List, please consider joining.  Emily’s List’s mission is to ignite change by getting pro-choice Democratic women elected to office.  http://www.emilyslist.org/   They also have a FB page:  https://www.facebook.com/emilyslist/?fref=ts

  1. Add your name to Sen. Chris Murphy’s petition to stop Andy Puzder, who has a terrible reputation with workers, as the person who is charged with protecting workers.  http://action.chrismurphy.com/page/s/oppose-puzder?source=em161210-full

  1. Please join Sen. Martin Heinrich’s petition to tell Trump that we reject Scott Pruitt for the EPA:  http://nm.martinheinrich.com/page/s/fb-say-no-to-trump-epa-nominee?source=nat-ad2-1

  1. Here is an organization building a movement of young women "ready to own their fair share of political power". It currently has chapters in California, Texas and Colorado. They have info on how to start chapters if you are interested. http://www.ignitenational.org/


  1. The Kalamazoo Gay Lesbian Resource Center is spearheading an anti-gerrymandering project and could use your responses with their online petition. You do not have to live in Kalamazoo or Kalamazoo County to complete the form!  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4N_v0C33vvr_o9LaDqqoZQUIjMneIKZODMLNiYllnO2FSEg/viewform

  1. Brandon Dillon, chair of the Michigan Democratic Party, emailed this survey out earlier today. I thought those that didn't get the email may be interested in making your opinions also known.  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MDPRoadAheadSurvey2016 

1 comment:

  1. One more thing to do: If you are in Louisiana, get off your couch and go vote! This isn't just about you, there are national consequences!


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