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4/14/17 To-do List   

Contact Government Officials

Search all members of Congress here:
Fax your legislators for free:  Reps:
Find senators Twitter and Facebook Accounts here:
Find representatives on Twitter here:

If your senators and reps aren't saved in your phone yet, text your US postal address
to (520) 200-2223 and get a text back with your
STATE & FEDERAL legislative rep phone numbers.

  1. Link CORRECTION:  Trump is now threatening to withhold insurance payments as a tactic to get Democratic legislators to the table for healthcare reform.   Let’s let our MoCs know that we think this is blackmail and we will not tolerate it.

  1. Two US bombings in two weeks, including one that is the most destructive bomb since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in two different countries is alarming, even more so since Congress was on recess. Despite what Trump and his supporters may say, this is not what true leadership looks like.  Looking tough is not acting smart. Let’s tell all our members of Congress to step up and reinstate the need for Congressional approval for such strikes.  With someone as reckless and irresponsible as Trump in charge, we require this protection now. 

  1. Too many of us are burdened with student debt or know of people who are.  DeVos just undid some Obama-era protections that are not helpful. Let’s let Betsy DeVos know that we will not quietly accept her rescinding of student loan protections. 5Calls has a call script and contact number available:

  1. MomsRising has compiled a list of questions, which they will be submitting to Members of Congress. The questions highlight concerns regarding Medicaid, immigration, paid family leave, the SNAP program, and mass incarceration. We can add our names on to the list of citizens who want these questions answered, and even submit a question of our own:

  1. All along there has been one representative not afraid to say that the emperor has no clothes.   Let’s thank Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) for standing up for what is right:

  1. Elliott Abrams, who served in foreign policy positions for Presidents Reagan and Bush, does not think that Steve Bannon is a good influence on Trump. Let’s let Trump know that we agree.

  1. From one of our own:  The White House needs our help in reorganizing the executive branch of government.  Say what??  Check here:


Other Actions

  1. Let’s help populate Rise Stronger’s resistance calendar of events!  Become a member of the growing movement and help! We can submit our local events to this calendar so that others can find where events are happening:

  1. It has been reported that Chechnya has LGBTQ detention centers. While Chechnya denies their existence, Amnesty International and the watchdog group Human Rights Watch corroborate the reports of LGBTQ community members being detained. The Human Rights Campaign has created a form letter that we can customize and send to Trump, demanding that he speak out against these atrocities:

  1. Action Together Network is working hard to get Jon Osseff elected in the special election in GA next Tuesday and they are offering ways that we can get involved and help!  1) Out-of-state phone banking call to action: *Easy share link:, 2) Volunteer/donation call to action: *Easy share link:*, and 3) The ATN Twitter Warriors are hosting a Twitter Storm for Ossoff this Sunday at 8PM EST. Here is the link to the click-to-tweet links/more info:

  1. Let’s join Postcards for America and send postcards to the DNC telling them that they could be more supportive of the #resistance.  Details here: 

  1. Let’s learn more about the Townhall Project:, help the populate their database of townhalls here:,  and find a townhall we can attend:

  1. Curious about tweetstorms?  Let’s see if we can create some!

  1. The Washington Post wants our help.  They want to know how we think Trump is doing so far.  Let’s tell them!

  1. Postcards for America and the brilliant Tony Mc and Karen Wickersham of Montana (and a couple of west-coasters) has launched a Get Out & Vote Postcarding campaign similar to the #flipthe6th for Georgia that many of you participated in. This is #flipMontana...  You can sign up here:   (A note to those of us who tried to do this for #flipthe6th after learning about it in Rogan’s List, here is a message from Tony:  [I want to]  extend my apologies to the many, many people - nearly 100 people - who have in the last few days written to me saying they read about us on your List wanting to write postcards and we had already begun winding things down and were not accepting new volunteers. I felt horrible with each "Sorry, but..." email that I created an auto-reply. We definitely want to welcome them back to be a part of the MT effort. Thanks!)

Petitions to Sign


  1. Let’s join in seeking the dismissal of Sean Spicer: 

  1. Let’s tell Fox News: “By protecting Bill O’Reilly, you’re defending yet another serial sexual harasser and racist at your network. It’s time to cut O’Reilly loose.”  Sign here:


  1. He is right.  It is so incomprehensible that people like this are in our government:

  1. “How to Navigate Political Talk at Work”:

  1. “Blue Feed – Red Feed:  See Liberal Facebook and Conservative Facebook, Side by Side”:

Rogan’s List is a participant in and strategic partner of the Action Alliance,
a federation of more than 70 #resistance sites located throughout the nation,
each with its own methods and approach.  Other member sites are listed here:  --scroll down and click through and you'll find many more opportunities to make a difference.
Rogan’s List is also part of RISE Stronger’s United States of Resistance

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