
 The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.

- Alice Walker



Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)
Fax legislators for free:
Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
Senate:  https://faxzero.com/fax_senate.php
Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/
Purchase stamps, postcards, and other mailing supplies: 
White House contact:  https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/white-house


 TRUMP TAX FRAUD:  As David From tweeted on Sunday, “You can read Trump's tax returns two ways: either Donald Trump is the greatest tax cheat in US history - or he is a financial desperado hopelessly in debt to God knows who & needs every dollar he scams from Secret Service golf car rentals just to pay the electricity bill.”  We do know that he paid far less in taxes than most of us in the country. Many of us struggle and live from paycheck to paycheck, but still pay our fair share. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sethcohen/2020/09/28/lock-him-up-how-president-trumps-tax-returns-could-put-him-in-prison/#7ef6184d6ca8  It is time for REAL tax reform that does not favor the wealthy or corporations. We all need to pay our fair share, including the wealthy and corporations. Let's tell our MoCs that if they do not see this need, we will work to vote them out.

 FALSE COVID INFORMATION BEING PROVIDED:  “The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has grown increasingly concerned that President Donald Trump, pushed by a new member of his coronavirus task force, is sharing incorrect information about the pandemic with the public.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/redfield-voices-alarm-over-influence-trump-s-new-coronavirus-task-n1241221 Let’s make sure to get our COVID information from those who have not been tainted by loyalty to Trump.

 TELL OUR REPS PASS THE TRANSPARANCY IN EXECUTIVE BRANCH OFFICIAL FINANCES ACT:  Trump’s over $300 million In debt leaves him vulnerable to whomever volunteers to help him get rid of it, particularly foreign agents seeking to influence public policy in their favor. This important information hidden in his tax returns is vital to our country’s security and the American public should have known about it long ago. In fact, Congresspersons Katie Porter and Max Rose have already written a bill that would ensure that we are informed about these matters before they become such a serious security risk. In the bill, The Transparency in Executive Branch Official Finances Act (H.R. 5433), the President, Vice President, and any candidates for these offices  must disclose their tax returns for the last five years. Also high level officials must disclosure any financial arrangements with foreign countries and penalties for payments from such countries, their affiliated organizations, or foreign nationals are set out.  https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5433 The bill is still in committee.  Let’s contact our representatives and ask them to co-sponsor and to do what they can to pass this much needed bill. 

 “PERCEPTION HACKS” & THE ELECTION:  The NYT, among others—many of them, local outlets—reported on the latest of the seven hacks into US government entities in the first two weeks of September; This week’s is a hack into Tyler Technologies, which does not tally votes but is used by election officials to aggregate and report them in at least 20 places.  Initially this appeared to be a simple ransomware attack, in which data is made inaccessible until ransom is paid, but some of Tyler’s clients — the company wouldn’t say which — saw outsiders trying to gain access to their systems last Friday night. According to the NYT, with only a month till the election, “federal investigators still do not have a clear picture of whether the ransomware attacks clobbering American networks are purely criminal acts . . . or Trojan horses for more nefarious Russian interference.”  The Times points out that “ . . . a few well-placed ransomware attacks, in key battleground states, could create the impression that voters everywhere would not be able to cast their ballots or that the ballots could not be accurately counted — what the cybersecurity world calls a “perception hack.””:  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/27/technology/2020-election-security-threats.html or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gtvQ4-28Pk  We need our MoCs to make sure the DHS, the FBI, and the US Cyber Command work fast to prevent these attacks—in July, the Brennan Center already bemoaned the insufficient funds for election security: https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/last-chance-secure-2020-elections. But we ourselves need to ensure that our boards of election publicize widely any and all meddling; let’s let them know we’re watching.

 TRUMP’S TAX NIGHTMARE: On Sunday night, the New York Times broke a significant story after having access to Trump’s tax returns and he is more broke, more in debt, and more deceptive than we could have dreamed. This is a summary of takeaways without NYT subscription needed: https://apnews.com/article/ruth-bader-ginsburg-courts-donald-trump-7e1d23d1e381ae3e0be6cb293338c05e  (name of link does not match content)  Let’s share the news on social media, send Trump a postcard calling for his resignation (The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC, 20500), and double down on our get out of the vote efforts in the month ahead.

 TELL SENATORS TO VOTE NO ON THE CONFIRMATION OF CHAD WOLF FOR DHS SECRETARY: After serving as DHS Secretary illegally for almost a year, the Senate is finally held a hearing on his confirmation and there was little resistance https://www.rollcall.com/2020/09/23/senate-gop-eases-wolfs-path-to-becoming-homeland-security-secretary/ despite Wolf’s role in sending DHS troops to Portland and the numerous ICE abuses at detention centers that have happened during his watch, most recently the allegations of sterilization of women at the detention center in Georgia and his refusal to testify after being subpoenaed by the HouseThe confirmation vote is scheduled for this Wednesday, September 30. Let’s tell our Senators to vote NO.

 ASK ATTORNEY GENERAL, DHS SECRETARY, AND DOD SECRETARIES, AND GOP LEADERS TO FORMALLY DECLARE THEY WILL SUPPORT A PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER AND RECOGNIZE THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION: Trump continues to seed doubt in our electoral process and has refused to state whether he will concede if he loses the election. While Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle are trying to assure the American public that there will be an “orderly transition of power,” https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-hillary-clinton-elections-joe-biden-voting-fraud-and-irregularities-f3faaa31349b9613d761a1760a42763b, now is the time to get these leaders to formally assert that they will support the winner of the election so that Trump knows he can’t get away with trying to stage a coup if he loses. House Democrats are starting this process by officially asking the Attorney General, (202-353-1555; 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20530-0001; website form; Facebook; Twitter: @TheJustice Dept.) and the Secretaries of the Department of Homeland Security (202-282-8495; DHSSecretary@hq.dhs.gov; https://homelandsecurity.ideascale.com/; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/homelandsecurity/; Twitter: @DHS.govand the Department of Defense (1000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1000, https://www.defense.gov/Ask-Us/, 703-571-3343)  that they will support the November 3 election results. Let’s join in this call by contacting the AG, DHS, and DOD Secretaries, and also try to get a similar formal declaration from our Republican MoCs and state leaders.  

 SEND POSTCARDS TO JILL BIDEN TO ASK TO TAKE DIRECT ACTION TO END THE REMAIN IN MEXICO PROGRAM (MPP) AS A FIRST LADY’S INITIATIVE: In December 2019, Dr. Jill Biden visited the Matamoros refugee camp and expressed dismay and heartbreak about what she saw. Migrants have recently sent over 600 postcards to Dr. Biden, asking her to use her influence to make sure this program is ended during Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office, if he should get elected. https://riograndeguardian.com/deaconess-please-write-to-jill-biden-to-urge-an-end-to-mpp/. Now, organizers are asking Americans to also write postcards in support of the effort, with the goal of delivering 2000 postcards from each state by 2021. Let’s find out more about how we can join this effort by checking out The Postcard Project

 YOUNG DEMS RALLY FOR RBG: "With a group of young people across the country, we have organized a protest to stop Ruth Bader Ginsburg from being replaced before we have a new President. May her memory be a blessing. We're calling it the McConnell v. Justice Rally." Let's support this fantastic group of up-and-coming young Dems by helping them get to the Supreme Court in DC. We can contribute here:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/mcconnell-v-justice-rally

 CRIMINAL JUSTICE:  Last week, a Kentucky grand jury issued no indictments over the murder of Breonna Taylor after she was killed in her home by police executing a no-knock warrant. Rather, they indicted one officer over stray bullets that endangered neighbors (https://n.pr/2Gccx2a). Conflicting laws including Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, and the legality of no-knock warrants have created a stalemate in which accountability of the officers is difficult at best (https://bit.ly/2YoSvb1). In order to reach any amount of justice for Breonna's death, Black Lives Matter Louisville has assembled a list of demands, along with an Invest/Divest strategy that could be implemented nationwide.  Let's read more, then contact local officials and tell them that we support these demands. We can find contact information and detailed actions here. Then, let's ask our MoC at the federal level to support the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act in the Senate (S. 3955), which would ban no-knock warrants across the country, and the Justice in Policing Act (H.R. 7120/S.3912), which would ban no-knock warrants as well as police use of chokeholds.

 DISABILITY RIGHTS: Earlier this month, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights published a report calling for an end to the sub-minimum wage for disabled people (https://bit.ly/3cEQCNqhttps://bit.ly/30cFMc8). While the program was originally intended to prepare people for employment, it has instead given employers an opportunity to take advantage of people with disabilities, with no real transition to careers where they can earn fair wages. Let's contact our MoC and tell them that the disability community deserves dignity and integration in our society, and that they can help make this happen by ending the sub-minimum wage. Specifically, they can either co-sponsor and support the Raise the Wage Act (H.R. 582), or they can introduce new legislation to end the discriminatory practice of paying disabled people less than minimum wage.

 POSTCARDING OPPORTUNITIES:  From one of our own:  Please use/share/distribute as you see fit. And, please keep writing to voters as well as those currently in power! We need to address what's going on now—and also need to fight for a Trump-free future.  Click here:




 FIND OUT HOW EXACTLY TO VOTE EARLY IN STATES THAT ALLOW IT: With the election nearing, many of us are eager to vote as soon as we can, and in 40 states and DC, we can vote early. Each state has its own rules, deadlines, and procedures, so it may seem hard to sort out what is right for us. Now we can check to see if our state has early voting and, if it does, find all the information we need to vote as soon as we can. Over 860,000 people have already cast their votes, https://www.newsweek.com/over-860000-americans-have-already-voted-compared-fewer-10000-this-point-2016-1534452 let’s join them as soon as we can and flip this country Blue!  Let’s click here to find state specific information on how, where, and when we can vote: https://earlyvoting.com

 POSTCARD TO PA VOTERS:  Write postcards asking voters in Pennsylvania to sign up for vote-by-mail.  Order your postcard kit from Blue Wave Postcard Movement at: https://www.bluewavepostcards.org/campaigns/win-pennsylvania.

 POSTCARDS TO CLIMATE VOTERS:  Write 25 letters to climate voters with the Sierra Club.  Get your package at:  https://act.sierraclub.org/actions/National?actionId=AR0265436&id=7013q000001b4haAAA


 PHONE VOTERS FOR DR. BARBARA BOLLIER IN KEY MONEYBALL WINNABLE KS SENATE RACE: Kansas  is a “Moneyball State”, where flipping a small amount of voters Blue in a tight race can lead to a Democratic Senate, according to calculations by the Princeton Election Consortium. https://election.princeton.edu/2020/08/09/whats-more-important-than-a-presidential-probability/  Currently former State Legislator Dr. Barbara Bollier  is tied in a tight race: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/kansas/ and needs our help to get the voters she needs to win.  We can sign up to phone bank with Flip the West  and get the detailed information, training and support we need to be effective: https://www.mobilize.us/flipthewest/event/312030/  Phone banks run every Tuesday morning (10:00am Pacific) and Wednesday afternoon (4:00pm Pacific), so we can find a time that works for us.

 GO NORTH CAROLINA! Let's help get North Carolina voters to the polls by writing postcards with Postcards for NC for mailing on Oct. 10. We can order postcards from them or use our own. We'll be writing for down-ballot Dems. Let's help this campaign reach more voters by requesting some addresses today.

 TEXT BANK FOR SENATE CANDIDATES:  Postcards for America has pulled together all the links to volunteer to Text Bank for Senate Candidates.  Let’s check it out and help:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ids7CXignyhcvfy5UI0tpFs4Xe-AjWGY9T4g_mrezdc/edit

 TEXTBANKING FOR MJ HEGAR: “MJ Hegar is running in Texas against Senator John Cornyn. This one is an uphill battle, but if you like supporting underdogs who could knock off a really Big Dog, you might want to shoot some texts into Texas for Hegar.”    Here’s how:  https://demvolctr.org/resources/textbanking/textbanking-hegar/


 POSTCARD TO PENNSYLVANIA:  Lift Every Vote is contacting over 108,000 PA households where everyone in the house is inactive or unregistered. This means that either everyone has fallen off the rolls by not voting, or they've been purged, or, they have all moved, and the new residents haven't yet registered. They need to do this quickly. The cards are cheap; they involve a relatively small amount of writing. Any of our team leaders can help walk folks through the process of buying them, and moving onto our workspaces. Let’s sign up to help them meet their goal:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19RDremjBwh8_bceddxU5nzBK-qjiROrw549ZvApgwg8/viewform?edit_requested=true

 REGISTERING RECENT HIGH SCHOOL GRADS:   The Civics Center’s nonpartisan Postcards for Democracy initiative is now sponsoring efforts to write postcards encouraging recent high school graduates to register and vote, or donate to support the project. We can even take part in a virtual postcard-writing party on October 7.  Let’s sign up here and see if we can help:  https://thecivicscenter.networkforgood.com/projects/108775-postcards-for-democracy (h/t)


 VOLUNTEER TO HELP PROTECT THE VOTE: As the election heats up, so does voter suppression efforts around the country, and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) https://www.dscc.org/ is stepping up to help keep our election fair and safe. The DSCC is looking for our help staffing voter protection hotlines, observing the polls or being election workers during Early Voting and on Election Day. When we sign up, we will get the training we need and be connected to a battle ground state the needs our help.   https://docs.google.com/forms/d/181qq5C45VH8C-QMBCuxux_5xRiE3kDWDtIwk5bibGxs/viewform?edit_requested=true


 MORE ELECTION MEDDLING:  Despite being the wealthiest country in the world, only private funds, apparently, will guarantee fair elections; the Republicans don’t want to grant funds to the struggling states in a coronavirus relief bill, but they also don’t want anyone else to help defray local election costs. The conservative Thomas More Society has filed lawsuits in federal courts in 4 swing states — Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin —demanding restraining orders to stop localities in those states from using election administration grants from the Center for Tech and Civic Life to improve safe and secure access to the polls for all of its registered voters—that is, to fund ballot drop boxes, additional polling places, prepare election employees, etc.-- claiming these grants violate legal guidelines empowering states, not localities, to implement elections:   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/25/us/politics/elections-private-grants-zuckerberg.html or https://trendingscroll.com/short-of-money-to-run-elections-local-authorities-turn-to-private-funds/  Let’s find out whether our localities have received these grants and make it clear to our local reps that we support their use in administering our elections.  And while we’re at it, let’s tell the Thomas More Society what we think of their cynical election meddling:  312.782.1680 or fax: 312.782.1887 or 309 W. Washington Street Suite 1250. Chicago, IL 60606 or info@thomasmoresociety.org.


 ACTIVISM 101 WEBINAR:  Jess Craven, of Chop Wood Carry Water, is continuing her Activism 101 sessions! Activism 101 is a free, one-hour (ish) webinar for folks who have very little to no experience with activism and/or political action. It’s a survey course with one goal: to give those who are furious and sickened by the state of our, bite-sized actions they can take to help vote Trump out, flip the Senate, win a bunch of down-ballot races, and basically make good things happen in November and beyond. Workshop will be led by Jessica Craven who is a mom, veteran activist, elected member of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee, legislative chair of her Moms Demand Action chapter, and the author of daily actions email “Chop Wood, Carry Water.”  Let’s grab a few friends and inquire about times: cwcwdailyactions@gmail.com  

 WOMEN’S MARCH ON OCTOBER 17: “The Women’s March organization is planning a nationwide protest next month [Oct. 17] opposing President Trump and his move to fill the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court.”   https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/517603-womens-march-planned-for-october-to-protest-trump-filling  Let’s sign up and be part of this action:   https://act.womensmarch.com/signup/march-october


  Why We Must Ignore Trump’s Dumpster Fire - https://politicalcharge.org/2020/09/28/why-we-must-ignore-trumps-dumpster-fire/

 Tribal nations face continued voter suppression: A new book explains barriers at the ballot box -  https://www.hcn.org/issues/52.10/ideas-election2020-tribal-nations-face-continued-voter-suppression

 ProPublica’s Pandemic Guide to Making Sure Your Vote Counts - https://www.propublica.org/article/propublicas-pandemic-guide-to-making-sure-your-vote-counts

 Senator Klobuchar Has Had Enough - https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=JqYYkTsEqBw&feature=youtu.be


 We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule




 Be a nuisance when it counts. Do your part to inform and stimulate the public to join your action. Be depressed, discouraged, and disappointed at failure and the disheartening effects of ignorance, greed, corruption and bad politics -- but never give up."  -Marjory Stoneman Douglas


Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)
Fax legislators for free:
Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
Senate:  https://faxzero.com/fax_senate.php
Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/
Purchase stamps, postcards, and other mailing supplies: 
White House contact:  https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/white-house

 TELL OUR REPS TO INVESTIGATE SECURITY RISK CAUSED BY TRUMP’S $300 MILLION DEBT:  As news broke last evening about Trump’s shaky finances shown by tax records uncovered by the New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/09/27/us/donald-trump-taxes.html) concerns about the security risk posed by his huge level of debt. Trump has over $300 million in loans coming due in the next four years, the second term he’s campaigning for right now. Financing some of that debt would be an easy way to buy influence and The Times tells us that Trump has already gotten payments from several foreign countries, including “licensing deals in countries with authoritarian-leaning leaders or thorny geopolitics — for example, $3 million from the Philippines, $2.3 million from India and $1 million from Turkey.” The likelihood of Trump making fair, impartial decisions involving his creditors is small, so let’s call our Representatives and demand an immediate investigation into the security risk posed by Trumps debts.

 CONFIRMATION HEARINGS FOR AMY CONEY BARRETT FOR SUPREME COURT:  Amy Coney Barrett has been nominated to the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  https://www.npr.org/2020/09/27/917303199/what-amy-coney-barretts-supreme-court-nomination-means-for-the-2020-election  Most of us question doing this before the election/inauguration in light of McConnell’s rule that was used near the end of Obama’s presidency.  We also question why the haste with this and not another COVID-relief bill to help suffering American’s.  Let’s let our senators know that we want them to work on a COVID bill, as well as the stack of legislation awaiting Senate review.  Filling the Supreme Court should wait.  And, if they vote to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg before the election or during the lame duck period between the election and the inauguration, we will work to vote them out.

 CHANGES TO POLLING PLACES SURVEY: “Polling place closings and changes can confuse voters, or force them to travel longer distances to vote. The Center for Public Integrity and Stateline are investigating the effect of polling place movement and closures on voters. Has a change in your polling place affected your ability to easily vote since 2012? Are you concerned about polling place changes in your community in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic?  If you want to tell us about a polling place change that affected voters’ access, please fill out this form”: https://publicintegrity.org/politics/elections/ballotboxbarriers/changes-to-your-polling-place-survey/

 INHUMANE TREATMENT OF IMMIGRANTS:  The Dignity for Detained Immigrants Act (S. 1243/H.R. 2415) would end the use of private facilities, set operating standards, increase oversight to eliminate abuse, and better protect the civil rights of immigrant detainees. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/16/913398383/whistleblower-alleges-medical-neglect-questionable-hysterectomies-of-ice-detaine  Let’s tell our MoCs that we support these bills and want them to co-sponsor this.  (h/t)



 “NAKED VOTES” IN PA:  “After a Pennsylvania court said ballots returned without secrecy envelopes would be rejected in November, election officials and Democrats are raising the alarm that “naked ballots” could inadvertently disenfranchise thousands in a pivotal battleground.” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/naked-ballots-explained-pennsylvania-new-court-ruling-complicates-mail-voting-n1241017  Voter education is going to be the best way to address this issue.  Let’s share this graphic with those we know in PA and those with outreach GOTV efforts in PA to help explain what needs to be done to make sure votes count:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ow7fAPkiVseLvDPX9nKLqUUHNTd6YOVT/view?usp=sharing

HELPING TO OVERCOME VOTER SUPPRESSION IN WI: Spend 2 hours fighting voter suppression in Wisconsin by joining a Wisconsin Voter Protection phone bank – every Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 pm ET, and Saturdays from 2-4 pm ET.  Learn more and sign up at www.mobilize.us/swingleftboston/event/294842

REGISTER VOTERS WITH FIELD TEAM 6:  Spend a few hours registering new voters with Field Team 6We can find many opportunities listed at https://www.fieldteam6.org/actions

HELP MAKE CALL TO VOTERS IN VOTER SUPPRESSION STATES: Spend one-hour training to make calls to voters of color in voter suppression states, with Reclaim Our VoteWe can sign up for a one-hour training, offered every Monday at 7:30 pm ET at: https://www.votinginformation.org/rovphonebankcentral.


 MARK KELLY- ARIZONAMark Kelly is the Democratic candidate in a special election in Arizona on Nov. 3 for a Senate seat. After John McCain died, Republican Martha McSally was appointed, subject to voter approval via a special election. According to Arizona law, Mark could be sworn in as early as November 30, were he to win:  https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/517827-mark-kelly-arizona-senate-race-winner-should-be-sworn-in-promptly  If so, Kelly would represent one more vote against whichever reactionary judge is liable to be nominated by Trump and pushed through the Senate by Mitch McConnell. He’s a little ahead in the polls but not enough to be a shoo-in. Let’s consider helping to get him elected by texting, donating, or otherwise volunteering: https://go.markkelly.com/page/s/volunteer-signup

 POSTCARDS TO VOTERS: “Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast.” https://postcardstovoters.org/ This is something easy and impactful we can do from home. Campaign #212 is for Jon Ossoff in Georgia! Let’s sign up and start writing: https://postcardstovoters.org/volunteer/


 TURNOUT 2020:  Spend one hour helping Turnout2020 flip critical swing states.  On Turnout Tuesdays, volunteers call voters in Texas to make sure they’re registered to vote by mail.  Register to help at https://www.mobilize.us/turnout2020/event/268044.  On Turnout Thursdays, they do the same in Pennsylvania.  We can register to help at:  https://www.mobilize.us/turnout2020/event/282171/


 MAKING SURE OUR VOTES COUNT—ProPublica’s Pandemic Guide to Making Sure Your Vote Counts shows us how to check our voter registrations, how to make a voting plan, how to avoid making errors on our mail-in ballots—and what to do to correct our mistakes—voting in-person, and so much more. It’s a great resource. Let’s use it and share with others: https://www.propublica.org/article/propublicas-pandemic-guide-to-making-sure-your-vote-counts

 POSTCARDERS WANTED!  Here are a few of the organizations that currently have postcarding opportunities for volunteers: a) Postcards to Voters; b) Sister District Project; c) Postcards for Virginia Let's request some addresses today to help reach VIP voters and get out the vote.

 VIRTUAL “I VOTED” STICKER FOR SOCIAL MEDIA:  With so many of us voting early or by mail, the power of seeing a zillion I Voted stickers on Election Day will be muted. Let’s add a virtual "sticker" by either adding #IVoted after our profile name, or adding this Twibbon sticker on our profile pic:  https://twibbon.com/Support/i-voted-blue-2020


 LET’S CONTACT OUR STATE OFFICIALS ABOUT POLICE REFORM: “Meet the Momentum is an organization created by several recent college graduates, some with political backgrounds and some without. We have a broad spectrum of policy positions and beliefs but are united by our common desire to see concrete change in the American system of policing.”  Let’s find more information here and see how we can get involved:  https://www.meetthemomentum.org/


 SCOTUS NATIONAL ACTIVIST CALL: “Indivisible is hosting an emergency SCOTUS National Activist Call when Trump announces his Supreme Court nominee. This is your chance to hear from Indivisible leadership and our policy experts on how we are preparing to fight back against Trump and his Republican enablers once they push through a SCOTUS pick in the wake of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg's passing.”   Let’s sign up here to keep up to date and informed:  https://act.indivisible.org/signup/scotus-emergency-natl-call/

 ACTIVISM 101 WEBINAR:  Jess Craven, of Chop Wood Carry Water, is continuing her Activism 101 sessions! Activism 101 is a free, one-hour (ish) webinar for folks who have very little to no experience with activism and/or political action. It’s a survey course with one goal: to give those who are furious and sickened by the state of our, bite-sized actions they can take to help vote Trump out, flip the Senate, win a bunch of down-ballot races, and basically make good things happen in November and beyond. Workshop will be led by Jessica Craven who is a mom, veteran activist, elected member of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee, legislative chair of her Moms Demand Action chapter, and the author of daily actions email “Chop Wood, Carry Water.”  Let’s grab a few friends and inquire about times: cwcwdailyactions@gmail.com  

 WOMEN’S MARCH ON OCTOBER 17: “The Women’s March organization is planning a nationwide protest next month [Oct. 17] opposing President Trump and his move to fill the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court.”   https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/517603-womens-march-planned-for-october-to-protest-trump-filling  Let’s sign up and be part of this action:   https://act.womensmarch.com/signup/march-october


 The Election That Could Break America - https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/11/what-if-trump-refuses-concede/616424/

 Where Biden and Trump stand on key issues - https://graphics.reuters.com/USA-ELECTION/POLICY/ygdpzwarjvw/

 Revealed: pro-Trump activists plotted violence ahead of Portland rallies - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/23/oregon-portland-pro-trump-protests-violence-texts

 Prepare for the Worst and Fight for the Best: A Citizen’s Guide to 2020 Electoral Interference - https://www.justsecurity.org/72491/prepare-for-the-worst-and-fight-for-the-best-a-citizens-guide-to-2020-electoral-interference/


 We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule





 Do you know why I ‘m certain the republic will survive? Because I know what you are capable of. You are going to rise to this challenge. You are going to do things you never expected you’d do. You will vote. You will volunteer. You will contribute. You will march. You won’t stop.

(Walter Schaub, former director of the United States Office of Government Ethics)




Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)
Fax legislators for free:
Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php
Senate:  https://faxzero.com/fax_senate.php
Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/
Purchase stamps, postcards, and other mailing supplies: 
White House contact:  https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/white-house


 JUSTICE FOR BREONNA: Months after Breonna Taylor was murdered in her home by police officers conducting a no-knock raid, a Kentucky grand jury has decided against any indictments over her death. https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/09/23/914250463/breonna-taylor-charging-decision-to-be-announced-this-afternoon-lawyer-says) Instead, one officer has been indicted for endangering three people in a neighboring apartment with stray bullets. Let’s be sure to follow the lead of local organizers, particularly Black Lives Matter Louisville, in their six demands: 1) Immediately fire and revoke the pensions of the officers that murdered Breonna, ). Divest from LMPD and invest in community building, 3) Immediate resignation (or impeachment) of Mayor Greg Fisher, 4) Metro Council ends use of force by Louisville Metro Police Department,  5) A local, civilian community police accountability council that is independent of the mayor’s office and LMPD with investigation and discipline power, and 6) The creation of policy to ensure transparent investigation processes. We can find more details, along with contact information here (click “Read more” on the page for details):  https://action.justiceforbreonna.org/sign/BreonnaWasEssential/# For those of us with the means, let’s also contribute to the Louisville Community Bail Fund to help support local activists:  https://afgj.salsalabs.org/louisvillebailfund/index.html

RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA:  As Laurence Tribe, American legal scholar who is the Carl M. Loeb University Professor at the Harvard Law School, tweeted on Tuesday, “The meticulously reported works by Michael Schmidt and Peter Strzok make clear that Trump has succeeded in preventing any real investigation of what Putin has on him and how he became Putin’s useful idiot — a Russian asset in the Oval. Reelecting Trump would put Putin in control.”  We always knew it was Russia and we are gaining a greater insight into what has happened over the last four to five years:  https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/p/september-22-2020 Let’s make sure our MoCs know that we will work to get those who support this out of office as soon as possible. 

 Correction:  PUBLICLY REMIND GOP SENATORS ON TWITTER OF WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE NOMINATION IN 2016: Yesterday we published a Google doc featuring what key Republican Senators said in 2016 about why a Supreme Court Justice shouldn’t be confirmed so close to the election. Here’s an updated document with more Senators’ comments and their Twitter handles. Let’s remind them on Twitter of exactly what they said, call them out for their hypocrisy, and demand that they delay the nomination until 2021 in order to let the American people decide through their vote who gets to nominate the next Supreme Court Justice, just as they claimed was the only fair course of action in 2016. Let’s also share this document widely with our networks and post it in public places so the entire country is aware of their hypocrisy:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nnuQNpD4vPB4hjcpGDf_h-dYd0iVgR41DzJUs1frEQQ/edit?usp=sharing

 CHAD WOLF CONFIRMATION: Earlier this month the GAO determined that Chad Wolf was serving illegally in his position as Acting Secretary of Homeland Security.  https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/14/gao-chad-wolf-ken-cuccinelli-ineligible-dhs-395222  Trump has now put forth Wolf as the nominee for the position.  Let’s remember that under Wolf’s leadership ICE has been continually reckless and harmful to so many immigrants in detention.  He is the one who sent federal officers to Portland to quell the situation.  Now we’ve learned that he and other DHS officials have tried to influence intelligence.  Wolf is not the kind of person needed in that position.   After not showing up at his scheduled hearing last week, he showed up yesterday and, not surprisingly, backed his DHS.  https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/acting-department-homeland-security-secretary-chad-wolf-set/story?id=73173301 Trump appointees are notorious for saying one thing and doing another.  Let’s make sure our Senators and know we oppose him.  

 CONGRESS NEEDS TO HELP HUNGRY CHILDREN: “A critical tool for fighting child hunger is set to expire at the end of the month, despite persistent need among millions of children due to the pandemic. . . According to research from the Brookings Institution, the program led to a 30 percent drop in food insecurity among low-income children in the week following the disbursement of benefits, reaching an estimated 2.7 million to 3.9 million kids.” https://thefern.org/ag_insider/while-congress-fiddles-a-critical-tool-to-address-child-hunger-is-about-to-expire/  Unless Congress extends this before the end of the month children in the USA will starve needlessly.  Let’s let all our MoCs know that this, along with a passage of a substantial COVID-relief bill for regular citizens, not corporations or the wealthy, is a much better use of their time than in-fighting.

 TELL COLLINS AND MURKOWSKI TO USE INFLUENCE TO SWAY GOP SENATORS: Susan Collins likes to play the moderate when her vote isn’t needed, but let’s not forget she voted for Kavanaugh and voted against impeachment. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/20/murkowski-opposes-moving-forward-with-supreme-court-nomination-418910. Let’s tell Murkowski (202) 224-6665 and Collins (202) 224-2523 that it’s not enough for them to take a personal stand against the ethics of choosing a Supreme Court Justice so close to the election. They should do everything in their power to publicly persuade their Republican colleagues that pushing through a successor less than 50 days before a presidential election, especially since they refused to confirm a vacancy that had been open 8 months before an election last time is hypocritical, unethical, and reflects badly on the Republican party. 

 ENCOURAGE MORE WHISTLEBLOWERS TO COME FORWARD IN DOCUMENTING ICE ABUSES: Last week, nurse Dawn Wooten blew the whistle, alleging that women in ICE detention center in Irwin County Georgia are being sterilized without their consent. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/16/913398383/whistleblower-alleges-medical-neglect-questionable-hysterectomies-of-ice-detaine. Never Again Action and RAICES have teamed up on a campaign to encourage more employees who work for ICE to come forward and blow the whistle on nationwide abuses of inmates. Let’s check out their toolkit and get involved. 

 SHOW UP AT SENATORS’ LOCAL OFFICES ON FRIDAY AND DEMAND THEY POSTPONE THE SUPREME COURT JUSTICE PICK: Indivisible is asking groups to mobilize this Friday, September 25 and show up at senators' local offices to demand senators not vote to confirm a new justice until after Inauguration Day. We can check out their event toolkit, and their website to attend a local event on Friday and participate in other useful SAVE SCOTUS actions. 

 COVID FUNDS MISUSED:  Despite an ongoing shortage of PPE, apparently the Pentagon used taxpayer money from the CARES Act intended for masks, swabs, and other medical supplies to pay instead for jet engine parts, drones, body armor, and military uniforms; moreover, they often directed this money to large corporations already receiving Payroll Protection Program money from the federal government:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/09/22/covid-funds-pentagon/ or https://abc17news.com/politics/national-politics/2020/09/22/washington-post-pentagon-used-funds-for-coronavirus-response-supplies-for-jet-engine-parts-body-armor/  Let’s tell Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and the undersecretary in charge of DoD acquisitions what we think of this misuse of funds during a pandemic that has now killed 200,000 people in this country: 1-844-872-4681 or  Dr. Mark T. Esper, Secretary of Defense, 1000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1000 and Ellen M. Lord, Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics), 3010 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-3010

 A TRUMP NOMINEE, ANY NOMINEE:  Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) announced Tuesday that Trump should get to choose a replacement for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, regardless of whether he wins in November: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/22/mitt-romney-supports-holding-a-vote-on-trumps-supreme-court-pick-this-year.html  Despite his words to the contrary in 2016, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has likewise fallen into line with Mitch McConnell’s plan to hold a hasty--maybe lame duck--confirmation vote in the Senate: https://www.postandcourier.com/news/despite-2016-vow-lindsey-graham-supports-trump-choosing-ruth-bader-ginsburgs-successor/article_89725b3e-fa8d-11ea-bc2a-a742a921ff9d.html We have yet to hear that any Republican vote might be effected by WHO the particular nominee is.  Let’s remind our senators that evaluating the credentials of a SCOTUS nominee, not acquiescing to a presidential preference, is their job.

 IMMIGRATION/FORCED STERILIZATION: On September 14th, Dawn Wooten, a nurse at an ICE concentration camp in Georgia, filed a whistleblower complaint alleging forced sterilization among detained individuals (https://n.pr/3cpzkn7). This is yet another means of exacting genocide on immigrants in the United States, as defined by the United NationsFor those of us who have not yet done so, let's call our members of Congress, and tell them that we want them to contact the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security and urge him to conduct an investigation immediately. We can also ask the Inspector General directly: Mr. Joseph V. Cuffari, Inspector General, Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General, Washington, DC 20528. Phone: 202-981-6000. Let's also learn about how we can support organizations on the ground in Georgia, and contribute to the safety of Dawn Wooten as she has taken great risk in filing her whistleblower complaint: https://bit.ly/3kIkHhS

 NEW “SPOT THE TROLL” QUIZ:  Two professors have come up with a quiz that helps us more clearly see how to identify troll accounts on social media.  “Spreading wrong or deliberately false information online often starts with fake accounts. A post is then shared by real people who feel the posts speak to their personal or political beliefs. Linvill and Warren have identified millions of such posts since the 2016 election where U.S. officials uncovered efforts by Russians to sow disinformation on social media.”  https://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/story/can-you-spot-the-troll-how-to-beat-clemsons-quiz  Let’s take the quiz and learn:  https://spotthetroll.org/



 CA—FOR DISPLACED VOTERS: California has prepared a Displaced Voters Fact Sheet for those displaced by wildfires or other emergencies. Let’s consul it and share so everyone can vote: https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/pdfs/votesafe-displaced-voters.pdf

 VOLUNTEER NOW! There are so many ways we can help achieve the four top priorities of the 2020 election: (1) to elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House, (2) to flip the US Senate to Democratic control, (3) to keep and expand the Democratic majority in the US House, and (4) to end extreme Republican gerrymandering in the states. Let’s sign up with one or more of the following and get to work:   

 ENGAGE ONE MILLION YOUNG VOTERS: The youth environmental activists at the Sunrise Movement have a postcard campaign to get one million young voters in key swing states to go to the polls. Generous donors have made it possible for us to order 100 postcards and stamps on a pay-as-you-can basis. Let’s order our postcards today and start writing to get out the youth vote! https://postcards.sunrisemovement.org/

 WRITE VOTER TURNOUT LETTERS—Vote Forward’s The Big Send is a campaign to send letters to Democratic-leaning voters in key states and urge them to vote. The goal: 10 million letters! Let’s sign up and start writing from the comfort of our own homes: https://votefwd.org/bigsend

 WRITE POSTCARDS TO GET DEMOCRATS TO THE POLLS: “Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast.” https://postcardstovoters.org/ This is something easy and impactful we can do from home. Let’s sign up and start writing: https://postcardstovoters.org/volunteer/

 SPLC POWER HOUR:  Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) will continue to sponsor virtual phone banks weekly on Thursdays giving us the ability to encourage voters in the South get out the vote, recruit people to work the polls and to register to vote.  Scripts are provided. We can read more and sign up here:  https://www.splcenter.org/splc-power-hour


 GET INFORMATION MATERIAL TO SUPPORT DEM CANDIDATES IN EVERY STATE: If we are looking for information on good candidates  to support, Postcards for America https://www.postcardsforamerica.com/  has all the information we need on Democratic Candidates for House, Senate, Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State for all fifty states. With prewritten tweets, Facebook posts, website and donation links, and colorful postcards, there is much we can use to get our candidates over the finish line. We can click here for links to follow and support Democratic candidates and download printable postcards for each one as well: https://www.postcardsforamerica.com/all-dem-candidates-postcards-tweets--posts.html

 DIY BIDEN SIGNS:  From one of our own:  Here is the link to high res files, so you can have your own 24x18 yard signs made:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1nugIA7lGejlKyS7e4CPrmwWY0MeTER9I

 TEXT FOR JAMIE HARRISON IN KEY MONEYBALL WINNABLE SC SENATE RACE: If we are looking for a race where our efforts can have a big impact, we can check out Jamie Harrison’s South Carolina Senate race against Lindsey Graham. South Carolina is a “Moneyball State”, where flipping a small amount of voters Blue in a tight race can lead to a Democratic Senate, according to calculations by the Princeton Election Consortium.  https://election.princeton.edu/2020/08/09/whats-more-important-than-a-presidential-probability/  We can check out Harrison’s campaign here. https://jaimeharrison.com/then sign up to text, and get the detailed information and help we need to be effective here. https://demvolctr.org/resources/textbanking/textbanking-harrison/  Let’s get busy and turn the Senate Blue! 

 2020 SENATE PRIORITY RACES:  From Your Weekly Pep Talk & Action List -“Jonathan Zucker, first CFO and second CEO of ActBlue and founder of It Starts Today (www.itstarts.today), has assembled n incredibly helpful list of 2020 Senate Priority races, based upon a combination of electoral chances and current support. If you want to support candidates but are trying to figure out which races you should focus on, this is your resource! Check it out here:  https://contribute.itstarts.today/2020_priorities/contribute  Important: if/when you donate via the 2020 Priorities, your donation will go to the nominee.” 

 MORE DIRTY TRICKS:  Regardless of how one feels about the Green Party, in particular, or third parties, more generally, it is clear that the Republicans are at work trying to split the Biden vote in November’s election by working to get the Greens on the ballot:  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/us/politics/green-party-republicans-hawkins.html  It is equally clear that the Democrats want the Greens off the ballot and that they hope third party candidates will have less impact than they did in 2016:  https://apnews.com/477f1db3b18163a429ab4b3f418f60d4  Before we assume, like last time, that Biden will inevitably win, so a doomed third party vote is inconsequential, let’s think twice and consider both the voting statistics from 2016 and the arguments put forward by 170 environmentalists who urge us not to vote Green this time:  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/open-letter-green-voters-diane-maceachern

 REPUBLICANS FOR BIDEN: "In an era when voters are increasingly skeptical of national politicians and media, your voice matters more than ever. From now until Nov. 3, help us place 500 op-eds in local papers across America written by Republicans who support Joe Biden. If you want to write an op-ed, we can help you through the writing process/ show you how to submit it to your local paper. If you've already written an op-ed, we want to help amplify it!" Let's get the word out about this fantastic initiative. We can sign up to write an op-ed, here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQqxlPcwnH_zyMmzGTXDnTg-r27d1PZYLKQxLtt3BcGCVSNQ/viewform


 HELP TO GET PEOPLE REGISTERED TO VOTE: “The act of voting is a centerpiece of our American democracy. But before you can vote, you must be registered to vote.  A conservative estimate from the Pew Charitable Trusts indicated that just over 1 in 5 eligible Americans are not registered to vote. The way we will win elections is by getting our candidates more votes. So the first place to start is by helping fellow Americans get registered.”  Let’s see how we can help:  https://politicalcharge.org/2018/03/10/15-ways-you-can-help-get-more-people-registered-to-vote/


 DONATE: Giving to the Biden/Harris campaign https://joebiden.com/ is obvious—and definitely important!—but we have many options for applying our donations impactfully this election season. Let’s check out these campaigns and consider donating what we can:   

 POLL WORKERS: Power to the Polls is working on getting 250,000 healthy, low-risk people signed up to be poll workers this election. Currently, poll workers are disportionately over 60 years old, placing them at greater risk during the pandemic. Let's join Power to the Polls to not only take this burden off of older individuals, but also become more engaged citizens and work to decrease long wait times on Election Day. We can learn more about being a poll worker, and sign up here:  https://www.powerthepolls.org/about

 TAKE OR ANALYZE PHOTOS OF PRECINCT RESULTS TO PROTECT THE VOTE: With so much at stake in the next election, many of our votes need protection from hacking and interference with voting equipment. If we are looking for ways to help defend election integrity, we can check out the Protect Our Votes (POV)  Photo Finish project, which will publish and compare election night precinct tallies with the final results. At the end of election days, precincts print their results on poll tapes and post them on doors or windows for all to see. To help preserve the integrity of these results, we can take their photos, then post them on POV website. If we don’t take photos, we can still help by comparing these pictures with the final counts. POV will publish this info and any significant differences on their Photo Finish Results page. This kind of transparency will help shine a bright light on possible tampering.  We can sign up to photograph poll tapes or to compare them to the final results here, then share this information with our friends on social media: https://www.protectourvotes.com/photo-finish/

 DEMOCRACY CARE PACKAGES: Many of those we know are feeling very stirred up and motivated following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg but don’t know how or where to get started. With their permission, let’s deliver democracy care packages… 10 stamped postcards, 10 addresses for Postcards To Voters, and instructions/deadline for the campaign being written for (greatly simplified from what is sent by PTV: like “write this exact text…”). We can also include phone numbers for our Congressional Reps and an inspiring RBG quotation.

 SUPPORT WISCONSIN DEMS AND WATCH A REPLAY OF VIRTUAL PRINCESS BRIDE:  Many of us may have missed the live virtual Princess Bride last week, but now we can “chip in any amount to get access to an exclusive replay of The Princess Bride Reunion with a script read by the original cast, special guests, and a wonderful Q&A session hosted by Patton Oswalt!  Anything you donate will be used to ensure that Trump loses Wisconsin, and thereby the White House.”  Let’s do this and have some fun, too:  https://secure.actblue.com/donate/princess-bride-reunion-replay


 FL – RACIAL INJUSTIC LEGISLATION:  Florida governor Ron DeSantis has proposed legislation, the “Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act,” that, if passed in the next legislative session, would impose draconian (and possibly unconstitutional) punishments on both cities and individuals involved in the struggle for racial justice:  https://www.flgov.com/2020/09/21/governor-ron-desantis-announces-the-combatting-violence-disorder-and-looting-and-law-enforcement-protection-act/  and https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2020/09/21/watch-live-gov-ron-desantis-speaks-from-polk-county-sheriffs-office/  It is crucial that those of us who live in Florida make it clear to our state legislators that their support of this act will lose them our vote.


 SCOTUS NATIONAL ACTIVIST CALL: “Indivisible is hosting an emergency SCOTUS National Activist Call when Trump announces his Supreme Court nominee. This is your chance to hear from Indivisible leadership and our policy experts on how we are preparing to fight back against Trump and his Republican enablers once they push through a SCOTUS pick in the wake of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg's passing.”   Let’s sign up here to keep up to date and informed:  https://act.indivisible.org/signup/scotus-emergency-natl-call/

 ACTIVISM 101 WEBINAR:  Jess Craven, of Chop Wood Carry Water, is continuing her Activism 101 sessions! Activism 101 is a free, one-hour (ish) webinar for folks who have very little to no experience with activism and/or political action. It’s a survey course with one goal: to give those who are furious and sickened by the state of our, bite-sized actions they can take to help vote Trump out, flip the Senate, win a bunch of down-ballot races, and basically make good things happen in November and beyond. Workshop will be led by Jessica Craven who is a mom, veteran activist, elected member of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party Central Committee, legislative chair of her Moms Demand Action chapter, and the author of daily actions email “Chop Wood, Carry Water.”  Let’s grab a few friends and inquire about times: cwcwdailyactions@gmail.com  

 WOMEN’S MARCH ON OCTOBER 17: “The Women’s March organization is planning a nationwide protest next month [Oct. 17] opposing President Trump and his move to fill the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court.”   https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/517603-womens-march-planned-for-october-to-protest-trump-filling  Let’s sign up and be part of this action:   https://act.womensmarch.com/signup/march-october


 Majority of Americans, including many Republicans, say wait for election to replace Ginsburg - Reuters poll - https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN26B0TN

 Democrats Need a Plan. Fast. - Here’s how they can apply maximum pressure, brand the process as the illegitimate farce it is and lay the groundwork for desperately needed reform - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/21/opinion/ruth-bader-ginsburg-senate-democrats.html 

 Trump Preached White Supremacy in Minnesota, America Barely Noticed - https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-white-supremacy-racehorse-theory-1064928/

 Sustaining Police Free-Schools Through Practice- https://issuu.com/ggenyc/docs/gge_police-free_schools_toolkit__formatted


 We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule