

Contact Federal Government Officials

Find senator’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/RLiotu

Find representative’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/5i7SXC

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      Instead of “business as usual” as McCain called for earlier this year, the process being used to force bill through Congress is very troublesome.  There are no hearings, no expert witnesses, provisions being made at lightening speed, so no one is really aware of what this tax bill really entails.  Fortunately, the non-partisan Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has launched a live blog so we can find all of the institute's latest analyses in one spot: https://www.cbpp.org/blog/tracking-the-congressional-tax-debate The bill has moved on to its next phase in the Senate as the vote was passed to bring it to the debate portion of the process. The final vote is expected by Friday.  http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/362447-senate-gop-votes-to-begin-debate-on-tax-bill  Keep calling.  This is a great plan for the wealthy and large corporations, not for the rest of us.  Small business, middle/lower class, those on Medicare, the disabled will get hurt. As Sen. Elizabeth Warren said, “It’s about helping wealthy Republican donors who promised millions of dollars in campaign contributions in return for billions of dollars in tax giveaways.”  More info here:  https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/jct-estimates-amended-senate-tax-bill-skewed-to-top-hurts-many-low-and-middle 

2.      Long an anti-deficit warrior, Speaker Paul Ryan is now relying on fuzzy math to try to gain a legislative victory through passage of tax “reform” (estimated to increase the deficit by $1.5 trillion (yes, trillion, with a t): https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-11-27/ryan-dismisses-deficit-concerns-to-chase-political-win-on-taxes Let’s let Speaker Ryan know that his hypocrisy is showing: H-232 The Capitol, Washington, DC 20515 or by phone 202-225-0600 or on Twitter @SpeakerRyan

3.      There was a bit of good news on Tuesday: Republican Senator John Kennedy R-LA) is planning to vote against judicial nominee Brett Talley: http://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/362254-gop-senator-says-hell-vote-against-trump-judicial-nominee As we reach out to our Senators about the tax bill, let’s be sure to mention that Brett Talley should not be anywhere near a lifetime appointment to the bench. His “not qualified” rating from the American Bar Association speaks volumes.

4.      Lest anyone think that ISPs won't use paid prioritization (aka internet fast lanes) to make more money, note that Comcast has already started changing its public position in response to the FCC's announced intention to repeal net neutrality rules (https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/11/comcast-quietly-drops-promise-not-to-charge-tolls-for-internet-fast-lanes/). We shouldn't be fooled by their empty promises to "never block or throttle" content, either, because when network bandwidth is limited, giving some content more of that bandwidth is exactly the same as giving other content less. How do we know that bandwidth will be limited? Because if it were unlimited, all content would travel at full speed, and there would be no reason to buy/sell fast lanes at all. ISPs spent millions lobbying against rules barring them from a profit opportunity that they know exists, so let's redouble our efforts to show the FCC and Congress that net neutrality is what we want for all our digital information, because in our modern democracy, digital information access is a public good, our new "town square."  Apparently the phone lines are either being inundated with calls or have been shut off, so use other means if you can’t get through:  (Ajit Pai: 202-518-7399 / email: Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov / Twitter: @AjitPaiFCC; Michael O'Rielly: 301-657-9092 / email: mike.o'rielly@fcc.gov Twitter @mikeofcc; Brendan Carr: 202-719-7305 / email: Brendan.Carr@fcc.gov / Twitter: @BrendanCarrFCC). Third, the best long-term solution is to elevate the mandate to protect net neutrality above the FCC's regulatory level by enshrining it in law, like Senator Bill Nelson tried to do back in 2015 (http://thehill.com/policy/technology/248925-senate-dem-warns-net-neutrality-rider-could-prevent-compromise).  Let’s ask our MoCs to contact them, too.

5.      Among the many other disasters the Republican Reverse Robin Hood tax scam would create is that it effectively repeals the Johnson Amendment, allowing houses of worship and other tax-exempt organizations to enter the political arena (http://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2017/11/29/johnson-amendment-nonprofits). Let’s contact our senators and remind them that in addition to taking money from the middle class and giving it to the rich, a yes vote on this tax bill will also undermine the separation of church and state.

6.      Earlier this month the House Natural Resources Committee passed a bill, called the "SECURE American Energy Act" (H.R. 4239), that can only be described as an oil industry wish-list. H.R. 4239 would eviscerate one of the core provisions of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the law that for more than 45 years has been the bulwark of conservation for many of our most iconic ocean species. The Protection Act works by placing safeguards on human activities, like offshore oil exploration, that harm whales, dolphins and other marine mammals. Simply put, H.R. 4239 would gut a whole lot of those safeguards. Let's read more at EcoWatch and sign this petition from the Natural Resources Defense Council to save the MMPA.  Let's also send emails and postcards to our representatives opposing HR4239 and specifying our support for the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

7.      While Congressional Republicans rush to cut taxes for the wealthy and raise them on the middle class, they continue to fail almost nine million children and pregnant women who count on CHIP for their health care coverage. It’s been months since funding expired, and still no action on extending it. Even conservatives like Texas Governor Greg Abbott are pushing for Congress to release more money (http://www.ktsa.com/governor-requesting-funds-chip/). If we’ve already contacted our own reps recently to ask for action on CHIP, let’s contact our state governors and ask them to reach out to our congressional delegations themselves to keep these state-run programs in place and keep kids healthy.

8.      In July, the U.S. House of Representatives issued what the American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) called a "death warrant" for 90,000 wild horses when it passed the "Stewart Amendment" to a 2018 spending bill that would allow for the destruction of wild horses and burros that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) considers to be surplus. The Senate has yet to weigh in on the subject, but if it concurs, the amendment could lead to the killing of more than 90,000 wild horses on the range and in holding facilities. AWHC is calling on Congress to reject the Stewart amendment in favor of appropriations language that would require the BLM to use non-lethal birth control to manage America's wild herds, as recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. The Senate is expected to release its 2018 Interior Appropriations bill later this month. We can read the full story at EcoWatch.  Let's contact our Senators via email, postcard and their web contact forms to let them know we support non-lethal birth control to manage the wild herds, not slaughter.

9.      “FEMA paid a newly created Florida company for tarps to help the thousands of people left homeless after Hurricane Maria, but the company couldn’t deliver.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/nov/28/puerto-rico-urgently-needed-tarps-delayed-by-failed-30m-fema-contract This is just another example in a long list of failures associated with this administration’s response to the hurricane. Let’s contact our MoC to demand effective aid and accountability.

10.  “A newly revealed incident reported by a USAID officer who is based at the American embassy in Uzbekistan is raising suspicions Russia may have been involved and could have had a hand in bizarre attacks targeting U.S diplomats in Cuba, according to American sources.” https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/uzbekistan-incident-raises-suspicions-of-russian-involvement-in-cuba-attacks/  Let’s contact our MoC to ask them what they’re doing to ensure that our diplomats are safe and that Russia’s role in this incident is investigated thoroughly.

11.  The House Judiciary Committee voted H.R.38 (the NRA-backed Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017) out of committee yesterday.  It now goes to the full House for a vote.  This will would allow permit holders to carry across state lines.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/11/29/house-committee-takes-up-nra-backed-concealed-carry-bill/903001001/ At a time when gun deaths are at the national forefront, this bill will do nothing to address gun violence issues, but will make them easier to transport.  Our representatives need to hear from us and we need to be louder than the NRA.

Election 2017/2018

1.      Postcards to Voters still needs help with getting postcards sent out to Democratic voters in Alabama to help Doug Jones win the Senate seat next month.  Read more about it and sign up here:  https://postcardstovoters.org/volunteer/

State Actions

1.      CO:  Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when, how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media.  They have 8 days to get 34 more supporters.  We can them reach their goal by Dec 9, to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. First, we can click, add our social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.  THEN cut, paste and share:

2.      RI:  Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when, how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media.  They have 26 days to get 47 more supporters.  We can them reach their goal by Dec 27, to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. First, we can click, add our social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.  THEN cut, paste and share:  https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/64554-rhode-island-enrollment-alert  Find out more about how Thunderclap helps grassroots organizing here:

3.      CT:  Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when, how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media.  They have 26 days to get 47 more supporters.  We can them reach their goal by Dec 27, to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. First, we can click, add our social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.  THEN cut, paste and share:
https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/64553-connecticut-enrollment-alert Find out more about how Thunderclap helps grassroots organizing here:

Other Actions

1.      The American Conservation Coalition, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, is a right-leaning advocacy group that is partnering with young GOP campus activists to advocate market-friendly clean energy policies. We can read more at cnbc.com.  Let's check out the American Conservation Coalition website which says, "We're giving conservatives a voice on the environment."  Let's make sure we tell our conservative college-age friends and family about this pro-environment organization.

2.      On Wednesday morning, Trump re-tweeted hateful anti-Muslim videos first posted by the British ultranationalist Jayda Fransen of the Britain First party. Trump was roundly condemned for doing so by British Prime Minister Theresa May, who said, “Britain First seeks to divide communities by their use of hateful narratives that peddle lies and stoke tensions. They cause anxiety to law-abiding people.” Parliament member David Lammy (Labour Party) said, “The President of the United States is promoting a fascist, racist, extremist hate group whose leaders have been arrested and convicted.” https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/29/us/politics/trump-anti-muslim-videos-jayda-fransen.html  Let’s: A) Tell Twitter’s Board of Directors that it’s time to shut down Trump’s Twitter account because it is being used to spread the hatred and scapegoating of Muslims. https://investor.twitterinc.com/contactboard.cfm, and B) Tell Secretary of State Rex Tillerson it is his job to stop Trump’s Twitter fingers from wreaking havoc on American diplomacy. https://register.state.gov/contactus/contactusform , or write Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, US Department of State, 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520, or call 202-647-6575 (Office of Public Engagement).

3.      #TheResistance Tweetsheets have a new one up on the tax bill.  Ready-to-go tweets for us to use:  https://resistancetweetsheets.wordpress.com/2017/11/29/say-no-to-goptaxscam/

4.      From Postcards from Kate:  The US Congressional Budget Office (CBO) provides independent analyses of budgetary and economic issues and produces reports and cost estimates for proposed legislation. CBO is nonpartisan and a vital part of our checks and balances system.
Most recently, CBO released the analysis of the GOP Senate tax bill, finding that it's bad for the poor, raises taxes on the middle class and gives substantial tax breaks to millionaires and those earning $100K+ (big surprise). In addition, the bill would add $1.4 trillion to the national debt and make health insurance premiums rise, causing millions of Americans to lose health insurance. Read more here. Let's thank the folks at CBO for bringing the realities of this bill and many others for the last 42 years to light!  Address:  US Congressional Budget Office, 441 D Street SW, Washington, DC 20515

5.      Making financial donations can sometimes be confusing. Let’s check out Charity Navigator to get the inside look on what and how charities do with the funds given to them.  The details and the rating system are helpful:  https://www.charitynavigator.org/


1.      For the hunters and anglers among us who support conservation: One of the best tools to improve important habitat for big game species, like elk and mule deer, is in danger of being weakened. In 2015, Western sportsmen and women joined a grassroots effort to help develop plans to improve sage-grouse habitat, for the bird and the herd. Now the Department of Interior wants to undo these plans. Hunters and anglers understand that the connection between the health of big game species and the sage-grouse are inextricable. There has been too much work done to allow the Department of Interior to send the West backwards. Be heard for the bird! Hunters understand that elk, mule deer and pronghorn herds will benefit from these conservation plans. Speak up to keep these plans on track, edit and add your comment before December 1st here:   https://online.nwf.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2454   Since 1936, the NWF has been at the forefront on issues concerning hunters and anglers, protecting and enhancing fish and wildlife habitat for all species. Conservation is non-partisan. 

2.      It is hard to believe that Arctic drilling is part of a tax bill, but it is.  “Big Oil has been fighting to open Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling for decades, and every step of the way the American people have stood up and said NO. “  It is our turn to say “NO”:  https://petitions.signforgood.com/StopArcticDrilling/

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.      The protests in favor of preserving net neutrality are coming up on December 7th at Verizon stores: http://verizonprotests.com Let’s plan to attend as we are able or plan one if one is not near us.


2.      From The Intercept:  Republicans plan to turn Puerto Rico into a theme park for fossil-fuel corporations.  excerpt: " The House Committee on Natural Resources convened this week [Nov. 9] to discuss Puerto Rico’s ongoing hurricane recovery efforts. They talked devastation, debt, and regulations, and somewhere along the way, Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, made a statement that would have been easy to miss if you weren’t listening closely: “Puerto Rico has the potential of being the Hong Kong of the United States, where businesses would flood in there.” Hong Kong, in this case, is code for lax labor laws and low taxes on corporations and the wealthy — an economy structured mainly around pleasing the private sector. " 
“Millennial poll: Strong majority want a third political party” - https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/millennial-poll-strong-majority-want-third-political-party-n824526



Contact Federal Government Officials

Find senator’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/RLiotu

Find representative’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/5i7SXC

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      The tax bill has been voted out of committee in the Senate with concessions made to those GOP members who were leaning toward a no vote.  https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/28/senate-budget-committee-advances-gop-tax-bill-moving-closer-to-floor-vote.html The full Senate vote will likely be Thursday or Friday.  We need to keep calling.  We need to keep telling our stories of what provisions in this tax bill will do to us and to those we know and love.  We can still try to gain no votes for the floor vote.

2.      From StampsLicked:  You may have read that Republicans are making a last-minute push to appease extreme Senators by tilting their #taxscam even more toward billionaires. Let's make sure Congress hears from us about it! Our partners at Herd on the Hill are hand-delivering your letters this Wednesday, and having conversations DIRECTLY with congressional staff about how we feel.  Write a short letter now and make sure your Congressperson hears from you!  https://stampslicked.org/

3.      Apparently, the Republicans in the Senate are in such a rush to pass their tax bill—and to keep us from knowing what its effects might be—that they, like the House, may not even wait for a “dynamic” score from the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation—a score which would show the extent to which the tax cuts will boost growth and avoid adding to the deficit, about which some senators claim they are worried.  Thomas Barthold, chief of staff of the J.C.T., writing to Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), the ranking Democrat on the finance committee, could not guarantee that the analysis would be ready in time—though there is speculation it will be released Wednesday night—and pointed out that even so it would not be able to account for last minute changes in the bill. Nonetheless, the Budget Committee raced ahead, passing the current Senate version along strictly party lines, thus enabling the Senate to vote on the bill this week. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-senate-tax-bill-analysis-20171128-story.html  We must keep up the pressure on not only our own senators, but particularly on those Republican senators with reservations—like Susan Collins, Jerry Moran, and Ron Johnson—and those with reservations and nothing to lose—like John McCain, Jeff  Flake, and Bob Corker. 

4.      Scott Pruitt continues to dismiss the need to combat climate change and to push forward with his efforts to roll back Obama’s Clean Power Plan (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/11/08/pruitt-says-alarming-climate-report-not-deter-replacement-clean-power-plan/839857001/). We have until December 15th to send our public comments to the EPA to tell them that they are opposing both science and the will of the American people. Let’s let them know we want more climate action, not less at this link: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0355-0002.  

5.      The House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote today on H.R. 38, legislation that will undermine common sense gun control regulations across the country (http://www.dispatch.com/news/20171128/us-house-panel-may-expand-gun-rights). In the wake of yet another series of deadly mass shootings, this is an irresponsible direction for the GOP Congress to be taking our country in. For those of us whose House members are on the committee, let’s contact them and let them know we want them to block this legislation from going any further. And for all of us, let’s contact our reps and let them know that if this bill does get a floor vote, we want them to oppose it and support stronger gun control laws.

6.      It's easy to get confused about all the different action items concerning the FCC's attempt to repeal net neutrality rules on December 14th, so here is a quick summary. First, the FCC's vote can be prevented by the House, so call your reps: https://www.fightforthefuture.org/news/2017-10-26-the-fcc-will-soon-vote-to-kill-net-neutrality-but/ Second, we should lobby the 3 FCC commissioners who are likely to vote 'yes' on repealing net neutrality, to try to get them to vote 'no' instead.  Apparently the phone lines are either being inundated with calls or have been shut off, so use other means if you can’t get through:  (Ajit Pai: 202-518-7399 / email: Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov / Twitter: @AjitPaiFCC; Michael O'Rielly: 301-657-9092 / email: mike.o'rielly@fcc.gov Twitter @mikeofcc; Brendan Carr: 202-719-7305 / email: Brendan.Carr@fcc.gov / Twitter: @BrendanCarrFCC). Third, the best long-term solution is to elevate the mandate to protect net neutrality above the FCC's regulatory level by enshrining it in law, like Senator Bill Nelson tried to do back in 2015 (http://thehill.com/policy/technology/248925-senate-dem-warns-net-neutrality-rider-could-prevent-compromise). Let's push forward on all 3 of these items, because having an open, unbiased online information network is crucial not only to the Resistance, but to democracy itself now (https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/gutting-net-neutrality-is-a-death-knell-for-the-resistance/article37088279/)

7.      For the first time since June, a Russian fighter has flown near a US military jet in an “unsafe” manner. The “Russian fighter flew within 50 feet of a U.S. Navy reconnaissance jet over the Black Sea with full afterburners on, causing violent turbulence that knocked the American plane into a 15-degree roll.”  http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/russian-fighter-intercept-us-recon-plane-deemed-unsafe-51427970 Let’s ask our MoC what they’re doing to ensure that our military is as safe as possible in their interactions with the Russian military.

8.      Representative Mia Love (R-UT) promised a "full-court press" on Trump to not expel nearly 60,000 Haitians who have lived in the U.S. under provisional legal residency for more than seven years. Love called the administration's announcement that it will not renew the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) that has allowed Haitians displaced by the 2010 earthquake to live in this country a "bad decision." Love's parents emigrated from Haiti in 1973 during a time of political repression. Love was born in Brooklyn, New York, two years later. We can read more at  Deseret News. Let's send notes of support to Rep. Mia Love, 9067 S 1300 West, Ste 101, West Jordan UT 84088-5582.  We can also contact our own MoC's to tell them to join Rep. Love in calling on the administration to renew the TPS. 

Election 2017/2018

1.      Democratic Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke has officially launched his candidacy for US Senate against Ted Cruz. More information about his campaign can be found here:https://betofortexas.com Let’s consider getting involved with Beto’s effort.

State Actions

1.      MI: Following the release of the Line 5 independent alternatives analysis final report, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality has announced that a 30-day public comment period has begun http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135--452622--,00.html We can read the report, then leave a comment regarding the report and its suggested alternatives to Enbridge's Line 5 pipeline at the Michigan Petroleum Pipelines website: https://mipetroleumpipelines.com/ We can also RSVP to attend the upcoming public comment events via Oil & Water Don't ix: http://www.oilandwaterdontmix.org/events

2.      ALL:  From The Boston Globe:  "Some of the biggest Internet providers want to make sure that once the Federal Communications Commission votes to deregulate the broadband industry, states won’t be able to set up their own, new regulations. Comcast and Verizon have both asked telecom regulators to make it clear that the FCC’s new policy on Net neutrality would preempt state and local regulations that might read differently. The request marks the industry’s latest step to weaken federal rules that regulate broadband companies like legacy telephone companies."  Let's contact our state attorneys general to let them know that we do not agree with this federal overreach on states' rights and that we expect them to respond to this threat with legal action against the FCC.

3.      MA: Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when,  how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media.  They have 50 days to get 44 more supporters.  We can them reach their goal by Jan19 to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. First, we can click, add our social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.  THEN cut, paste and share:

4.      CO:  Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when,  how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media.  They have 9 days to get 34 more supporters.  We can help them reach their goal by Dec. 10 to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. First, we can click, add our social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.  THEN cut, paste and share https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/64859-colorado-enrollment-alert
Find out more about how Thunderclap helps grassroots organizing here:  https://www.socialworkhelper.com/2013/10/02/thunderclap-can-help-grassroots-organizing/amp/

Other Actions

1.      The trial for the Inauguration Day protesters has begun, with medics, journalists, and legal observers being pressed with felony charges http://bit.ly/2zKOzqx The J20 (January 20th) defendants could face six decades in prison, some for doing so much as attending or witnessing a protest. To help spread the word about this case, and to support the defendants, let's visit the Defend J20 Resistance website where they have primers, flyers, legal documents, and a link to the legal defense fund: http://defendj20resistance.org/ We can also send a "thank you" to Black Lives Matter, D.C. chapter, for their statement of solidarity (contact information in the link) http://bit.ly/2zMiZZI

2.      There are only a little over two weeks left of ACA's open enrollment period. Let's make sure we're getting the word out for those who have not yet signed up. We can become an ACA Defender through MomsRising, where we can learn how to best help spread the word:

3.      Organizing for Action and Swing Left are continuing their series of webinars on how to effectively communicate and hold meaningful conversations. This is especially timely as we are in the midst of the holiday season, visiting friends and relatives who may hold views very different from our own. Let's register for this series and learn how we can productively communicate http://bit.ly/2hy5FQK

4.      The ironically-named Project Veritas hired a woman to tell an untrue story to the Washington Post about being assaulted by Roy Moore – in the hope of discrediting all the accusers:https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/a-woman-approached-the-post-with-dramatic--and-false--tale-about-roy-moore-sje-appears-to-be-part-of-undercover-sting-operation/2017/11/27/0c2e335a-cfb6-11e7-9d3a-bcbe2af58c3a_story.html?utm_term=.fc7aa93927df and https://www.theguardian.com/media/2017/nov/27/washington-post-project-veritas-sting-report Thankfully, the not-fake-news Washington Post was having none of it and launched a counter-investigation about her unraveling claims. Let’s take a moment to thank WaPo editor Martin Baron for the work of his organization at this critical time in the history of press credulity: The Washington Post, 1301 K Street NW, Washington DC 20071

5.      On Monday, during a conversation with Navajo military veterans, Trump offended all of us when he used the name “Pocahontas” as a slur. To make matters worse, Trump chose to hold this conversation in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson, who was responsible for the Trail of Tears, which resulted in a tremendous loss of life and property for the Cherokee people.  http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/361990-trump-calls-warren-pocahontas-at-event-honoring-native-american Let’s show our support for Native Americans by looking into the good work being done by the American Indian College Fund (http://collegefund.org/) and see what we can to help out.

6.      Net Neutrality? What can we do? Let's read this article from Motherboard: To Save Net Neutrality, We Must Build Our Own Internet "We must end our reliance​ on big telecom monopolies and build decentralized, affordable, locally owned internet infrastructure. On Dec. 14, the FCC will vote to end net neutrality. It is possible that a committee of telecom industry plutocrats who have from the outset made it their mission to rollback regulations on the industry will bow to public pressure before then, but let’s not count on it. There has never been a better time to start your own internet service provider, leverage the publicly available fiber backbone, or build political support for new, local-government owned networks. Net neutrality as a principle of the federal government will soon be dead, but the protections are wildly popular among the American people and are integral to the internet as we know it. Rather than putting such a core tenet of the internet in the hands of politicians, whose whims and interests change with their donors, net neutrality must be protected by a populist revolution in the ownership of internet infrastructure and networks. In short, we must end our reliance on big telecom monopolies and build decentralized, affordable, locally owned internet infrastructure. The great news is this is currently possible in most parts of the United States." Let's keep watch for updates from Motherboard and look for groups near us that may be interested taking on or advocating for similar projects. We can follow Motherboard on Facebook.

7.      This holiday, we can send a girl to school for a year in honor of a friend or loved one. The International Rescue Committee can help us do that:  https://gifts.rescue.org/product/education/year-school-girl

8.      Many of us have relied on Townhallproject.com to find out whether our MoCs are holding events for constituents. Now they are looking for help, particularly in AZ, CO, NC, & VA! "We research every district and state for public events with members of Congress. Then we share our findings to promote participation in the democratic process. As a State Legislature Research Volunteer, you are helping us expand this important resource to cover events with state legislators in four key states - Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina, and Virginia. Sign up using the form below to volunteer to research events with state legislators twice a week." Fill out the form here: 


1.      “Foster care LOSES  88 CHILDREN every week.  In 2017, the child welfare system has lost over 4600 children.” Let’s join in this petition from #4600 and Counting to address this growing problem.  There are lives at stake.  https://www.change.org/p/us-department-for-health-and-human-services-if-a-school-lost-1-child-every-week-what-would-you-do

2.      Libraries need net neutrality.  Let’s join with EveryLibrary ‘s petition to keep it:  http://action.everylibrary.org/netneutrality

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.      Today is National Call-In Day: No Tax on Disability!  Get more info here:  https://www.facebook.com/events/134373263949405/?active_tab=discussion


1.      Let's bookmark ProPublica's REPRESENT. This site provides information on lawmakers, the bills they consider and the votes they take (and miss). You can browse the latest votes and bills, see how often lawmakers vote against their parties and compare voting records. (For those of us who are data wonks, there's an API.) Here's a ProPublica article on Represent's most recent feature: Policy Priorities, which helps researchers and journalists understand what drives particular members of Congress and enables regular citizens to compare their representatives’ priorities to our own and our communities. ProPublica continues to do great work and provide vital resources to the resistance.  If we are able, let's donate to help them help us.

2.      “A Simple Checklist Inspires a New Kind of Activism” - http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/a-simple-checklist-inspires-a-new-kind-of-activism-20171128

3.      And, here’s our weekly pep talk, actions, and inspiring stories from fellow activists, Small Deeds Done:  https://smalldeedsdone.com/2017/11/28/joy-to-the-resistance-the-power-of-good-cheer/



Contact Federal Government Officials

Find senator’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/RLiotu

Find representative’s contact info here: https://goo.gl/5i7SXC

Fax legislators for free:  Reps:  https://faxzero.com/fax_congress.php

We can also contact our MoCs via ResistBot:  https://resistbot.io/

Many newspapers, including New York Times and Washington Post require subscriptions, but without one we can see a few articles each month.  We can also check with our local libraries to find out how to get online access through them.

1.      Maybe we are tired.  Maybe we are busy with holiday plans.  Maybe we are just fed up.  But, this tax bill will hurt so very many people that we have to make the extra effort to be just as diligent opposing it as we were the healthcare bill.  This tax bill will likely hurt people we know and love.  This bill gives permanent tax breaks to the wealthy and to corporations.  It does not help small businesses or non-wealthy people, in fact it hurts more than originally thought and it adds $1.5 Trillion to the deficit which will cut Medicare, agricultural subsidies, student loan programs and many other programs that benefit so many. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/11/27/senate-gop-tax-bill-would-hit-lower-income-americans-most-cbo-report.html  In addition to calling senators, let’s see what else we can do using Invidisible’s TrumpTaxScam page:  https://www.trumptaxscam.org/, especially the tool to call voters in crucial states encouraging them to contact their senators:  https://www.trumptaxscam.org/calls-to-kill-the-tax-scam/

2.      Even more specific, the Congressional Budget Office released its latest report on the Senate tax bill this past Sunday, and here’s the verdict according to the Washington Post: “The Senate Republican tax plan gives substantial tax cuts and benefits to Americans earning more than $100,000 a year, while the nation’s poorest would be worse off, according to a report released Sunday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. . . . Republicans are aiming to have the full Senate vote on the tax plan as early as this week, but the new CBO analysis showing large, harmful effects on the poor may complicate those plans.”  By 2019, those earning less than $30K would be worse off; by 2021, those making $40K or less would be net losers; and by 2027, most people earning less than $75K, would be worse off—and the big beneficiaries would be those with incomes from $100-500K: 
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/11/26/senate-gop-tax-bill-hurts-the-poor-more-than-originally-thought-cbo-finds/  And, of course, those with less income will also be hardest hit when Republicans decide to cut the programs on which they depend in order to reduce the inevitable budget deficit.  We need to impress on our senators that to doubly penalize those with the fewest resources is not acceptable to us.  Let's CALL our senators now!

3.      The Senate has not yet announced whether its tax bill will, like that of the House, repeal the 1954 Johnson Amendment.  That amendment—albeit rarely enforced— threatens religious organizations and charities with loss of their tax-exempt status if they endorse or oppose political candidates.  Were it repealed, we should expect a dramatic increase in untraceable political spending and the creation of “sham churches” to take advantage of this new avenue for political spending; unlike donations to candidates, “super PACs” and party committees, these contributions to churches and charities would be tax-deductible.  According to the NY Times, “Thousands of religious leaders, as well as groups and denominations like the United Methodist Church, the National Council of Churches and the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, say rolling back the Johnson Amendment would be the biggest threat to the stability and mission of their organizations in a generation.”
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2017/11/10/tax-bills-repeal-johnson-amendment-could-cost-taxpayers-more-than-1-billion/852554001/  Do we really want to grant tax-exempt non-profit status to churches and charities that serve as conduits for political spending?  Let’s make sure our senators know that we want the Johnson Amendment to stand as is.

4.      Trump and the GOP are still rushing towards a vote on their Reverse Robin Hood tax bill, but they may be in trouble. They can only lose two Republican votes, and Senators Steve Daines (R-MT) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) have already said they oppose the legislation in its current form (http://time.com/5038387/republican-tax-bill-senate-critics/), but the bill is still evolving. Let’s keep the pressure on! We can text bank to push voters in key states to contact their members of Congress in opposition to the tax scam with MoveOn at this link, and do the same via phone with Indivisible or the ACA Defenders.

5.      This is the conclusion of Sarah Kendzior’s newest piece in The Globe and Mail about net neutrality: “And here we lie at the interconnected horror of the Trump administration's autocratic maneuvers. Consider this scenario for 2018: The repeal of net neutrality will stem the flow of information, making voter suppression harder to document. The packing of the courts will make the voter suppression that is documented harder to challenge. And the long-standing solution to purveyors of unpopular policies – vote them out – will be, by definition, impossible, since the election is rigged and the rigging uncontestable. This carefully constructed web of repression is how democracy dies.”:
https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/gutting-net-neutrality-is-a-death-knell-for-the-resistance/article37088279/ Clearly, this is a big issue. Let’s each please reach out to at least five people today to ask them to be in touch with the FCC Commissioners who have not come out against repealing net neutrality: The five FCC commissioners will cast the deciding vote December 14 on this essential issue.  The two women on the FCC have come out as No votes. We need only to convince ONE of the other members to flip to a No vote to save Net Neutrality:  A) Ajit Pai:202-518-7399 / email: Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov/ Twitter: @AjitPaiFCC, B) Michael O'Rielly: 301-657-9092 / email: mike.o’rielly@fcc.gov Twitter @mikeofcc, and C) Brendan Carr: 202-719-7305/ email: Brendan.Carr@fcc.gov/ Twitter: @BrendanCarrFCC

6.      We cannot stop at contacting the FCC commissioners, because large swathes of the fabric of our democracy are now digital, we must end political deadlock on the issue of net neutrality and urge our MoCs to stand with Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) in calling for bipartisan legislation to require equal access to all internet content. Failing to do so could bring dire consequences, and soon. "Consider this scenario for 2018: The repeal of net neutrality will stem the flow of information, making voter suppression harder to document. The packing of the courts will make the voter suppression that is documented harder to challenge. And the long-standing solution to purveyors of unpopular policies – vote them out – will be, by definition, impossible, since the election is rigged and the rigging uncontestable. This carefully constructed web of repression is how democracy dies." 

7.      The Clean Power Plan has been repealed by Trump, et al.  https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/04/trump-vs-the-climate-the-fights-only-just-starting/  However, the EPA is still seeking comments regarding the repeal. There will be a public hearing November 28th-29th in West Virginia and public comments on the repeal will be accepted until January 16th, 2018. Let's make sure that we leave a comment to voice our opposition to the repeal, and support the continuation of the Clean Power Plan: 

8.      Let's not forget that Congress has STILL not renewed CHIP. "CHIP provides low-cost health coverage to children in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid yet still cannot afford insurance. In some states, CHIP covers pregnant women. Each state offers CHIP coverage, and works closely with its state Medicaid program." https://www.healthcare.gov/medicaid-chip/childrens-health-insurance-program/ Today in CO: "The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (Department) began sending informational letters to Children’s Health Plan Plus (CHP+) members advising them to start researching private health insurance options. Federal funding for the program ended on September 30, 2017. Colorado has sufficient funds to operate the CHP+ program until January 31, 2018; today’s letter is intended to urge CHP+ members to be prepared in the event the federal government fails to reinstate funding." https://www.colorado.gov/hcpf/news/families-begin-receiving-letters-future-chp There are 9 million children nationwide covered under CHIP. Let's tell our MoCs that they need to renew CHIP funding and ensure these children will continue to have health insurance! 

9.      While current law specifies work-related breastfeeding practices, the wording is such that it includes only hourly workers.  Senator Merkley and Representative Maloney have introduced the Support Working Moms Act, which would amend the Fair Labor Act to include break time for nursing mothers who are salaried executive, administrative, and professional employees, including teachers.  This legislation would be essential for health policy and mothers in the workplace http://www.usbreastfeeding.org/swma Let's call our MoC and ask that they support S. 2122/H.R. 3255. We can also use WeTweet's tool to send a message on Twitter: 

10.  Here are two more ways to make our thoughts about net neutrality known:  A) Call the FCC's customer service number at 888-225-5322. Leave a message with the simply saying you oppose any effort to weaken net neutrality, and B)  Step 1: Go to gofccyourself.com, Step 2: Click "express" (over to the right), Step 3: Tell the FCC that you support Net Neutrality

11.  From Postcards for America:   The National Park Service has extended the public comment period on  raising the peak-season entrance fee proposal until December 22, 2017.  https://www.nps.gov/orgs/1207/11-21-2017-fee-proposal.htm  We can comment here:  https://parkplanning.nps.gov/document.cfm?documentID=83652

12.  We were already disturbed by Secretary of State Tillerson’s failure to fill key roles in the State Department, but now we’ve learned that he has fired “most of the department's leading African-American and Latino diplomats.” http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/361783-state-department-wracked-by-departures-under-trump-report Let’s contact the State Department (https://register.state.gov/contactus/contactusform or 202-647-4000 or U.S. Department of State, 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520) and our MoC to protest the dwindling numbers in the State Department and the increasing lack of diversity.

13.  The longest lasting effect of any presidency is the appointment of federal judges and Trump is filling the federal courts with ideologues, many of whom are unqualified for the bench. Because federal judges have life tenure, Trump has the ability to shape the federal courts for decades to come and many of his picks are deeply disturbing. There were more than 100 vacancies when Trump assumed office, more than twice the number when President Barack Obama was inaugurated. This is because Republicans had refused to confirm Obama’s nominees during his last two years in office. An additional 60 vacancies have opened in the last 10 months. It is estimated that even if he serves only one term, Trump will have selected about 30 percent of the federal judges in the country. Let's read more at The Sacramento Bee.  Let's continue to contact our own Senators about unqualified nominees and we can also contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

14.  Case in point, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing this week on David Stras, Trump’s nominee to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, and in the process will overturn the century-old “blue slip” tradition which has curbed extremist judges from getting lifetime appointments. They’ll do so on behalf of a reactionary conservative who has ruled against the rights of workers, children with disabilities and sexual assault survivors (http://www.startribune.com/senate-will-proceed-with-hearing-for-minnesota-appellate-nominee/458099463/). If we’re represented by a Senator on the Judiciary Committee, let’s contact them and let them know that moving forward with this hearing is unacceptable and part of a continuing assault on a nonpartisan judiciary. And we can all contact our senators and let them know that if Chuck Grassley succeeds in ramming Stras through, we want them to oppose his confirmation. We can find more info and talking points from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights at this link.  

15.  While others in the federal government are willingly taking part in ethics investigations regarding allegations of sexual misconduct, in case we've forgotten, here's the list of women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. Let's continue to tell our MoC's that we want an ethics' investigation into Trump's behavior. We can write to the six member Senate Ethics' Committee at 220 Hart Building, Washington, DC 20510 or call (202) 224-2981.

16.  Schumer cited the rising popularity of home genetic kits and ancestry services, such as Ancestry, 23andMe and MyHeritage, and said some of their terms-of-service agreements weren't clear on just what companies could do with your genetic information. Here's what many consumers don't realize, that their sensitive information can end up in the hands of unknown third-party companies," he said. "There are no prohibitions, and many companies say that they can still sell your information to other companies." The senator said he was calling on the Federal Trade Commission to "take a serious look at this relatively new kind of service and ensure that these companies can have clear, fair privacy policies." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/amp/senator-calls-more-scrutiny-home-dna-test-industry-n824031.  Many of us use these services for searching out family connections for genealogy, and adoptees searching for bio families. We all deserve to have rights over our own DNA.  Let’s support this action and thank Senator Schumer. 

Election 2017/2018

1.      Postcards to Voters is in the final stretch of writing get-out-the-vote postcards for Democrat Doug Jones in Alabama. Jones' challenger is extremist and accused pedophile Roy Moore. If we have not yet written five (5) postcards to Doug Jones, let's consider joining the Postcards to Voters team now. Volunteers across the country have already written over 100,000 postcards but 50,000 addresses remain. Election day is Dec. 12 so time is of the essence. Creativity is not required! We can use any old postcards we have, buy the pre-stamped ones, cut our own. Whatever it takes! Postcards to Voters provides the "script" for us to write and the voter addresses. To get started, click here OR send an email to:
join@TonyTheDemocrat.org OR text HELLO to ABBY The Address Bot at 1-484-ASK-ABBY (which is 1-484-275-2229) Let's support the cause by writing 5 postcards.

2.      Trump’s election has galvanized the progressive movement, including bringing in many people who’ve never been politically active before. In November 2018, we’ll have the chance to channel this surge of activism into winning back the House of Representatives. Let's check out Swing Left's Guide to Taking Back the House. Swing Left’s plan is to direct the massive energy of the Left to the places and actions that will have the most impact in the midterm elections.  Three (3) key tactics that anyone can do to help flip the House, no matter where we live: 1) Voter Contact: Ultimately, we’ll win by getting more Swing District voters who share our values to vote on Election Day, and nothing is more effective at turning out voters than face-to-face conversations. 2) Grassroots Fundraising: Nominees usually emerge from primaries cash poor, while their incumbent opponent has been amassing funds for years. That’s why we’re raising as much money as early as possible, to give the Democratic challengers to Swing District Republicans a running start. 3) Cultural Mobilization: Midterm elections typically don’t get the attention they deserve. Our goal is to get everyone talking about the midterms in ways that inspire action—and ensure the elections stay top of mind, all year long. We Rogan's Listers understand the importance of starting our work for the 2018 Elections now. Let's start talking to voters about 2018 now by finding out about and discussing the records of our own incumbent legislators who will be up for re-election.

3.      These folks found a clever way to make an impact in a red area while they live in a blue area.  It is called “Eat to Unseat”.  In their words, “Recently, I had an idea. What if we gather friends together for a potluck dinner once a month, or every two months, or whenever we can fit it in. Then, we find a Democrat somewhere in the U.S. who is trying to unseat a Republican and donate funds to their campaign that we would have spent going out for dinner. Or a Democrat at risk of losing their seat to a Republican. You get the idea. Let's change the balance of power as soon as we can!  I like the idea because I love sharing a meal with friends, and it feels like something strategic we could do together that might make a difference.”  We can learn more about how we can do this, too, here:  https://www.facebook.com/EatToUnseat/

State Actions

1.      FL:  If we are Floridians, we can now register to vote on-line. Let's check out registertovoteflorida.org. Here's an article from the Tampa Bay Times if we want more background information. Florida has a partisan gerrymandering problem (article Jacksonville Business Journal). If we are are non-party affiliated voters registering for the first time or updating our information, let's consider registering as Republicans. What we register as does not affect who we vote for or give money to. This will allow us to vote in Republican primaries (Florida has closed primaries) and help make future partisan gerrymandering ineffective.

2.      FL: If we are Floridians, let's check out the 103 proposals for changing the Florida constitution in this Sun-Sentinel article. The Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) convenes only once every 20 years and is a historic opportunity for Floridians. Florida is the only state in the nation that offers this unique process with high-level input from citizens. Through the CRC, Floridians can speak directly before Commissioners and propose constitutional amendments that could potentially go onto Florida’s 2018 General Election ballot for voter consideration. We can get involved, including submitting comments and contacting the commissioners, by using the resources at Florida Constitutional Revision Commission.

3.      OH:  More than a quarter of Ohio’s registered voters didn’t cast ballots last year. And for some of them, that could have been one inactive election too many. Ohio has been removing voters who haven’t cast ballots over a period of six years – unless they contact their board of elections during that time. It’s a process that’s at the center of a U.S. Supreme Court case expected to be argued early next year. If we are Ohioans who skipped voting in any elections, let's check on our registration information by searching here (Ohio Sec. of State site) and encourage our fellow Ohioans to do the same. To update our information or to register to vote in Ohio, we can print and use this Voter Registration and Information Update form and send it in to our local county Board of Elections.  Ohio does not have on-line registration. 

4.      OR:  Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when,  how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media.  They have 2 days to get 14 more supporters.  We can them reach their goal by Dec1 to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. First, we can click, add our social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.  THEN cut, paste and share:

5.      WA: Huge budget cuts crippled outreach that lets people know when,  how and where to sign up for the ACA, so Indivisible ACA Signup Project is spreading the word through social media.  They have 2 days to get 14 more supporters.  We can help them reach their goal by Dec1 to set off a Thunderclap, a social media flash mob message blast. First, we can click, add our social media support on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.  THEN cut, paste and share:

Other Actions

1.      From one of our own:  During his speech at an event on Monday honoring the Navajo Code Talkers of World War II, Trump referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas.  http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/361990-trump-calls-warren-pocahontas-at-event-honoring-native-american  While he did not think it was an inappropriate or racist, we do.  Let’s send the Navajo Code Talkers Association our respect, thanks, and apologies at Navajo Code Talkers Association, Navajo Code Talkers Foundation, Inc., PO Box 1266, Window Rock, AZ 86515 / Tel: 928-688-5202 / Fax: 928-688-5204 / website:

2.      Women's March is planning a creative action in NYC on 12/2 to raise awareness and put pressure on Congress to pass a clean #DreamActNow. The action requires a specific amount of participants. If you or someone you know would like to participate, please sign up here:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpW7Du0Qpai0hsLyQCBB2ilCiPbIQA5ocNRkAtW2d0bFND8Q/viewform

3.      Duty to Protect & Herd on the Hill are delivering copies of the book "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President" & constituent letters to US Senators.  Bill Moyers interviewed America’s leading psychohistorians, Robert  Jay Lifton who wrote the forward:   http://billmoyers.com/story/dangerous-case-donald-trump-robert-jay-lifton-bill-moyers-duty-warn/  We can be included as signatories, by signing here BEFORE November 29, 2017: https://goo.gl/forms/p7tZyEkru6rEl8Jh1

4.      Here are some ready to tweet Tweetsheets on the tax bill from #TheResistance Tweetsheets.  We can sign up for their weekly tweetsheets.  https://resistancetweetsheets.wordpress.com/2017/11/27/theresistance-tweetsheets-post-thanksgiving-pot-luck/

5.      According to the AARP, 64% of workers aged 55 and over report age discrimination in the workplace. https://twitter.com/AARP/status/923527133695266817 Let’s educate ourselves—and our older friends and family—about age discrimination and what we can do to fight it https://www.aarp.org/work/employee-rights/info-02-2009/age_discrimination_fact_sheet.html

6.      Time magazine has been sold to an entity backed by the right-wing Koch brothers. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-42133002 Let’s keep our eye on deals like this as we monitor the quality of the news we’re receiving.


1.      Let’s sign Sen. Kamala Harris’s petition to the FCC to keep net neutrality:  https://pac.petitions.moveon.org/sign/tell-the-fcc-to-preserve

2.      Let’s also sign Sen. Maggie Hassan’s petition to GOP senators letting them know we do not want this tax bill:  http://act.maggiehassan.com/page/s/stop-the-gop-tax-bill

Marches/events/webinars/Tweetstorms to attend/organize

1.      Time is running out for DACA recipients, as Congress fails to pass any meaningful legislation to protect DREAMers http://politi.co/2jLpc0T While it is important to keep calling our MoC, we must also make sure that we are showing up in person to add to the pressure to pass a clean DREAM Act. Our Dream, a collaborative campaign focused on passing the DREAM Act, is asking that we sign up to host sit-ins at our MoC offices on December 4th and 5th. Let's sign up and stand up for our DREAMers https://actionnetwork.org/forms/fight-for-our-dream

2.      Not One Penny (https://action.notonepenny.org/page/event/detail/394/wrby) and Tax Scam Caroling (https://act.moveon.org/event/tax-scam-attend/search/) have events planned all over the country this week.  Let’s join them! If we don’t see one listed near us, let’s start one!


1.      Navajo Code Talker Explains Role in WWII:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciFv_ONffdw

2.      “The Stakes Are About To Get Really High For Republicans” - https://www.npr.org/2017/11/27/566461512/week-ahead-the-stakes-are-about-to-get-really-high-for-republicans

3.      Brown University’s Costs of War Project has been documenting the human, economic, and social & political costs of the post-9/11 wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and related violence in Pakistan and Syria. Here are just three of their many findings:  A) “370,000 people have died due to direct war violence, including armed forces on all sides of the conflicts, contractors, civilians, journalists, and humanitarian workers.” B) “It is likely that many times more than 370,000 people have died indirectly in these wars, due to malnutrition, damaged infrastructure, and environmental degradation.” C) “The human and economic costs of these wars will continue for decades with some costs, such as the financial costs of US veterans’ care, not peaking until mid-century.”  Let’s spend some time on the website educating ourselves about the costs of these wars: http://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/