

Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)

Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Purchase stamps, postcards, and other mailing supplies: 

Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:  https://stampslicked.org/

INSIST THAT THE NEXT CORONAVIRUS RELIEF ACT PROTECT WORKERS, NOT BUSINESSES: Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, who thinks it’s ok for states to apply for bankruptcy has a different take on businesses. McConnell says he will not support any bill that doesn’t include business liability protections. So far, House Leader, Nancy Pelosi is holding firm on making sure that the next relief bill’s focus is on workers, not businesses. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/495302-pelosi-democrats-will-not-back-business-liability-protections-in-cares-act.  Let’s tell our MoCs that we agree with Pelosi’s stance. We want to see a bill that addresses the priorities laid out in Senator Warren’s Worker’s Bill of Rights. 

MEATPACKERS FORCED TO WORK DESPITE VIRUS OUTBREAK:  We know Trump likes his hamburgers, but it is outrageous that he has finally decided to actually use the Defense Production Act NOT to manufacture lifesaving medical equipment but to force meatpacking employees, regardless of the protection offered (or not offered) them, to resume work despite the covid-19 outbreaks that have shut down their plants; the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, representing 1.3 million food and retail workers, said Tuesday that 20 food-processing and meatpacking union workers in the U.S. have died of the virus while an estimated 6,500 are sick or have been exposed to another worker who tested positive: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/04/donald-trump-meat-plants-executive-order and https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-nw-coronavirus-trump-slaughterhouse-meatpacking-20200429-34sj5c3neray7jrylc7l3pnnfm-story.html Let’s tell the White House what we think of Trump’s immoral decision to force these “essential” workers to work in virus-infested packinghouses.

UNFETTERED AID TO CORPORATIONS: The Federal Reserve will effectively lend $500 billion to large corporations by buying their bonds. When the Fed altered the design of the program so as to exclude direct corporate lending, they conveniently made this aid exempt from the rules passed by Congress and sidestepped the CARES Act requirement limiting dividends, executive compensation and stock buybacks; likewise, as now planned this program does not require these companies to maintain certain employment levels—this, even though one of the stated goals of the Fed’s monetary policy is to maintain maximum employment:  https://www.stripes.com/news/us/500-billion-bailout-plan-for-large-companies-has-no-requirements-to-preserve-jobs-or-limit-executive-pay-1.627715 or https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/04/23/doggett-whitehouse-corrupt-tax-provision-cares-act-column/2998466001/ or  

ANOTHER TRUMP QUID PRO QUO:  Trump suggested that financial aid to states and localities facing the prospect of making deep cuts to essential services like education may be contingent on their rolling back sanctuary policies for immigrants.  https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/28/trump-states-bailout-sanctuary-cities-215507) Let's contact our members of Congress and tell them it's outrageous for Trump to attempt to use this crisis to "I would like you to do us a favor though" his way into imposing his anti-immigrant agenda - and we want them to say so publicly.

SENATE RETURNING FOR MORE JUDGES:  The Senate is returning to session next week - and in the midst of this pandemic, they're continuing to rush through Trump's extremist conservative judicial picks.   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/28/us/politics/senate-republicans-judicial-nominees.html or https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/mcconnell-s-focus-when-senate-comes-back-will-be-judges-n1194776  Let's 1) contact our senators and tell them in no circumstances should they do anything that supports the GOP packing of our courts during this national emergency, 2) read and share this Guardian article on the consequences of that court-packing, 3) support Democratic Senate challengers like Sara GideonCal CunninghamMark KellyBarbara BollierTheresa Greenfield or Steve Bullock to ensure that we're in position to block future Trump judicial appointments or confirm Democratic appointments next year and 4) sign up with and follow Demand Justice to stay engaged with this fight.

PRISONERS AND COVID:  Coronavirus is spreading rapidly in our prisons, jails and detention centers. This is dangerous for the incarcerated, and for the communities they're in - staff are exposed and spreading it outside the prison walls. Epidemiologists have estimated that unless more is done, these outbreaks could lead to the COVID-19 death toll nearly doubling in the U.S. (https://www.npr.org/2020/04/28/846678912/a-ticking-time-bomb-advocates-warn-covid-19-is-spreading-rapidly-behind-bars). The Sentencing Project is calling for prisoner releases and more resources allocated to stopping the spread behind bars. Let's use this tool they've created to ask our lawmakers to follow their recommendations.

STOP SPREADING COVID BY TRANSFERRING AND DEPORTING DETAINEES: After an outbreak of COVID-19 at detention centers in the northeast, ICE transferred many immigrants by plane and bus to a facility in Texas, resulting in another wave of the virus. 
And ICE also continues to deport people who are sick. Currently, 20% of the COVID-positive population in Guatemala consists of deportees from the U.S. Let’s tell the Department of Homeland Security (202-282-8495; DHSSecretary@hq.dhs.gov; https://homelandsecurity.ideascale.com/; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/homelandsecurity/; Twitter: @DHS.gov) to stop all deportations until the crisis has passed and release all detainees who are not a public safety risk immediately. Let’s also bring up the issue with our MoCs and show them this graph, which indicates that the majority of immigrants currently in detention have no criminal convictions. 

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE:  On Tuesday, Vice President Mike Pence visited Mayo Clinic and disregarded their mask policy: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/28/politics/mike-pence-mayo-clinic-mask/index.html  Let’s take a moment to let Pence know that disregarding the policy is not leadership and that he had no right to risk the patients and staff there: On Twitter @VP or The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20500

COVID-19/NAVAJO NATION: Tribal nations have consistently received inadequate funding and resources from the federal government, with at least 1 in 4 Native Americans living in poverty. This has put the Navajo Nation in a uniquely dismal situation as they are being disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus, ranking just behind New York and New Jersey in number of positive cases. https://bit.ly/2W7vNlThttps://bit.ly/2KAUKRjhttps://n.pr/3bUOQXj Meanwhile, most state health departments are not even tracking Native American coronavirus cases in their demographics (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/24/us-native-americans-left-out-coronavirus-data). Dr. Debbie Reese, educator and founder of American Indians in Children's Literature, has compiled a vetted list of ways we can help Native people in the southwestern U.S., including contributing to relief funds and mobile pantries. Let's work our way through the list. We can also consider donating masks to elders of the Chinle Chapter here. Finally, let's contact our state MoC and governor and demand that Native Americans be explicitly included in our racial demographic data.

MOTHERS DAY IS MAY 10—GIVE THE GIFT OF THE POST OFFICE: We can show our appreciation for the moms in our lives while supporting the post office by ordering gifts from the USPS Store. We can choose from Earth Day coasters, backpack and messenger bags, framed commemorative stamps, tote bags made of retired mailbags, card sets, and more. Let’s go shopping: https://store.usps.com/store/home

SUPPORT THE POST OFFICE BY WRITING POSTCARDS OR SUPPORTING POSTCARD GROUPS:  We can support the Post Office and keep the Blue Wave going in several ways. We can join a well-established group to help get out the Democratic vote like Postcards to Voters,  or influence policy with Postcards for America, start our our Zoom postcard club, or support an existing group by donating supplies to them. One such group on Maui has leveraged their little, rural group into a powerhouse postcard-writing machine!
These productive writers depend on stamp donations to keep up their good work. One dedicated member has written over 7,000 postcards herself - but couldnt do it without the stamp donations. Their goal is to write 20,000 GOTV postcards this year and with 10,000 donated, they are halfway there, with 10,000 more to go!!! If we are able to donate, we can help the Maui Postcarders and the Post Office out by buying Forever postcard stamps at  usps.com https://store.usps.com/store/product/buy-stamps/coral-reefs-postcard-stamp-S_745104 and sending them to group leader Heather Wittenberg at  1787 Wili Pa Loop #7, Wailuku, HI 96768.


HOW TO VOTE BY MAIL IN EVERY SINGLE STATE:  Voting by mail is becoming more of a necessity.  Let’s check our own states and see what we have to do: https://politicalcharge.org/2020/04/10/how-to-vote-by-mail-in-every-single-state/

EXPANDED VOTE BY MAIL IN EIGHT STATES:  Several states have temporarily changed their absentee/voting by mail rules to accommodate the pandemic. Let’s check them out:  https://politicalcharge.org/2020/04/27/checking-in-on-the-8-states-that-just-expanded-voting-by-mail/

FREE VOTING POSTERS: Promote the Vote 2020 “provides free posters for download so anyone can spread the work and get out the vote!” They’re beautiful. Let’s take a look and start sharing: https://vote2020.fyi/work


ALL:  DEMAND LENIENCY IN UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS FOR HIGH-RISK WORKERS: As several states prepare to loosen restrictions and allow some businesses to open, despite contrary advice from health care experts, employees in Iowa and Texas will lose unemployment benefits if they don’t feel safe enough to go back to work. https://www.businessinsider.com/iowa-tells-workers-return-to-work-or-lose-unemployment-benefits-2020-4 and https://spectrumlocalnews.com/tx/san-antonio/news/2020/04/28/what-texas--phased-reopening-will-mean-for-unemployment-benefits. Let’s tell the governors of these states that it’s unconscionable to ask someone to choose between their health and a paycheck, and let’s also ask our MoCs if something can be done. 

MANY:  COVID AND SNAP:  “States have jumped on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act’s options to provide emergency SNAP (food stamp) supplements and ease program administration during the pandemic to deliver more food assistance to struggling families, help manage rising administrative demands, and ensure that participants maintain much-needed benefits.”  https://www.cbpp.org/research/food-assistance/most-states-are-easing-snap-participation-rules-many-have-opted-to-provide  Let’s check the interactive map in this piece and see what benefits our state is using.  Then, let’s thank or question our state officials.   

MI: ENVIRONMENT: From Michigan Sierra Club: "Each year in the spring, the Michigan Sierra Club organizes a lobby day for our activists to descend upon the State Capitol and rally legislators around Sierra Club priority legislation. However, because the Michigan Capitol building is closed in response to COVID-19, we are moving to instead host a Virtual Lobby Day of Action on May 14th, 2020 -- a lobbying event entirely through electronic means." Let's sign up to attend and take part in a lobbying day that's accessible even for the introverted among us. We can e-mail, call, and post on social media, encouraging our lawmakers to pass the Polluter Pay (HB 4212/SB 116) and Public Trust Water Protection (HB 5290-5292) bills. 


“VIRUS FREE VOTING” DIGITAL RALLY: Today, Thursday, April 30, from 6-8PM EST, activists across the country are organizing a stealth #VirusFreeVoting digital rally. If you want to participate in one of the many ways they've made available, please check out this toolkit. It's awesome! You can make a video (DemLabs shows us how:  https://mailchi.mp/thedemlabs/flipgridvotebymail), take a selfie, or prepare to deluge twitter with posts in support of Vote by Mail and Postal Service funding.  But remember, post nothing until tomorrow between 3-5 PST or 6-8 EST!! (h/t Chop Wood Carry Water)

POOR PEOPLE’S CAMPAIGN: A NATIONAL CALL FOR MORAL REVIVAL: “The second of our digital mass meetings will be today Thursday, April 30, at 8.30pm ET/ 5:30 pm PT. Please join us for the Poverty Amidst Pandemic: Everybody’s Got A Right to Live Digital Mass Meeting, featuring testifiers from Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin.”   Let’s learn more about this Facebook Live event:  https://www.facebook.com/anewppc/posts/2886584201437736

GET FREE DIGITAL ORGANIZING TRAINING TODAY FROM THE NDTC: Whether we’re running for office, working on a campaign, or building our local party’s or organization’s infrastructure, having a strong digital strategy is integral to meeting our campaign’s needs from fundraising to field strategy to communications. To develop or sharpen our skills, we can join The National Democratic Training Committee (NDTC) today, April 30, from 2pm-3pmEST for a free virtual live training on “Digital Organizing: How to Engage and Activate your Audience.” During this digital strategy session, we will learn how to build, engage, and activate our audience online, including writing calls to action. We can sign up for the NDTC’s free Digital Organizing Training here, and an email with directions and login information will be sent prior the virtual live training.

ACLU SMART JUSTICE CAMPAIGN WEBINAR:  The ACLU Smart Justice campaign has decided to host a digital day of action titled “Uniting for Pretrial Reform” in May. It will be online, and it will be throughout the day on May 27th. Some of the sessions include a Q&A with ACLU staff, a tele-townhall with multiple legislators (on the topic of pretrial reform), a storytelling panel in the afternoon, and throughout the day there will be multiples ways to engage our elected officials.  Here’s a registration link to sign up! https://zoom.us/webinar/register/1415859446055/WN_Wb92iZkTRGmkTJlHepNcIg  We want to make sure that people feel their voices can be heard even during this new normal phase we currently we find ourselves in and that we advocate for the most vulnerable of us.  


CREW Requests FEMA Records on Coronavirus PPE Seizures - https://www.citizensforethics.org/foia/fema-coronavirus-ppe-seizures/

How We Will Beat COVID-19 - https://www.covidexitstrategy.org/

'Allostatic Load' is the Psychological Reason for Our Pandemic Brain Fog - https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/n7jap8/allostatic-load-is-the-reason-you-feel-anxious-stressed-from-isolation


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule



Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)

Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Purchase stamps, postcards, and other mailing supplies: 

Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:  https://stampslicked.org/

CONFISCATED PPE:  The lack of a national response to COVID-19 has states competing with each other for supplies and has them seeking supplies from foreign markets which is usually not their task.  On top of that, hospitals and agencies are having their shipments confiscated by FEMA to be distributed in a non-transparent way.  It is becoming clearer, however, that states with a good relationship with Trump are having their medical needs met at a better rate.  https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/political-influence-skews-trump-s-coronavirus-response-n1191236 and https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-24/medical-masks-auctioned-for-huge-markup-while-hospitals-run-out  Let’s tell our MoCs that this is not how a response to a pandemic should be handled and ask what they can do about it.  Let’s also let FEMA know they should not be playing politics:  General Operator: (202) 646-2500 / Mailing Address: Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20472

NEXT COVID-19 RELIEF BILL:  Congress has now passed four relief/stimulus bills.  The most recent one included roughly $480 billion in funding, $380 billion of which is dedicated to small business loan programs, $75 billion to hospitals, and $25 billion to establish testing programs.  The bill did not, however, include additional funding for states and cities that are struggling financially during this crisis; funding for the US Postal Service; funding for states to implement Vote by Mail; election security; more money for SNAP (food stamps); more healthcare funding; additional payments to suffering unemployed Americans and essential workers; protections for frontline workers; and help for the homeless, prison populations, disabled community, farm workers, and immigrants. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/494861-mcconnell-senate-will-return-on-may-4-to-start-next-coronavirus-relief-bill  Let’s contact our MoCs to let them know that we want these needs addressed.  (h/t CFAA)

SMALL BUSINESSES STILL WITHOUT RELIEF:  Although it received $310 billion in new funding, the small business loan program, according to the Washington Post, came “under immediate pressure Monday, as many bankers complained about new technology glitches and fresh questions were raised about the mostly anonymous list of beneficiaries,” which included the LA Lakers to the tune of $4.6 million, since returned.  Some say this new money will be exhausted within 72 hours.  Nearly 80% of the small businesses that applied for the first round of funds have yet to receive an answer, and the Small Business Administration (SBA) refuses to disclose the recipients of these taxpayer-backed loans, though some companies have disclosed voluntarily: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/04/27/ppp-small-business-loans/  Let’s let the SBA know what we think of their administration of and their secrecy about these loans: 1-800-827-5722

CANCEL TRUMP SPEECH AT WEST POINT GRADUATION: While most colleges and universities across the country are cancelling commencement ceremonies due to COVID-19, West Point is calling back 1000 cadets so that Trump can give a commencement speech to a live audience with total disregard for social distancing. https://www.10tv.com/article/west-point-bring-back-1000-cadets-graduation-trump-commencement-address-2020-apr.In fact, Trump said he hoped the look of the ceremony would be “nice and tight.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/24/us/politics/coronavirus-trump-west-point.html. Let’s tell West Point that this is an extremely bad error in judgment that is putting the lives of its students at risk.  

TELL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION TO STOP BARRING IMMIGRANTS WITH DACA STATUS FROM RECEIVING EMERGENCY GRANT AID: Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos has taken it upon herself to interpret ambiguous guidelines around COVID-19 emergency grant aid in a way that would bar immigrant students who have protected status under DACA from receiving emergency funds. https://www.forbes.com/sites/wesleywhistle/2020/04/21/devos-blocks-daca-students-from-coronavirus-emergency-grant-aid/. Let’s tell the Department of Education to stop discriminating against DACA students 1-800-872-5327; 202-401-3000; 400 Maryland Avenue, SW; Washington, D.C. 20202) betsy.devos@ed.gov

RELEASE IMMIGRANT DETAINEES DUE TO UNSAFE MEDICAL CONDITIONS: There have been many protests and hunger strikes from coast to coast in various detention centers due to unsafe medical conditions. https://www.propublica.org/article/ice-detainee-says-migrants-are-going-on-a-hunger-strike-for-soapand https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/immigration/story/2020-04-17/covid-19-concerns-prompt-hunger-strikes-protests-inside-otay-mesa-detention-center, and recently a California assemblywoman’s donation of 1000 masks was rejected by ICE. The Women’s March--Florida has designated April 29th as a national day of action to call for the release of detainees. Let’s check out their toolkit and get more information on the situation and how we can participate at their site. Even if we miss April 29th, calls and letters to public officials and escalating media coverage will still be important until these detainees are released. 

STOP TRANSFERS OF TEENAGE MIGRANTS TO FULL-SCALE ICE DETENTION CENTERS: Many migrant teens in detention are aging out and being transferred to full-scale ICE detention centers, instead of being paroled quickly to a group home, sponsor, or foster family. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/23/us/politics/coronavirus-teenage-migrants-ice.html? This is unconscionable at any time, but worse now, during COVID. Judge Dolly Gee recently ruled that migrant children must be released. https://www.kpbs.org/news/2020/apr/25/l-judge-orders-release-migrant-children-custody/. Let’s tell our MoCs that we expect them to pull out all the stops to put pressure on ICE and make sure that children are released from custody within 20-days in compliance with the Flores agreement, and not held so they can be transferred to adult detention on their 18th birthday.  

U.S. POSTAL SERVICE:  Donald Trump has continued his attempts to destroy the U.S. Postal Service. With USPS needing help to stay afloat and continue delivering a crucial public service during this pandemic, he is threatening to block an emergency loan unless they quadruple shipping prices for online retailers (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-trump-postalservic/trump-threatens-to-block-aid-for-us-postal-service-if-it-does-not-raise-prices-for-amazon-idUSKCN226367). This would put postal service prices above FedEx and UPS, exacerbating the challenges USPS faces and hurting rural communities and small businesses that rely on their work. Let's call our members of Congress and tell them that in they need to include the funding the Post Office requires in the next stimulus package, and give Trump no power to block it.

FREE MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING—As we socially isolate ourselves during the coronavirus crisis, we may find that we need to check in with our selves about our own mental health. Mental Health America https://screening.mhanational.org/  offers online mental health screening tests, https://screening.mhanational.org/screening-tools , and follows up with information and resources. Let’s try it, and spread the word.

ENSURE INTERNET ACCESS FOR ALL QUARANTINED STUDENTS:  With an estimated 9 million quarantined students lacking internet access at home, America is experiencing a national education emergency. To address this, the House is considering a bill to fund high-speed internet access for students and teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Emergency Education Connections Act of 2020  https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6563/committees  gives 2 billion dollars to the FCC E-Rate program to help ensure all K-12 students and teachers have reliable home internet connectivity and connected devices like computers or tablets.  Now, we need to keep the pressure on to ensure this bill is part of the next COVID-19 relief funding package, and Stand for Children: http://stand.org/ is ready to help. We can use their link to email leaders in the House now and urge them to support internet connectivity so all students can learn. https://p2a.co/bbomgA3 .  We can also call our House Members directly and demand they include this bill in the next COVID-19 relief bill.

SEND MASKS TO THE NAVAJO NATION: The Navajo Nation has the third highest per capita infection rate in the country right now (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/navajo-nation-hit-hard-by-covid-19-comes-together-to-protect-its-most-vulnerable). and is in desperate need of masks. Masks can be sent here if we use the USPS: Window Rock Wellness Center, PO Box 3748, Window Rock AZ 85515. If we use FedEx or UPS:  Window Rock Wellness Center, Bldg. 4496 State Highway 264, Window Rock AZ 85515 If we make masks, or can share this information with someone who does, we can send masks and help save lives. We can also spread the word about this on social media.

STRATEGIC LAWSUITS AGAINST PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (SLAPP):  That's something frightening in Trump's "noble" tweets: more threats to sue news organizations for holding him accountable. Trump of course has filed libel lawsuits against CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times. While these suits will clearly fail due to free speech protections, they may deter smaller news organizations without resources for long legal battles from running negative coverage - which is exactly their purpose. (https://thehill.com/homenews/media/486273-trump-escalates-fight-against-press-with-libel-lawsuits). These so-called "SLAPP" (strategic lawsuits against public participation) suits are illegal in 30 states and Washington D.C., but not nationally, and the level of protection varies even in states with laws on the books. Let's contact 1) our members of Congress and urge them to pass a national anti-SLAPP law, 2) research our own state laws and urge our legislators and governors to support strengthening them, and 3) and follow the Public Participation Project on Facebook and Twitter to get updates on their efforts against SLAPP suits federally and in our states.

GET YOUR POLITICAL NEWS FIX: "Have a busy a.m.? We understand.  You need a short morning email that highlights the main political stories of the day. The Daily Brew is designed with your busy morning in mind: always brief and straight to the point." Ballotpedia offers a "Weekly Brew" as well. We can sign up for this reliable news source (and toss them a donation if we can) right herehttps://ballotpedia.org/Ballotpedia%27s_Daily_Brew 

UNFOX MY CABLE BOX: If we pay for cable or satellite TV, we're subsidizing Fox News whether we watch it or not. Our cable or satellite TV provider pays a subscriber fee to carry Fox News. That cost is passed directly on to US. Fox News makes approximately $1.8 billion per year from hidden subscriber fees–twice as much as CNN and three times as much as MSNBC. Let's sign up to find out how we can unwind Fox from our own TV-provider subscriptions at https://unfoxmycablebox.com/. We can also read this Markin Report article: How to Force Fox “News” to be More TruthfulLet's share this information with others and work together to squeeze the truth out of Fox News.

POSTCARDING OPPORTUNITIES:  From one of our own: You can find this week's postcarding write-ups here:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RbqxNuyjAYMF8TMZbhRikRQMHFpTG7fRJfBSXhOjUuk/edit?usp=sharing   Thank you for making our time in isolation meaningful by speaking truth to power. As always, please use/share/distribute in any way you see fit.


HOW TO VOTE BY MAIL IN EVERY SINGLE STATE:  Voting by mail is becoming more of a necessity.  Let’s check our own states and see what we have to do: https://politicalcharge.org/2020/04/10/how-to-vote-by-mail-in-every-single-state/

VOTE BY MAIL: The status of vote by mail ranges among states from full vote by mail to absentee balloting only via cause to no-cause absentee balloting where no reason need be provided. Unless our state is already fully vote by mail (Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, and Utah) then we will face logistical challenges in the expansion of the process and political challenges in the will to get it all done effectively:  https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/25/states-mail-voting-surge-207596  Let’s take a moment to contact our own Secretary of State and state legislators to say that the time to expand the processes, fund the efforts, plan for the increased volume, and learn from exemplars is now.

PHONEBANK FOR CHRISTY SMITH:  There's a House seat on the line on May 12th, where voters will decide whether the California 25th will be represented by Democratic State Assemblywoman and education policy analyst Christy Smith or Mike Garcia, a defense contractor executive who describes himself as "more conservative than most Republicans" (https://www.dailynews.com/2020/04/24/christy-smith-mike-garcia-face-off-in-online-forum-for-northern-la-county-seat-in-congress/).  Let's help Christy keep this seat blue - we can sign up to make calls for her from home here.

TOOLS FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TO ORGANIZE DIGITAL VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVES—The Civic Center offers information and resources to guide high school students toward organizing digital voter registration drives. Our young people have lots of time on their hands right now, and are craving to do something meaningful. Let’s share this with them, and be their mentors if they ask for help:  https://thecivicscenter.org/

VOTER PERSUASION THROUGH DEEP CANVASSING: VIRTUALLY: Changing the Conversation, https://www.ctctogether.org/ , an organization dedicated to training and deploying citizens as deep canvassers to bridge political divides and help elect Democrats, is continuing its work virtually ahead of the 2020 election. Let’s learn what it takes to persuade not through argument, but through real human connection, and use those skills to become deep canvassers ourselves:  https://www.eventbrite.com/o/changing-the-conversation-together-17257670949

ENCOURAGE VOTE BY MAIL. Postcards to Voters' volunteers continue their quest to reach all registered Democrats in Florida not yet signed up for Vote By Mail. Florida elections are managed by county. We are now writing to voters in Santa Rosa County. (Milton is the county seat; just northeast of Pensacola in the panhandle.) Let's request 5 addresses today to assist this effort.


CA: PROTECT CALIFORNIA FROM FURTHER FOSSIL FUEL POLLUTION: Fracking pollutes our air, our water and increases our risk of dying from Coronavirus, but Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Geologic Energy Management team (CalGEM) have still granted 24 new fracking permits. Further endangering public health during a global pandemic is completely irresponsible and must be stopped. The Last Chance Alliance, a California-wide coalition of hundreds of environmental justice and community organizations, is asking us all to contact Governor Newsom and make sure he takes leadership not only on confronting the public health crisis posed by COVID-19 but also to address the crises posed by climate disruption and fossil fuel pollution.  As new health and safety rules regulating oil production are being written, we can urge Newsom and CalGEM to stop all new oil permitting in California, drop existing production through a just transition that would protect the livelihoods of fossil fuel workers, and initiate the process by rolling out 2,500 foot health and safety buffer zones between where oil drilling can happen and where communities live, work and play, when we sign this petition: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/gov-newsom-protect-public-health

NY:  PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY CANCELLED:  On Monday, New York became the first state to cancel entirely its presidential primary.  The Republican members of the Board of Elections had already cancelled their primary because only Trump qualified; now, the Democrats have cancelled theirs, citing the coronavirus pandemic and the fact that Bernie Sanders has withdrawn from the presidential contest. Some say this lays the groundwork for Trump, as Joe Biden has predicted, to use the virus to postpone the general election; others think that this move will deter younger voters and lead to attacks on the Democratic Party because it will be seen as an effort to suppress the Party’s progressive wing:  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/27/us/politics/democratic-primary-canceled-coronavirus.html and https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/494857-ocasio-cortez-blasts-new-york-elections-board-for-cancelling-presidential  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has blasted the decision, saying “If N.Y. doesn’t want to risk possibly millions of people voting in-person, we need to mail everyone a ballot. Not an application for one,” as Governor Cuomo has directed.  New Yorkers need to tell the NY Board of Elections--518-474-8100 or 40 North Pearl St., Suite 5, Albany, NY 12207-2729—what we think of this decision;  everyone, everywhere, needs to make sure their state boards of election don’t provide Trump with a template for using the pandemic as an excuse for cancelling elections.


ANTI-RACISM WEBINAR: On Wednesday, April 29th, racial justice activists will be hosting "How can white folks take anti-racist action in a time of COVID-19?" on Zoom. The webinar will address how to interrupt racist scapegoating, and how to get involved in the anti-racist movement. Let's read more about the webinar and who will be hosting the event, then sign up to attend here.

POOR PEOPLE’S CAMPAIGN: A NATIONAL CALL FOR MORAL REVIVAL: “The second of our digital mass meetings will be this Thursday, April 30, at 8.30pm ET/ 5:30 pm PT. Please join us for the Poverty Amidst Pandemic: Everybody’s Got A Right to Live Digital Mass Meeting, featuring testifiers from Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Wisconsin.”   Let’s learn more about this Facebook Live event:  https://www.facebook.com/anewppc/posts/2886584201437736

ACLU SMART JUSTICE CAMPAIGN WEBINAR:  The ACLU Smart Justice campaign has decided to host a digital day of action titled “Uniting for Pretrial Reform” in May. It will be online, and it will be throughout the day on May 27th. Some of the sessions include a Q&A with ACLU staff, a tele-townhall with multiple legislators (on the topic of pretrial reform), a storytelling panel in the afternoon, and throughout the day there will be multiples ways to engage our elected officials.  Here’s a registration link to sign up! https://zoom.us/webinar/register/1415859446055/WN_Wb92iZkTRGmkTJlHepNcIg  We want to make sure that people feel their voices can be heard even during this new normal phase we currently we find ourselves in and that we advocate for the most vulnerable of us.  


After Wisconsin, these four states' Supreme Court elections are key for stopping GOP gerrymandering - https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/4/22/1937550/-After-Wisconsin-these-four-states-Supreme-Court-elections-are-key-for-stopping-GOP-gerrymandering

U.S. says will not take part in WHO global drugs, vaccine initiative launch - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-who-usa-idUSKCN2261WJ

Major US meat producer warns 'food supply chain is breaking' - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/27/tyson-foods-coronavirus-food-supply-chain


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule


On Mondays, Rogan’s List features a listing of proposed rule and regulation changes that are currently accepting public comment.  Commenting is the way to show government agencies how we feel about these proposed changes. Our comments also become part of a record that will be reviewed by courts if and when a reg change is contested. Courts use comments to judge whether an agency is acting arbitrarily and capriciously.


Closing Soon
Section I - ICE, DHS, DOL, NLRB
Section II - everything environmental - EPA, BLM, DOE
Section III - Civil rights, housing, education, healthcare
Other: More on regulations (tracking the trackers/general information)  

(Note: After a couple of weeks items are moved from “Recent” and “Closing soon” into the Roman numeral sections. A note on regulatory processes: there are three stages - Notice, Proposed Rule, and Rule. There’s usually a time lag of a few months to a few years between them, and they must be published in the Federal Register before appearing on Regulations.gov. Comment time varies from 10 days to 2 months, sometimes with extensions.)

This week's list - this one was hard because some of the new regs are temporary and seem to undo - and some outright suspend - previous rules. Given the chaos at Exec branch it seems they can't quite keep track of it all. BUT there is a new nasty Executive Order on immigration, more LNG exports (really? now?) and a big study from National Science Foundation on the Arctic, which would seem disingenuous given everything else they've done to destroy it - here it is - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qEBaYlcwvyRuo8sJGsOvd0hKl4Q9RukM



Contact all Federal Members of Congress
(includes contact info and links to social media)

Fax legislators for free:

Or use Resistbot:  https://resist.bot/

Purchase stamps, postcards, and other mailing supplies: 

Or use StampsLicked to have messages hand-delivered to our own legislators:  https://stampslicked.org/

SPEAK OUT AGAINST CONFISCATION OF SMALL BUSINESS AID BY LARGE COMPANIES: Large public companies, some with market values of over $100 million took millions of dollars in loans from the Paycheck Protection Program, causing the program to run out of money and leaving many small businesses with nothing.  https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/21/large-public-companies-are-taking-small-businesses-payroll-loans.html?. While it looks as if more money will be allocated in the latest coronavirus relief package, this is not where we should be spending our tax dollars. Part of the problem is that banks, who made $10 billion in loan processing fees, prioritized the bigger companies since bigger loans brought in more fees. https://www.npr.org/2020/04/22/840678984/small-business-rescue-earned-banks-10-billion-in-fees. Let’s ask our MoCs what safeguards they will put in the new relief package to make sure this does not happen again, and let’s demand that these public companies give back the loans to companies that really need them. We can find a list of these companies here.

DEMAND A RELIEF PACKAGE THAT PROTECTS WORKERS, SAVES THE USPS, AND GUARANTEES ELECTION SECURITY: According to Indivisible, the current coronavirus relief package contains no money for the unemployed, no requirements for large companies to maintain payroll, no health care for the uninsured, and no hazard pay for essential workers. https://peopleoverprofits.indivisible.org/. It also has provisions to secure our elections before November, no aid for the postal service, and no state aid. Trump has taken positions against these items to make it harder to guarantee voting by mail as an option for November’s 2020 election https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-rejects-bailout-that-included-aid-to-usps-report-says-2020-4  and to pressure states to open up earlier. https://twitter.com/JoshDorner/status/1252015131439116289/photo/1. In fact, Attorney General Bill Barr recently said the Department of Justice would consider suing states who decide not to re-open. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/21/840262570/barr-open-to-legal-action-if-governors-restrictions-go-too-far. Let’s tell our MoCs that we want to see much better legislation in the next package and let’s tell our governors that we want them to make decisions based on the advice of health experts, not economics. 

SENATE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE AGREES: “The Intelligence Community was correct in its assessment of Russian meddling in the lead-up to the 2016 elections, a bipartisan report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday concluded.” https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/493889-bipartisan-senate-report-reaffirms-intelligence-community-findings-that  This was well-known before. Hopefully, this bipartisan report will help more people to accept it. The bigger question is what is being done by our members of Congress to make sure it does not happen again this year. Let's all contact our senators and representatives, state and federal, to ask what they are doing to assure safe, secure elections. 

BANKS PROFIT WHILE SMALL BUSINESSES FAIL:  Depending on the loan amount, banks took in 1% to 5% in fees from the amount set aside for small business loans in the CARES Act—for a total of $10 billion of taxpayer dollars; this despite the fact that these banks took no risks and the loans had fewer requirements than is usual:  https://www.npr.org/2020/04/22/840678984/small-business-rescue-earned-banks-10-billion-in-fees  Not surprisingly, some are suing, claiming that banks processed clients with larger loans first because they stood to generate more money in fees, and by the time they went to process loans from smaller clients, the program had run out of money.  Now that a new relief act has passed Congress, we must insist that there be adequate oversight to prevent this criminal skimming by the banks; let’s alert our MoCs and the Small Business Administration at 1-(800) 827-5722.

TOP SCIENTIST REMOVED:  Dr. Richard Bright, director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority and a deputy assistant secretary with the Department of Health and Human Services, was “removed from his post because of his "insistence" that the government spend funds on "safe and scientifically vetted solutions" to address the coronavirus crisis, and not on "drugs, vaccines and other technologies that lack scientific merit."” https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/22/842013672/federal-doctor-says-he-was-removed-for-resisting-unproven-coronavirus-treatments  We know the Trump administration’s disdain for science, however this country needs these qualified medical and scientific experts to help us through this pandemic.  Let’s join Dr. Bright in his request for an investigation by the HHS Inspector General.  Let’s also join in with Dr. Bright’s attorneys who have asked the Office of Special Counsel that there be a stay of his termination and that he be allowed to stay in his position pending the investigations:  (202) 804-7000/(800) 872-9855 or 1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 218, Washington, D.C., 20036-4505
PRESSURE ICE TO FOLLOW JUDGE’S ORDER TO EVALUATE AND RELEASE ALL DETAINEES AT HIGH RISK FOR COVID COMPLICATIONS: A federal judge has ordered ICE to “identify and track” detainees and release those who are most likely to suffer severe illness or death-threatening complications from COVID. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/21/839470122/federal-judge-orders-ice-to-consider-releasing-detainees-at-high-risk-for-covid. While ICE has admitted to releasing some detainees, we know from experience that they often ignore what the courts tell them to do. Let’s make sure that our MoCs are aware and ask them what we can do to make sure that ICE complies fully with this order.  

COVID-19 RELIEF/VOTE BY MAIL: While the Senate has approved the third coronavirus relief package, it still does not include sufficient funding to ensure that all Americans can safely vote by mail in the November election (https://bit.ly/3cFE9Yw). The Brennan Center for Justice has published a breakdown of how much they estimate safe, secure elections will cost during the pandemic, totaling approximately $4 billion (updated from their previously estimated $2 billion). Let's read through the report, then contact our MoC and tell them that we only want them to vote for the fourth relief package if it includes funding for both nationwide vote-by-mail and funding for the USPS. We can find details about legislation as well as a call script at 5calls:  https://5calls.org/issue/usps-postal-service-covid-funding

DEPT. OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES MESS: Alex Azar, the Secretary of DHHS, is a former drug industry executive. His credentials for his current position were sketchy at best https://thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/365342-the-nomination-of-alex-azar-says-a-lot-about-our-broken-health-care-system Azar’s mis-handling of the COVID-10 situation along with the dubious person he recently named to lead the pandemic task force, once again has us questioning him.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-hhschief-speci/special-report-hhs-chief-azar-had-aide-former-dog-breeder-steer-pandemic-task-force-idUSKCN2243CE  With this pandemic, we need top-notch experts in the field taking charge, not a former dog breeder.  Let’s tell Azar that it is time to up his game and give us the expert leadership that is so needed at this time:  https://www.hhs.gov/about/leadership/secretary/alex-m-azar/index.html

DO NOT CUT PAY FOR FARM WORKERS:  It is bad enough that farm workers were not included in any COVID-related bill (https://fortune.com/2020/04/03/farmworkers-coronavirus-essential-workers-covid-19-agriculture/), but it is even worse in that the White House is trying to “reduce wage rates for foreign guest workers on American farms, in order to help U.S. farmers struggling during the coronavirus, according to U.S. officials and sources familiar with the plans.” https://www.npr.org/2020/04/10/832076074/white-house-seeks-to-lower-farmworker-pay-to-help-agriculture-industry   UFWMoveOn Kamala Harris and tens of thousands of others are telling Trump's Department of Labor not to cut farm worker wages during #COVID19. Let’s take action here:  https://sign.moveon.org/petitions/tell-the-department-of-labor-not-to-cut-farm-worker-wages-during-covid-19

E-RATE AND COVID-19: More and more schools are closing their buildings for the year, committing to months of distance learning. This is a big problem for the more than nine million students across the country who don't have reliable access to the Internet at home - who are disproportionately students of color. https://www.usnews.com/news/education-news/articles/2020-04-01/schools-rush-to-get-students-internet-access-during-coronavirus-pandemic Advocates are trying to fix this problem by getting the FCC to remove restrictions on their E-Rate program, which helps schools and libraries connect to the Internet, and using it to help provide students with hotspots and devices, with the assistance of Congress adding funding. Let's contact the FCC and our members of Congress in support of this effort.

PEOPLE DONATING STIMULUS CHECKS: “Brooke Young has a mortgage, car payments, and credit-card bills, but she’s also lucky enough to have a job at a time when record numbers of Americans are out of work. So, when the $1,200 stimulus check hit her bank account, she donated some of the money. Toi Cudworth, a credit union employee in Texas, decided to give away most of her stimulus payment after she saw local news reports about an estimated 10,000 people lined up in cars outside a San Antonio food bank giveaway.” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/meet-the-people-who-are-giving-away-their-1200-stimulus-checks-its-not-really-my-money-its-our-money-2020-04-17
If we don’t need our stimulus check, we can donate at least part of it to food banks, food for seniors and more. Don’t forget our housekeeper, gardener, dog groomer or hair stylist.   These people take care of us, so we need to take care of them. 

STANDING TOGETHER APART:  Despite the recent anti-quarantine protests, the majority of Americans support the stay-at-home policies.  https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/apr/22/large-majorities-americans-support-keeping-stay-ho/ The dangers of opening too soon are grave, indeed.  https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/21/839456638/what-happens-if-u-s-reopens-too-fast-federal-documents-show-coronavirus-projecti There is a new Facebook group called Standing Together Apart designed to show solidarity and support for our frontline workers. The first post in the group reads: “Many of us are inspired by the hospital workers who stood defiantly before protestors and across the country, arms folded, mask in place, standing strong. This is the stance of a counter protestor! We are much too wise to gather in large groups, although we would love to. Imagine a place where there were thousands of photographs of people in solidarity, arms folded, and masks in place just like the brave nurses staring down evil. It would be a way to show resolve whenever and wherever these photos can be displayed. (Jim MacKenzie) Let’s join the group and add a picture of us standing in solidarity for them!   Here’s the link:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/1491403604366906/


HOW TO VOTE BY MAIL IN EVERY SINGLE STATE:  Voting by mail is becoming more of a necessity.  Let’s check our own states and see what we have to do: https://politicalcharge.org/2020/04/10/how-to-vote-by-mail-in-every-single-state/

REQUEST ABSENTEE BALLOTS:  From one of our own:  If you support an all mail-in November election, better to apply now for an absentee ballot in your home state than to wait for the Federal government to help you. 2/3 of the states in the US do not require voters to give a reason for wanting a mail-in ballot. To find out what your state requires, just type the name of your state and the words “absentee ballot” into your favorite browser, and you’ll be directed to a number of sites that will help you apply for an absentee ballot. You can also find out what you need to do in your state by going to vote.org. Please note that your friends and neighbors may not have easy access to a computer or printer, so if you do, please help where you can! Remember Wisconsin! Let’s not allow those who are willing to make us expose ourselves and those we love to a deadly virus to prevail. Mail that vote in!  Let's check here:   https://www.vote.org/

TEXTBANK FOR CHRISTY SMITH: Christy Smith’s CA-25 House Special Election campaign is in danger, recently downgraded from “Lean Dem” to “Tossup”. With so much else going on, her Special Election on May 12 is slipping through the cracks and her campaign is running low on volunteers and money. Fortunately, we can help turn it all around from home by Text Banking with the Grassroots Democrats. We can click here to text bank for Christy Smith. We can get training if we need it, or, if we have texted for Christy before, we can get started right away: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdS7879ESQIaX2Py7g_8GdDYn9zqRuBlYUzpcyDTRUJfldsAw/viewform

PHONEBANKING FOR CHRISTY SMITH:  Trump has thrown his full weight behind Mike Garcia in the special election for the California 25th House Seat, endorsing him by Tweet (https://www.dailynews.com/2020/04/21/trump-tweets-endorsement-of-gop-candidate-for-santa-clarita-congressional-seat/). This makes it more challenging for Democratic candidate Christy Smith - but it also gives us an opportunity to show Trump exactly how much his tweets are worth. Let's help Christy win - we can sign up to make calls for her from home here.

TEXT OUT THE VOTE: Because of the pandemic, we’re not going to be knocking on doors to get out the vote for Democrats this year. This means that efforts like Text Out The Vote (TOTV) are more important than ever. TOTV provides training and technical support. We text through an app, so no one can see our phone numbers. Let’s sign up here and start engaging voters through texting in this critical election year.

ENCOURAGE FLORIDA TO VOTE BY MAIL: Postcards to Voters has launched their next Florida vote by mail campaign. This time we will be reaching voters in Gadsden County (Tallahassee area). Let's request 5 addresses today to contribute to this effort.


AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, PA, SC, TN - COVID-19 RESOURCES:  Black Voters Matter has assembled pandemic resource lists for their partner states. Let’s spread the word: https://www.blackvotersmatterfund.org/covid-19-resources

CA: MAKE A SHORT VIDEO TO HELP ADEQUATELY FUND OUR SCHOOLS:  The Schools and Communities First (SCF) ballot measure would raise billions for CA schools by reforming Prop 13 so that large corporations pay their fair share of property taxes. Evolve CA,  https://www.evolve-ca.org/ , dedicated to passing the SCF, is  looking for short (30 sec) videos from parents just saying why we support Schools and Communities First, and what more school money would mean for our families. These are super simple and easy to do with our cell phone cameras. The goal is to make the campaign more real for people who would benefit from the money that SCF will generate. These 30 seconds long videos will have three main points: our name/where we’re from, how many kids we have, and say specifically why we support SCF.  We can film ourselves  (with or without our kids) and email the videos to Ben at  ben@evolve-ca.org (or if we can't email the file contact him and he'll have us   upload it).  For more info about Schools and Communities First,  we can also check out the link below. https://www.evolve-ca.org/ballot-measure](https://www.evolve-ca.org/ballot-measure

MA: 2020 Census Virtual Phonebank: The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition is seeking volunteers to call members of vulnerable and underrepresented communities in MA and urge them to complete the Census. Let’s sign up to help:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-census-ma-virtual-phonebank-tickets-101132116884

MI: RELEASE ICE DETAINEES: The Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice (ICPJ) has created an action item, amplifying the voices of immigration advocates and medical professionals in asking for the release of immigrant detainees from jails and detention centers. We can find a sample letter, along with contact information for Congressional and State representatives, as well as the governor and county commissioners. Let's check it out and get to work to keep our immigrant community safe during this pandemic.


GLAAD LIVESTREAM: "Today, GLAAD announced that it will host “Together in Pride: You are Not Alone,” a livestream event on Sunday, April 26 at 8pm ET/5pm PT on GLAAD’s YouTube channel and Facebook Live. The event will highlight the LGBTQ response to COVID-19 and amplify messages of acceptance and affirmation to the LGBTQ community and people living with HIV during this unprecedented time. The livestream will raise funds for LGBTQ community centers that are members of CenterLink." Let's sign up to attend the livestream, and help support LGBTQ community centers across the U.S.

ACLU SMART JUSTICE CAMPAIGN WEBINAR:  The ACLU Smart Justice campaign has decided to host a digital day of action titled “Uniting for Pretrial Reform” in May. It will be online, and it will be throughout the day on May 27th. Some of the sessions include a Q&A with ACLU staff, a tele-townhall with multiple legislators (on the topic of pretrial reform), a storytelling panel in the afternoon, and throughout the day there will be multiples ways to engage our elected officials.  Here’s a registration link to sign up! https://zoom.us/webinar/register/1415859446055/WN_Wb92iZkTRGmkTJlHepNcIg  We want to make sure that people feel their voices can be heard even during this new normal phase we currently we find ourselves in and that we advocate for the most vulnerable of us.  


Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience - https://ethics.harvard.edu/Covid-Roadmap

WATCH: this emotive Irish video shows how important it is to #stayhome - https://www.image.ie/life/watch-this-emotive-irish-video-shows-how-important-it-is-to-stayhome-190143


We can stay up to date on Congress by checking out their schedules. a) The House publishes a weekly schedule at The Weekly Leader (published and dated Friday) as well as daily schedules at The Daily Leader. b) The Senate updates their schedule daily at the Senate Floor Schedule